She also knows something about what happened to the Su family recently. I heard that the Mingya Club opened by sang Qiu was forced to close down. It seems that she offended someone who shouldn't offend.

There are few people in the capital who can let sang Qiu close the door. Isn't sang Qiu saying that he is kind and generous? How can he offend the people he shouldn't offend? I'm afraid that the big man also knows sang Qiu's personality, so that's why!

Sang Qiu donated five million today. There must be a lot of meaning behind it!

"Mrs. Shi, you really misunderstood. In fact... It's my sister... She misunderstood her mother and thought her mother sold her. In fact, we all did it for her good!"

Sue was relieved and pitifully explained.

Mrs. Shi was almost not laughed angrily. "Sold your sister or for her sake?"

"Everything is not what you think. It was a misunderstanding that day. I wanted to explain to Tianyue, but she didn't listen to my explanation anyway!"

Sang Qiu's charming face is uncomfortable. Mrs. Shi is not an ordinary person. She can't let her misunderstand. Otherwise, all the praise she has managed to accumulate will dissipate. Everyone will certainly point out to her. How can she have a face in the capital at that time?

"Mrs. Su, do you think I'm a fool?"

Mrs. Shi is speechless. The mother and daughter really think she is stupid. They think this can perfunctory her, don't they?

She heard clearly from beginning to end. How could she not know what sang Qiugang just said?

"I heard you say you don't want to give birth to Tianyue!"

Mrs. Shi's sentence directly made sang Qiu look ugly.

Sang Qiu thought that Mrs. Shi had only heard the last few words, but she didn't know that she had really heard them all.

She thought there was no one in the back garden, but she never thought that Mrs. Shi was there and heard everything clearly.

"That... That's just my impatient words. Which mother doesn't love her daughter?"

Sang Qiu seemed to feel wronged, some wronged and uncomfortable, and her eyes were moist and reddish.

"Love?! Do you have love? No, you do. It's just for your current family! "

Qin Tianyue, who hasn't spoken for a long time, couldn't help sneering. How could sang Qiu be so good at acting? It's all this step. Does she think acting is useful? Can she still be fooled? Or did she think Mrs. Shi would believe her?

"Sister, can we stop talking?"

Su Anxin gritted her teeth and said pitifully. She hoped that this would make Qin Tianyue leave a bad impression on Mrs. Shi. Then Mrs. Shi would believe them instead of Qin Tianyue.

"Why not? Are you guilty?"

Qin Tianyue slightly raised her eyebrows. Of course she knew what Su Anxin was up to, but her idea was doomed to fail.

How could Mrs. Shi believe their words? Without saying the authenticity of their words, she said that their current expressions have feelings for her.

"In fact, I should be guilty. After all, the necklace at the party tonight made up such a beautiful excuse. Is it really good?"

Qin Tianyue smiled in a shallow voice, and her glittering and translucent beautiful eyes were slightly mocked.

Sang Qiu and Su Anxin changed slightly, "what do you mean?"

Does Qin Tianyue know anything? Why does she know this?

Their jewelry was stolen. The donated necklace was indeed bought temporarily, but how could Qin Tianyue know?

The only possibility is that she knows that their jewelry has fallen. Did Qin Tianyue steal their jewelry?