How can such a mother and daughter be called the daughter of a rich lady? It's a street bitch! Especially this Miss Su family, she really doesn't have the slightest attitude of a daughter!

"Mrs. Su, Miss Su, I'm talking nonsense here without any evidence. I know who you are."

Mrs. Shi couldn't help but say in a deep voice.

The mother and daughter certainly didn't know that Qin Tianyue could tell fortune, so they said so.

"Mrs. Shi, my reassuring jewelry and I were stolen. If she didn't know, how could she say so here?"

If Mrs. Shi doesn't give her face, sang Qiu will never be polite.

Mrs. Shi dares to talk nonsense outside. She can also try to save her image. Anyway, there are only four of them now. Is she still afraid of others?

Mrs. Shi couldn't help laughing. "She also said that she was Tianyue's mother. She didn't even know that Tianyue could tell fortune. She wronged her here. Even if she didn't know that she could tell fortune, shouldn't she believe her daughter as a mother, rather than wronging her at will."

As a mother, sang Qiu is not qualified at all. If her daughter is around her, she can't wait to give her her the best. How can she wronged her and say that she would rather never have given birth to her? How can there be such a ruthless mother in the world? She really loses a woman's face.

It seems that many people should know sang Qiu's true face in the future.

"What are you talking about? You're talking nonsense! How could she be a fortune teller? "

Su Anxin couldn't help but retort loudly when she heard Mrs. Shi's words.

Mrs. Shi is talking nonsense. What, what fortune teller? Can't you find anything to say?

How can a woman like Qin Tianyue tell fortune except working for others and being someone else's lover?

Sang Qiu was calm and said with a cold smile, "Mrs. Shi, if you want to get away for her, you shouldn't be looking for such a bad excuse!"

Can her daughter, who hasn't seen each other for more than ten years, tell fortune? How is that possible?

Where did she get her fortune telling ability? In addition to master Xiao, she has some ability in the world. How can anyone really be a fortune teller?

By the way, Qin Jianan's father, Qin Tianyue's grandfather, seems to have been a divine stick. Did she learn from that old immortal?

The old immortal is a liar. Even if Qin Tianyue follows him, it is also a liar. Mrs. Shi must have been cheated by her!

"Does Mrs. Su think it necessary for me to lie to you?"

Mrs. Shi couldn't help but speak. Did Mrs. Su think it necessary for her to lie to her? They don't know each other!

"Mrs. Shi, Tianyue's grandfather is really a divine stick in the village, but he is false at all, so don't believe her. I haven't been with her these years. I may develop many bad habits. That's why, Mrs. Shi, you may have been fooled!"

Sang Qiu said in a deep voice. His eyes fell on Qin Tianyue, with a cold light.

She was sure that Qin Tianyue and Mrs. Shi didn't know each other before. They didn't even say a word at the banquet. Now Mrs. Shi is talking for Qin Tianyue. Did they just talk in the back garden? Maybe Qin Tianyue pretended to calculate some life for Mrs. Shi and let her fall for it.

She now reminds Mrs. Shi not to be fooled. Maybe Mrs. Shi won't stand on Qin Tianyue's side.

Mrs. Shi's eyes fell on Qin Tianyue, with a touch of light at the bottom of her eyes.

Qin Tianyue's lips were slightly raised. There was no panic at the bottom of her eyes, but she was calm. She could understand the meaning of Mrs. Shi's eyes on her. After all, it was reasonable for them to have some doubts about her when they met for the first time.