She was fainted by pain. Before she fainted, she vaguely heard the voice of the leader. It was that person, Su Anxin's cousin. It was him. It must be that Su Anxin couldn't do it by herself and asked her cousin to help. She hated and complained.

After being discovered, her reputation was ruined. Her parents had no face to climb up with the Lu family and withdrew from the Lu family.

The last glimmer of hope was dashed. All she had left was hatred and wanted to revenge Su Anxin.

Su is at ease. She can't deal with Su Yanchen with her own strength. She has to cooperate with Qin Tianyue.

She asked people to find Qin Tianyue for a few days, but she learned that she had returned to her hometown. There was no way. She had to recuperate while waiting for Qin Tianyue to come back with hatred.

Finally, she learned that Qin Tianyue had returned to Xuanyi shop. She couldn't wait to come here to see Qin Tianyue and hope she could help herself.

"Miss Qi, I have helped you once."

Qin Tianyue put his hands together with a light smile on his face and was not ready to help Qi Qing.

She won't help Qi Qing any more. She also knows that even if she doesn't help Qi Qing, Qi Qing will deal with Su Anxin and others. Why should she go to this muddy water.

"I know. Will you help me again? You and my enemies are su Anxin. You're helping me, too."

Qi Qing is a little flustered when she sees that Qin Tianyue doesn't help herself at all.

If Qin Tianyue doesn't help herself, her chances of success are very small.

She told her parents that Su Anxin and Su Yanchen had hurt her and hoped that her parents could help her revenge, but her parents refused her to go out for the sake of the family, for fear of her foolishness.

This time, she went out while her parents were away.

"Miss Qi, there's no need to involve me all the time because you and Su are at ease."

She really hates Su Anxin, but she won't cooperate with Qi Qing and be used by her. Don't think she doesn't know what Qi Qing is thinking. It's just that she wants to use her ability to take the initiative to deal with Su Anxin.

She can calculate her. Of course, she will also use Qi Qing to deal with Su Anxin, so as not to dirty her hands.

Qi Qing's face changed slightly. She couldn't believe it. She looked at Qin Tianyue and pulled her hand tightly.

She thought Qin Tianyue would help her, but she refused directly.

She wanted to be angry with Qin Tianyue, but she didn't dare. Qin Tianyue herself was not easy to deal with, not to mention the master Mo behind Qin Tianyue. She would never let anything happen to herself until she dealt with Su Anxin.

"Tianyue, I know your ability is very strong. Will you help me, just this time, the last time."

Qi Qing stretched out her hand to hold Qin Tianyue's hand and prayed. Qin Tianyue stepped back to let Qi Qing's hand fall.

"Miss Qi, I thought you were a smart man, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid and calculated."

Qin Tianyue said coldly and mercilessly stabbed Qi Qing in the heart again.

Qi Qing sat in her seat, her eyes were listless and smiled at herself, "yes, I'm too stupid. I think I'm smart, but I'm still calculated by Su Yanchen's brother and sister to become what I am now."

She was too self righteous. She thought that she would be relieved to deal with Su and grab Lu Jingyi. In the end, she failed in a mess.

"If you don't help me, I won't let Su feel at ease, especially Su Yanchen. I won't let him go. I want him to pay the price."

Qi Qing looked at Qin Tianyue with crazy eyes and smiled coldly.