Originally not very sure, Lu Jingyi was very sure that the person in front of her was her after seeing her indifferent eyes.

"Is it really you?!"

Lu Jingyi looked at Qin Tianyue in surprise and was about to come forward.

Qin Tianyue put the selected beef into the cart and turned to leave.

Lu Jingyi strides forward to stop Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue's face is slightly cold. If she doesn't clean up, does he still have a face?


Lu Jingyi was about to speak when Qin Tianyue interrupted him with a cold voice, "good dog is out of the way!"

Lu Jingyi looked stiff. He didn't understand why her hostility to him was so obvious, "do you hate me?"

Qin Tianyue's lips are cold. Do you hate him? No, how could she hate him? He is not even a scum in her eyes. Why should she hate him, but now he appears in front of her and pollutes her eyes.

"You think too much, sir. We don't know each other. I don't have to hate you."

"Please get out of the way!"

Qin Tianyue's eyes are indifferent. Lu Jingyi stares at her. When he looks at her eyes without any expression, I don't know why he will be very upset in his heart.

"You know me clearly. Why do you say you don't know me?"

"On that day, we met. I know your medical skills are very good. I just want to invite you..."

Lu Jingyi opened her mouth in a low voice, with sincerity on her handsome and elegant face.

Qin Tianyue sneered at himself. The weasel didn't have a good heart to pay New Year's greetings.

She didn't understand that Lu Jingyi avoided herself. Why did he entangle her in this life.

A middle-aged woman walked up from the side and stood in front of them. She looked at Lu Jingyi coldly. "I've been paying attention to you for a long time. What are you doing pestering other girls for no reason?"

Lu Jingyi's gentle and elegant face cooled down and looked at the nosy middle-aged woman, "this is my friend!"

"I don't know him!"

Qin Tianyue didn't look at Lu Jingyi. Of course, the middle-aged woman believed Qin Tianyue and hummed coldly, "I've seen a lot of men like you. I'm just a polite scum. It's humiliating for men. I suggest you better not pester other girls."

While the middle-aged woman was talking, two girls with some dust breath came up with excitement on their faces. They stood beside the young man and stared at the landing Jingyi all the time. "Handsome boy, she doesn't like you. We like it. Leave a phone and go out for dinner."

"Yes, yes, my name is Sasha. We can talk in depth!"

As early as Lu Jingyi entered the supermarket, they noticed him. They thought he was a abstinence man. They didn't expect to pester other girls as soon as they entered the supermarket.

Since he is such a man, of course they will come forward now. If such a handsome man hook up, what will they want at that time.

"Get out!"

Lu Jingyi's warm face cooled down. The middle-aged woman and two dusty girls were startled by him.

Qin Tianyue stood and looked coldly, but did he tear his face like this? Why don't you pretend to be childe Wenrun?

Qin Tianyue turned to leave. Where Lu Jingyi was staying, she felt the air smelled bad and didn't want to stay with him for a moment.

"Don't go!"

Lu Jingyi crossed the three and ran in the direction of Qin Tianyue.