Several bottles of beverage water flew from a distance towards landing Jingyi. Lu Jingyi's face changed and turned sideways to avoid several bottles of water, but did not avoid the last bottle of water.

Because of the impact, the beverage bottle hit Lu Jingyi's shoulder. He only felt that his shoulder seemed to have been smashed by the beverage bottle. The pain made his forehead sweat in an instant.

Lu Jingyi held the smashed left shoulder and looked to the left with his pupils shrinking.

He saw her alone and thought Mo Yishen had left. Unexpectedly, he was still there?

More than a dozen steps away from Lu Jingyi, Mo came with a deep, slender and strong body, stepping on a steady pace. His momentum was as frightening as ice, and his whole body exuded the oppressive smell of strangers.

Many people close to him subconsciously retreated a few steps. Mo looked at Lu Jingyi in the air with deep eyes. The evil and bloodthirsty in his eyes made Lu Jingyi feel clearly. He felt that he seemed to be torn up by Mo in the next moment.

Lu Jingyi can feel the pain in his shoulder. Just now, Mo Yishen smashed him with a water bottle.

His eyes looked at Qin Tianyue not far away. From the moment when Mo Yishen appeared, her eyes fell on Mo Yishen and never looked at him.

Compared with his coldness, he looked at Mo with deep eyes and tenderness.

Lu Jingyi's heart ached, and the familiar pain spread all over his body. The pain in his arm didn't seem as painful as his heart.

"If you want to die, I can help you."

The steady pace stopped in front of Lu Jingyi. Lu Jingyi couldn't breathe smoothly because of the frightening and oppressive atmosphere. He had never seen Mo Yishen so terrible. Even he couldn't help shrinking back.

No, he knows that if he flinches this time, he will lose all his life.

"What does Master Mo mean?"

Lu Jingyi took a deep look at Shang Mo, put his fists on his side and held them tightly.

"She's mine!"

After answering the phone, he saw Lu Jingyi pestering Qin Tianyue from a distance. A pair of beverage bottles were placed beside him. He didn't want to pick up a few beverage bottles and throw them in the direction of landing Jingyi.

"I don't understand what master Mo means. Even if she's yours, she has a chance to make friends, doesn't she?"

Lu Jingyi's eyes are cold. Grandpa often says not to fight against ink with depth. He has been subconsciously not facing ink with depth. Unexpectedly, he hasn't been facing up for so many years. This time, he is facing up for an unfamiliar girl in the supermarket.

"Mr. Lu, you are wrong. I don't want to meet any man except him, especially you!"

The cold and indifferent voice sounded from Lu Jingyi's side. Lu Jingyi clenched his fist and burst out his veins. He looked at Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue looked at Lu Jingyi coldly, crossed him and stood beside Mo Yishen. Her eyes smiled softly at him and said, "have you finished the phone?"


Mo nodded with a deep point and looked up at her. Feng's eyes were deep.

Qin Tianyue didn't understand what he meant. She wanted to touch her nose. She didn't want to. How did she know that she would meet this haunting Lu Jingyi here.

"Let's go! I've bought almost everything. "

Qin Tianyue looked up and smiled. Mo nodded with a deep touch and looked at Lu Jingyi with a cold look.

"This young man is good!"

The middle-aged woman who just scolded Lu Jingyi couldn't help whispering.

Two dusty girls standing next to the middle-aged woman have bright eyes.