The system was stopped by the host. A moment later, he said quietly: "my daughter, it's not that I pushed you to the tiger's mouth, it's really that your data is too bad. If you don't take advantage of him, you may not even go out of the door today, and I can see a living spring palace. At that time, this guy may come to watch it with me. Do you want him to enjoy your performance, or do you want to make a little strategy? "

Night nine is very timid and afraid of accidents, so she has little energy to absorb. That's why Tang Qing, who just came here, will soon suffer from the crime of backfire.

Tang Qing is bitter in her heart. She knows that the system is not scaring her, but because of the chill of this guy, she is not the best strategic candidate at all. If she can, she doesn't want to choose him at all. But now, she can only be brave.

After all, the living spring palace is too scary.

"Excuse me Who are you? "

People with gorgeous bones, even if their appearance is pure and their behavior is dignified, can show that kind of charm in their bones is natural.

The man frowned quietly. "You can call me shimoting."

The color of disdain is so obvious, but Tang Qing can only sit on the fake rock with a good face. It's not that she doesn't want to stand up, but that this guy's aura is too big. With the breath from all over, it's a naked seduction for a man with a gorgeous bone!

In order to prevent herself from making any regretful actions, she put her hands on her legs, just like a primary school student, and sat at the right end, "well, can I ask why you are looking for me? The little brother of the policeman said before that he needs my cooperation in some matters. How do you need my cooperation? What's more, what's this place? Aren't you policemen? Why don't you come here instead of the police station? "

When morting listened to her talk for a long time, really, he was impatient. The reason why he found her was to prevent someone in the army from trying to get in the way. After all, the fool died in a strange way. If he didn't find something, the annoying flies would not want to leave.

This woman is very beautiful. He admits that it's just how beautiful she is. There are many beautiful women in the world. Moreover, from her words, we can basically see that she is wordy, uninteresting and meaningless. She is such a soul with no fun and doesn't know what that fool thinks of her.

Tang Qing didn't know that she had been labeled so many times in just a few minutes. The reason why she kept talking was that she didn't have any nutrition. She just wanted to divert her attention. This guy's breath is so delicious! But... She can't touch it!

"Major Zhang is dead, you know?"

"Listen I heard that. "

"How did you know each other before?"

"I was harassed by someone on the road before, and I was rescued by commander Zhang."

At that time, Mo Ting didn't know that Zhang was such a fool. He just wanted to come to a hero to save the beauty. Otherwise, he could just call a few guards in his capacity.

Of course, he would not say this. No matter what, a citizen is in danger on the road, and no matter what the purpose is, he should not die without help.

"In the last month, did you find anything unusual around him?"

Tang Qing searched the memory of next night's ninth day. In fact, major Zhang is not bad. After saving her, he has always been a gentleman. He just invited her to eat a few meals and drink tea several times. Of course, you have to say that major Zhang has no purpose. No one will believe that. But before he can do anything, he will die.

This is also the reason why Tang Qing will be stared at. The last month's sudden appearance of women, contact is still so frequent, who can not be surprised?

When morting didn't expect to get any useful information out of her mouth. After asking a few questions as usual, she saw that her eyes were more and more confused and lax, and her patience was exhausted.

"Well, you can stay here first during this period. You can't go out for the time being without my permission."

Tang Qing has been hanging her head. At this moment, she is facing a big problem. This guy is too hard to get close to. If he falls down directly, he will probably be kicked away. But if he doesn't, how can she get close to him and how can she gain energy?

When Mo tingcai didn't bother to guess her careful thoughts, after making sure she wasn't weird, he turned around and left.

However, the other side called him at this time.

"When Mr. Shi. "

When Mo Ting asked coldly, "what?"

"I have an unexpected request. I hope you can accept it." Although I don't know the real identity of the other party, it's definitely not a small person who may own such a large house in Shangjing.

To live in the hands of the other party, and do not know how long it will take, Tang Qing felt that forced down this method is not advisable, so she decided to politely come.

When Mo Ting raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, he could not bear to say, "say."

"Can you lower your head a little?" Tang Qing's eyes were wide open and his face was innocent.

When morting didn't understand what she wanted to do, but at last she bent down obediently. Of course, what she said was still cold, "what are you going to say?"

"Ah, it's nothing. You're too tall, I can't even kiss you!" Words fall, not waiting for him to react, Tang Qing put his red lips together in the past.

Originally, she just wanted to taste it, but on second thought, this time she didn't have enough money to drink. Next time, this guy would not let her touch again! So, I've done it left and right, so let's do it to the end.

For a moment, Mo tingleng's soft touch intruded into her mouth. It was clearly her initiative, but she didn't have any aggressiveness, but she was soft and didn't want to let go

A moment later, he suddenly got up and looked at Tang Qing with disdain.

This is the woman that fool Zhang likes.

Tang Qing got what she wanted. How about him? The restlessness in her body was suppressed. She was in a good mood and said, "how long can I hold on now, mum Tong?"

The system is quite gratified, "my daughter is really wonderful. You only touch it for ten seconds. You have no worries in these three months."

Tang Qing heard that, this was satisfied, "temporarily full of blood resurrected, by the way, we now start to guess the male Lord, where do you say he will generally appear?"

The system thought of this guy's crime and said, "Yin lust, it's definitely not in the abstinence place of the army. I think that kind of moon place is quite suitable for him."

Tang Qing thought it was the same, but she could not go out for the time being, so she could only say: "when I can get out of here, I will try to find out if I can find him. By the way, once you find him, will you give a hint there? "

"No, but we can see the completion of the task, because the completion of the task can only be increased if your strategy is correct."

Tang Qing:

His mother is looking for a needle in a haystack!