Tang Qing is in a bad mood, especially the spicy chicken in the system laughs so exaggeratively, but on the face of it, she laughs and Mimi says: "so many lovely little brothers are here, how can I bother you to please, or I will go by myself."

In just five minutes, she had no time to extract the memory in her body at all. However, I'm afraid she didn't want to have a head-on conflict with her when looking at each other's situation. Otherwise, she didn't have to give up so many words from the beginning.

When the policeman saw her on the road like this, he didn't embarrass her, or dare not embarrass her, but politely invited her to the car.

During the time when she came out of the hotel room, she had a good look at her current situation. Being able to stay in such a luxurious hotel showed that she was not short of money. Then she saw the appearance of those around her, which showed that her face was also very capital, but the only thing she didn't understand was how she got involved with the police? And there are so many She was looking at the people around her who escorted her. Suddenly, there was a doubt in her eyes. In her cognition, although these people were wearing police uniforms, they didn't feel like policemen.

"Tong Ma, who are these people? Why not like the police? It's just that since they're not police, why do they wear uniforms? "

In the face of the host's question, the system directly said: "whoever tells you about the police uniform must be the police. Based on my observation over the years, they should come from the army."

"Can I have a relationship with the army car?"

The system pays attention to heart and soul, "daughter, although your broken body is of little value, your bones are invaluable. Do you know that? The beauty is no longer skinned in the bone. The only valuable thing in your whole body is this pair of bones. Let alone the people in the army. As long as you think about it, it's no problem to be a living Daji. "

At first glance, I think it's very powerful, but Tang Qing is not stupid. She can't be punished by the world.

"So tell me about the side effects of gaudy bone."

"The side effect is that you can't confirm it for a long time. To be more precise, you can't live without a man with strong Yang Qi. Otherwise, the backfire brought by gorgeous bones will drive you crazy." After a systematic pause, I seem to think it's too implicit. It's simply and roughly said: "you have a body that can live up to now. I don't know how many people have been harmed. There is only one way for people with gorgeous bones. That's by seduction. The more beautiful you are, the more attractive you are, the more people are hooked."

Tang Qing picked up her eyebrows and showed a enchanting smile. "Yan Gu wants to be Yi. It's a perfect match."

From the hotel on the police car, Tang Qing looked at the window of the high-rise building that flashed by, his mind spinning. The original owner of this body is yejiu. The reason why she was stared at by people in the army is that she met a senior colonel half a year ago. If you want to talk about masculinity, it's no match for the army.

There is nothing good for people with gorgeous bones. People who have tasted the taste of gorgeous bones will never forget that wonderful taste in their life. So the system said that she can be a modern Daji at the beginning. After all, who wants to be moved by gorgeous bones is easy.

In other words, yejiu is also a smart person. She knows that once someone has tasted the taste, she will not let it go. So even if she seduces her, she only points to the end. She never does the last step. She just plays. For example, now, the University suddenly dies.

The position of the university is extraordinary. The sudden death of the University naturally attracted the attention of all parties. And she, a small insect hiding in the corner, was naturally picked clean by others. No, he died less than three days ago and later, and someone found her.

Tang Qing thought about her ending. With night nine's understanding of the world, the world is not good at all. It's full of darkness everywhere. So she doesn't know which passer-by she's taking away now. If someone close to the university is close to her, it may be possible for her to bury the University. If not, it will be another possibility, She's just a small person, so she's invited to the university through hard work. It's uncertain that she should be used to discredit the University. After all, the family behind the university should not be underestimated.

The two sides face each other, and the last bad thing is their shrimp.

She thought about the worst, but in the end, none of them were. There was no prison room, no black house, and no group of people to interrogate.

The little brother in the police uniform led her to a villa, left her in a courtyard, and left.

"So what's the situation now?" said Tang Qing

After thinking about it systematically, youyou said: "now, if you don't absorb some essence, your bones will soon backfire, and then you will be hungry to find someone on the street, or even people are not, staged a live spring palace."

Tang Qing was speechless, but he explained, "this is not a street. Look at the surrounding facilities. It should be a private manor."

The system asks, "is there a difference between a private estate and a street?"

Tang Qing:

Well, it doesn't make any difference to her.

In the courtyard, she holds her chin in one hand and thinks about what she should do next. It's not hard to breathe, but it's hard for people now. It's getting weaker and weaker. Few people can breathe for her at all. It's not a coincidence that it's easy to cause each other's death. And those with strength, well, she dare not approach those people. After all, in front of those people, she's just like ants Sample.

Nine cracks in the night to survive, Yan bone secret has been protected until now no one knows, and she must not let this news out, otherwise waiting for her there is only a dead end.

Just as she was meditating, a pair of powerful black Martin boots suddenly appeared in front of her. She was slightly stunned. When she looked up, she found that there was another person in front of her.

The man in front of him is tall and slender. He wears simple clothes and seems to behave casually, but he has inviolable dignity. Obviously, he is very young, but his eyes are chilling, even though he is wearing glasses.

Tang Qing's first reaction is that this guy is not easy to provoke. His second reaction is that this guy is very handsome.

People always look at their faces first, but the powerful momentum of the man in front of them can make people ignore his own beauty value, which is quite a terrible signal.

Tang Qing frowned, thinking about how to solve the current problem, but did not think about it. The system in his mind was afraid that the world would not be disordered. "This man can attack Qing Qing! We will not worry for at least three months if we take advantage of his essence! "

The system is simple to think about, but she has to worry about a lot of things.

"My unified mother, this guy's face of strangers is not allowed to enter, you let me go to the strategy, and run after the strategy? Do you think I played him? "