No, it's impossible, because she doesn't have that ability, but she's just a woman. How can she avoid so much monitoring and steal their things unconsciously?

"Qin Tianyue, did you steal my mother's jewelry?"

Sang Qiu can think of those, but it doesn't mean Su Anxin can think of them. Su Anxin asks Qin Tianyue loudly. His expression is cold. How can he be miserable just now.

Mrs. Shi frowned slightly and looked at Qin Tianyue. She didn't understand what happened now?

Is there something wrong with the necklace donated by sang Qiu? Why is Mrs. Su so hypocritical?

"What is Miss Su talking about? Why don't I understand?"

Qin Tianyue coldly hooked his lips and blinked innocent big eyes, as if he really didn't know anything.

Even if she knows, even if she did, what evidence does Su Anxin have with Sang Qiu?

"Qin Tianyue, what are you pretending to be? If you don't know, how can you know that mom's necklace is not at all..."

Su Anxin's words were interrupted by sang Qiu before she finished. There are outsiders here. Su Anxin almost leaked his mouth.

"Not what? It's not from your father, but from outside, isn't it? "

Su Anxin can't tell the truth, let her say it.

Sang Qiu is afraid of Mrs. Shi. Instead, she wants Mrs. Shi to know everything. At that time, people in the whole upper class will know what kind of person sang Qiu is. In this way, the noble lady attitude maintained by sang Qiu for so many years will be completely destroyed.

She said she would slowly destroy sangqiu's mother and daughter, which was only the smallest step.

"How do you know?"

Sang Qiu and Su Anxin couldn't help asking.

Why does Qin Tianyue know clearly? Is it really related to her that their jewelry disappeared.

At the thought of this, sang Qiu was very cold. Her daughter was not as simple as she looked on the surface. It was her fault that she looked out of sight!

"It turns out that even doing good deeds can be false. Mrs. Su, what else can you do?"

Mrs. Shi couldn't help laughing. She didn't know how Qin Tianyue knew that sang Qiu's necklace was not what she said, but from Su Zhengyang. Now she probably knows something. Maybe Qin Tianyue calculated it. After all, she can tell fortune.

Sangqiu had no excuse, because she could not find any excuse. She had admitted it, and it was useless to deny it again.

Anyway, now her reputation can't be maintained. What she needs to know now is how Qin Tianyue knows. Is it really hateful that she stole her jewelry!

"Qin Tianyue, I want you to tell me, did you steal my and reassuring jewelry?"

Sang Qiu asked coldly with a calm face. There was no temperature in those eyes. It seemed that she wanted to eat Qin Tianyue right away.

Su Anxin stares at Qin Tianyue with the same questions as sang Qiu. She wants to tear Qin Tianyue up right away.

Staring at the same sangqiu mother and daughter, Qin Tianyue innocent hook lips, "what did Mrs. Su say, have your jewelry been stolen?"

"Qin Tianyue, stop pretending. You know so much. Didn't you steal it? No one here knows that my mother's necklace was not given by my father, only you know! You are really vicious. How can there be such a vicious woman like you in the world! "

Su Anxin yelled. Mrs. Shi was startled by the appearance of Sang Qiu's mother and daughter. Looking at them, Mrs. Shi felt it was unreasonable.