Insert U shield and Chen Yu transferred 3000 yuan to Wang Chang's account.

"Cousin, didn't you say it would take one month before? Why is it half a month earlier this time?"

"Stop talking. I'm stimulated."

"I was stimulated. Why, it's the classmate who engaged in instant messaging you said last time."

"Well, Xinlang has recently invested another 300000 to them."

"300000, I think it's 3 million. What's the use of this money?"

Instant messaging is no better than others. Even the 3 million mentioned by Chen Yu is not necessarily useful.

"Hehe, cousin, I don't have much more than 300000. It seems that you only invested 10000 yuan."

"It's 13000 yuan. I just gave you a 500 bonus each."

"My God, you're calculating."

Wang Chang couldn't cry or laugh: "OK, just treat you as 13000 yuan. Why do you look down on others 300000 yuan."

"Why should I look down on him? 300000, and I look down on 3 million."

"So, do you think our 5173 can PK his instant messaging?"

"The types of products are different and can't be compared. However, in terms of future, 5173 is certainly better than instant messaging."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, sure and firm."

Chen Yu is extremely clear.

He is a reborn open person. Why not start instant messaging first, but 5173 first.

This has illustrated the problem.

Of course, this cannot be said to Wang Chang.

"Since you are so confident, I can rest assured."

"What are you worried about?"

"Well, I didn't do the website. Although it doesn't have much to do with me now, I did it anyway. Besides, I didn't take the website as my academic report. If 5173 goes bankrupt at that time, I should cry to death."

"Bankruptcy, no, it's impossible. Maybe it went public accidentally."



Chen Yu nodded and then said, "cousin, I only tell you this secret. Don't tell others. I still have some original shares here. Sisters and brothers, it's cheaper for you. 1 million per share. Do you want to enter one share?"

"1 million shares per share, how many shares in total?"


"One million you can account for 1% of the shares. Let's move."

"Move your head."

Wang Chang almost had to spray water.


Restore the initial stock.

One million shares, little guy. It's a trap.

"Alas, you don't cherish such a good opportunity. Well, well, you'll regret it in a few years. Don't say I didn't take care of you."

"Go away, don't fool your cousin."

"Well, let's open this matter first. What, cousin, the website is ready, and you have to be responsible for maintaining it."

"What? You just said to build a website, but you didn't say to maintain it."

"Be reasonable. There are three guarantees of service for selling a computer. Why doesn't the website be maintained?"

"Get out of the way."

"Oh, well, forget it. I'm bleeding. I'll pay for the maintenance."

"That's about the same."

"However, cousin, the maintenance is up to you, but you have to follow up the later construction of the website."

"This is no problem."

Subsequently, Chen Yu and Wang Chang discussed the specific maintenance costs.

Well, after Chen Yu cried poor for a while, he settled it with 500, 6 people and 3000 yuan a month.

"Sister yo, another 3000 yuan."

"Money is like running water."

"Well, put the website online now."

Chen Yu doesn't have much money and can't afford it.

After Wang Chang built the website, Chen Yu will have the highest administrator authority.

No matter how late it was, Chen Yu rushed to the Internet cafe.

At this time, Zhang Jianming was still in the Internet cafe.

Not only Zhang Jianming, but also Wang pangzi.

"Eh, fat brother, didn't you sleep so late?"

Chen Yu went upstairs and greeted everyone.

"If you can't sleep, come to the studio and have a look. Alas, I have a headache."

As he spoke, Wang pangzi asked, "Chen Li, how many gold coins do we have now?"

"100 million."

"There's so much left. Haven't you sold it?"

"It has always been sold in the channel, but many casual players don't buy it except some old acquaintances of the guild."

"Or are we afraid that we are liars?"

"No way, they are afraid of being cheated."

"These guys, our studio is so famous that they are afraid of being cheated."

Wang Pangzi make complaints about it.

In fact, it's not just game currency. Recently, the studio has developed well and hit a lot of good equipment.

But many of these good equipment are put in the warehouse and haven't been sold yet.

Of course, this problem has appeared before.

It is impossible to sell the equipment as soon as it is hit.

But now the game has been in operation for some time, and the price of game currency and equipment has been increasing.

It used to be OK to put it in the warehouse for a few days. Maybe the price can rise.

But now if he puts it in the warehouse for one day, he will drop the price for one day.

Take the game currency for example. The original 1 million game currency can sell for 600 yuan, and the maximum can sell for 800 yuan.

Now it can only be sold for less than 400 yuan, or even 300 yuan.

There are also some disgusting swindlers who seriously disrupt the market at the price of 100 yuan.

Before, the studio was small, and everyone was happy to make some money.

Now there are so many people in the studio. These equipment and gold coins are put in the warehouse. It's really depreciating every day.

"Fat brother, do you want to reduce the price for promotion?"

Chen Li said.

Chen Yu was happy: "Chen Li, there is a future. They have learned to reduce prices and promote sales."

"Brother Yu, don't make fun of me. I've got a ruling and I'm trying to sell it. When others hear that the price is high, they won't buy it."

"It's not about high prices."

Chen Yu shook his head: "it's the same as before. We don't believe us and are afraid of being cheated."

"Why don't we trade with them privately?"

"Sweat... It's not troublesome to die."

Chen Yu refused.

"There's no way."

Online fear of being cheated.

Trouble offline.

How do you trade?

"There's a way."

What is Chen Yu doing here now?

Isn't that why you're here?

"Come on, guys, I recommend a very awesome website."

With a slap, Chen Yu entered the website of 5173 next to the computer.

"What is this?"

Wang pangzi came forward and asked.

"This website is called 5173. To be clear, it is a website for selling equipment transactions."

"Oh, I see."

"This website can guarantee customers and sellers so that we can trade safely. In the future, we can hang equipment, gold coins and so on and trade on this website."

"Let me see..."

Fat Wang's eyes lit up.

This website is tailor-made for them: "Hey, which company opened this website?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Can you cheat?"

"How could it be? Look at the design, art, page layout and proper high-end atmosphere of this website. It's not my boast. This website is better than Mr. Ma's Alibaba. From my point of view, it costs at least hundreds of thousands to build this website. May such a powerful website be a lie?"

"That makes sense. Why don't we hang it up and try."

"OK, just try."

There are no other sales methods. Finally, we came to a website, and everyone agreed to try it first.