There is a folk custom of mortuary after three days, because these three days depend on whether the dead will rise again. If there is no sign of resurrection, they should be buried and sealed. In fact, it's just a custom. It's winter to put the body in the crystal coffin. Even if it's not dead, it's frozen to death.

We followed Bai Jian to the Lingpeng at the foot of the slope. Now it is a sea of people. Almost all the people in Baijia village have arrived. When people saw LAN Xiaoying and me, they all cast strange eyes.

White iron immediately frowned, but he didn't speak. Bai Jian took an arrow step earlier and whispered a few words in his ear. Bai tie nodded slowly. I don't know why Bai Jian moved the seemingly kind but stubborn old guy. White iron turned around and said something to several other big men. They all looked at me with complex eyes, and then shut up.

Bai Jianchao waved to the villagers who looked at us with hostile eyes and shouted, "what are you looking at? Go and help carry the coffin. Where's Bai Dazhuang?"

Soon a thin middle-aged man ran over and said, "I'm here."

"Go and arrange the funeral. Don't screw it up." Bai Jian pushed him and then came to us.

Bai Dazhuang is the Mr. Yin and Yang in the town. This kind of person is the most important thing in baijialing. He catches a large number of God men and witches who break into the guest. But most of these are deceived and have no real skills. It's nothing more than knowing some common sense of watching graves, approving seedling lists and hosting funerals. Therefore, there are funerals in the village. Such people are much more experienced than our orthodox Mr. Yin and Yang.

Bai Jian still has some "obscene power" in the village. Since he protects us, the villagers can only dare to be angry. He is not only the director of social security, but also the president of the red and white Council. He is in charge of all the big and small funerals.

The bastard came close to us and said in a low voice, "I told Bai tie that you want to give the old village head a big play, which will depress them temporarily."

LAN Xiaoying was stunned and said, "how much is a big play?"

"Not much, ten thousand yuan."

Shit, that's not much? It's a large number in the countryside. Well, I see what's going on. The village should pay for the funeral of the old village head, so that they can save 10000 and several big men can share the stolen goods. No wonder they were settled by Bai Jian. They are all old money fans who are open to money!

The funeral soon began. We were far away as the air according to Bai Jian's instructions.

Several strong young men carried a big red coffin into the mourning shed. This is particular. After the death of an old man over 80, it is called happy funeral, so the coffin should be painted with red paint. Needless to say, the black coffin is generally used for young deaths and unmarried women. And the golden coffin, let alone explain, it was used by the emperor.

After the coffin landed, under the auspices of Bai Dazhuang, his daughter and daughter-in-law put things in the coffin first. The bottom of the coffin was covered with lime, a clean quilt, a layer of burning paper, grain and coins. Children and grandchildren are not idle, holding a towel dipped in water to wipe their father's face. There is a stress in the North called "stretching face".

LAN Xiaoying and I have already turned our eyes here. Today, the old village head's body will not go wrong. It's his own. That white dead man's face makes people goose bumps. After wiping your face, open your mouth and put a copper coin in it. This is the mouth money. There are also mouthful meals, which means that you won't go hungry after going to hell.

At the same time, our hearts beat violently and we stared at the old village head. Is the tongue in his mouth complete or missing?

Sure enough, as I expected, the tongue is complete!

LAN Xiaoying said to me in her heart, "the tongue is not forged, so it is not the same person as the old village head last night. What exactly is the technique used? There are two old village chiefs at the same time, and which is true? "

I watched it calmly for a long time, and finally said shamelessly, "I don't know!"

The old village head put money in his mouth, closed his mouth, put on his shroud and was carried into the coffin. The rule here is not to cover the coffin immediately and put the lid on the coffin obliquely. When the children finally look at the dead in the coffin, Mr. Yin and Yang chooses to seal the coffin at night.

But something happened at the last sight. The old village head's son shouted, "where's my father's body? Why is it missing?"

One stone aroused thousands of waves. Just now, everyone clearly looked at the corpse carried into the coffin. How could it disappear in the blink of an eye? Besides, with so many people watching, even if the old village head drives his crane to the west, he can't disappear like the air.

Bai Jian scolded Bai Dazhuang. What's wrong with you son of a bitch, turning the old village head into ash? Bai Dazhuang looked very innocent with a bitter face and hurriedly asked someone to lift the coffin cover. LAN Xiaoying and I stood on tiptoe and looked into the crowd. There was nothing in the coffin. The body just carried in disappeared!

This makes us feel quite stunned. Is this coffin a magic prop for the great living man?

Don't say it. Someone really thought of that. Several children pulled the bedding out of the coffin, exposed the solid bottom of the coffin, reached out and knocked, banging. They all worked together to lift the coffin. Below is the green stone floor. The old village head can't get in unless he becomes a ghost.

The villagers fried the pot and guessed the reason one after another. Some people said that the old village head directly became an immortal and went to heaven. I don't know who said it. Did Bai Yu make it bad? His uncle's voice suddenly fell silent in the mourning shed, and all his eyes focused on me.

I shrugged, spread out my hands and said, "don't look at me, I didn't do it." Under the pressure of the public, I explained so badly.

Bai Jian turned his eyes and said, "Bai Dazhuang, do you think there's any evil way to make the corpse disappear?"

I was stunned. It seemed to be intentional guidance. You bastard took my money and won't eat inside and outside, will you?

Bai Dazhuang scratched his head and said, "of course, there are even evil laws that make everyone disappear."

The white iron bosses were moved and looked at me in surprise. It seemed that they were asking, did you really do it?

I just wanted to refute, but Bai Jian stared and scolded: "Bai Yu, you little bastard, I kind-hearted to bring you to see the old village head's funeral, but you actually did it secretly. Give it to me and fight to death! "

There is no chance to explain this. It is clear that it is deliberately planted. At the same time, I understood one thing. Bai Jian went up the mountain to watch the excitement. It was a trap designed in advance to deliberately lead us down to the pit.

Seeing the villagers surrounded angrily, what are we waiting for? They shouted "run" at the same time and were about to rush down the mountain. Who knows, they planned it in advance. A group of people stood at the entrance of the village, so they had to go up the mountain. We turned around and ran up to the door of the old house.

Looking back, the houses at the foot of the slope are crowded. It's really overwhelming. There's no chance to go down the mountain.

I gritted my teeth: "into the ghost hole!"

LAN Xiaoying frowned and said, "isn't it a dead end to enter the ghost cave?"

"The back mountain is also a dead end. Instead of being blocked in the gully, it's better to go into the ghost cave to find a chance!" I took her hand and ran into the old house.