"You should also change the question of making an appointment with the customer. Don't ask the guest when he is free. You should let the guest choose. Most people don't work on weekends. You should ask him whether he has time on Saturday or Sunday. In this way, most guests won't refuse you, except those who really have no desire."

As soon as supervisor Zhang mentioned this, Dai Yingzhi immediately understood and thanked him.

"These are the necessary skills for all sales. Pay attention to our company's machines, the global unified price and customized according to the quantity. Therefore, when you encounter bargain customers, you must try to make them accept our price. What problems may you encounter in this regard? Think about it."

Director Zhang told him to leave first and return to his position. Dai Yingzhi followed him.

"Supervisor, may I hear how you communicate with customers?"

"Of course, sit down and listen!"

"Hello, is this Mr. Li Zhengyang?"


"Sorry to bother you. Is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

"Convenient, you say."

"Well, I heard from a friend that you are going to buy a 3D model printer now. Our company has just produced a new model with high cost performance, which is leading the world. Now the new products are on the market and are being promoted. After this month and next month, it will not be this price. Are you interested in learning about it?"

"What company are you?"

"Yuanhua group."

"A few discount."

"10% off."

"Your printer is OK, but the price is too high. I can't accept the promotion price. It's not in my consideration."

"Our printer is as small as a screw, with 100% accuracy. All materials are selected from the best. The products are no worse than the rigorous German manufacturers or half worse than the high-quality Japanese. Such a machine will not be eliminated in the next five years at least, not to mention that our products have almost no after-sales, even if the operators are grumpy and completely If you don't know how to maintain, we will also provide worry free after-sales service.

"More importantly, the printed things are lifelike and loved by everyone. Some customers have ordered ours and are already in use. The price of the things they make is twice as expensive as before. The guests still pay the bill, and the business is booming!"

"But it's far beyond our budget."

"You don't have to worry about this. Ali launched ant flower. You're afraid of lending money for several machines. I promise you'll get back in less than three months."

Dai Yingzhi never thought that even in this way, director Zhang can help customers think. She can't say she didn't think of it. She can't say it when she thought of it.

The other party was silent and seemed to move. Zhang Xinhong struck while the iron was hot.

"If you are interested, this Sunday or Sunday, I'll take you to my previous customer's store. You can also learn about our products by the way. You can make a decision at that time."

"OK, this Saturday."

"OK, I'll send the address time to your mobile phone later."

Dai Yingzhi had to admire director Zhang.

Now she finally understood why she should not report to herself. Fortunately, she didn't ask just now, otherwise director Zhang would think she was stupid and might report her situation to Zhang Zicheng in detail.

It's possible that the cold-blooded man won't let her pass the probation period.