Now Qi Qing is somewhat similar to Kang Jiajia. Once she falls into a madness, it is difficult to extricate herself. In the end, she will either lose or perish.

"I hope you can succeed."

Qin Tianyue spoke faintly. Qi Qing took another look at Qin Tianyue, clenched her hand and got up.

Does she hate Qin Tianyue? No doubt, it must be annoying.

Qin Tianyue is just a country girl. Why does she have such a strong ability and such a good appearance, so that the high Mo ye and her favorite Lu Jingyi also like her and become such a successful woman.

She was unwilling and wanted to resent, but she didn't dare because of the people behind Qin Tianyue.

"I will succeed. I will make su Yanchen and Su feel at ease and pay the price. I will take revenge and take revenge on myself."

Qi Qing said firmly in a cold voice, with the light of revenge in her eyes.

She must reassure Su Yanchen and pay the price.

Qin Tianyue stopped talking, just slightly hooked his lips and let Qi Qing say these words.

She knows that with Qi Qing's character, she will certainly do it. She and Su Anxin are the same kind of people. They can be desperate for revenge, even if they know that there is fire ahead.

Qi Qing wears her mask. Now she can't see anyone at all. She's ruined. Fortunately, there's Qin Tianyue's ice cream, otherwise she can't help killing people immediately.

Qi Qing glanced at Qin Tianyue and turned to leave.

A familiar voice came from outside. Qi Qing's face was stiff and couldn't believe it. She looked at the gate.

The voice is Lu Jingyi's. He is asking where Qin Tianyue is.

Why did Lu Jingyi come? Will he dislike her now?

Qi Qing was a little flustered. She couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her cheek. She was panicked and wanted to avoid, but she suddenly calmed down and couldn't help laughing at herself.

Even if he sees his miserable appearance now, how can he dislike it? The most is to ignore it.

He came here to find Qin Tianyue instead of her. How could she forget that the person in Lu Jingyi's heart was Qin Tianyue?

Qi Qing hates very much, but she doesn't know who to hate.

When her parents withdrew from the Lu family, she asked her parents what Lu Jingyi's attitude was. Her parents told her that Lu Jingyi didn't say anything, that is, in his heart, his fiancee didn't have any status at all and didn't even stay, let alone he would come to the whole family to see her.

She loved a man for so long. She thought that being with him could make him fall in love with her. Now she found that everything was her own delusion.

Qi Qing opened the door and went out.

Qin Tianyue sat in her seat and frowned slightly. Of course, she also heard Lu Jingyi's voice.

What is this man doing here?

Lu Jingyi knew that Qin Tianyue had returned to the Xuanyi shop and hurriedly drove here.

Valin is discussing with Yaotong about the medicinal materials to be supplemented in front of the counter. When he hears the footsteps and looks back, he sees Lu Jingyi.

Of course Lu Jingyi knows him. He is the man who pesters the sect leader. The sect leader seems very unhappy with him. What is he doing here?

"Excuse me, is Tianyue there?"

Lu Jingyi looked around for a week. Maybe it was because of the rest time. There were no patients in Xuanyi shop. At a glance, he saw that there was no one except the two people in front of the counter.

Valin ordered the medicine boy and walked towards Jingyi, "what's up?"

Valin's tone is a little bad. As long as Qin Tianyue doesn't like people, they won't like people in Xuanyi shop.