"Bill, the Internet business in China is a little slow."

"I know there's no way. MSN wasted a lot of time before. He lebing has just taken office. He has to reverse the previous wrong positioning of MSN. It really takes some time."

"Are you really so optimistic about the Internet business?"

"Of course."

Bill nodded: "the Internet is one of the future trends. Although Microsoft is huge, it is still a software enterprise. We have not really entered the Internet industry. But look, there are many competitors, such as Google, Amazon, including Yahu... They are all our competitors."

"Although these competitors can't threaten our position for the time being, who knows, electronic information is developing too fast, and it's difficult for us to ensure that we will always be ahead. If we don't enter this industry, we won't even have the ability to turn around once we encounter a crisis in the future."

That's why Bill wants to enter the Internet so much.

"Your eyes are always better than mine. I listen to you."

Steve nodded.

He has always admired Bill's eyes.

Although at Microsoft, Bill's technology is very general.

But Microsoft competed with IBM and apple. If it weren't for bill, Microsoft wouldn't be today.

However, just as they were talking about the future Internet trend, Steve received a phone call.

"What's the matter?"

"Steve, what's wrong?"

Seeing Steve's anger after answering the phone, Bill asked puzzled.

"We're in trouble."

"What trouble?"

"There's a problem in China."

Steve said, "bill, you're right. Huanyu technology can't be underestimated. He finally fought back."

"Fight back."

Bill smiled and said, "I thought they hadn't taken action."

These days, in fact, bill has been paying attention to the action of Huanyu technology.

But strangely, Huanyu technology did nothing.

This makes bill very strange.

He felt whether his eyes were wrong.

not so bad.

Although Huanyu technology's response has been slow for half a beat, the counterattack is still urgent.

"Bill, you can still laugh."

"Steve, you may not know that Huanyu technology. Chen Yu, founder of Huanyu technology, is very interesting. To be honest, I like to compete with him."

"Bill, it seems that you appreciate the man named Chen Yu."

"Yes, I really appreciate him."

"Here's your chance. He has attacked our base camp."


Bill was stunned.

Then, when he understood the action of Huanyu technology, Bill scolded a piece of shit.


Microsoft never thought of it.

When they attacked the instant messaging business of Huanyu technology, Huanyu technology did not compete with them in instant messaging, but took up the idea of their core business.

Of course, if you're just making up your mind, that's no problem.

Microsoft's global business does not know how many companies are making up their minds, but unfortunately, they have never had a chance.

But now it's different.

As soon as the streamlined version of WPS was launched, it was quickly welcomed by ordinary users.

Although it doesn't seem as powerful as office, what does it matter?

Ordinary people are not masters of office software. They just need to deal with some ordinary files.

And WPS solved their problem perfectly.

Not only solved, but WPS also helped them make more beautiful forms more simply.

As for Microsoft's other business browser.

Huanyu browser is deeply rooted in the essence of Microsoft binding.

Users do not need to use it. 360 has secretly downloaded updates for you and forced you to use them.


You can't even use it.

Such a binding is called a real binding.

Of course, Microsoft can actually force MSN software to start.

Unfortunately, MSN software is social software after all. It is not tool software.

He needs to register, communicate and socialize.

Even Microsoft Windows forced startup is useless.

So his progress has been slow.

But browsers are different.

As a tool software, which browser is different?

It is also used with IE and Huanyu browser.

And they found that Huanyu browser is more convenient to use than ie.

After all, IE browser will not default home page.

If you need to set a website as the home page, you must set it yourself.

For example, set hao123 as the home page of the website.

Don't think this is a very simple operation.

Sorry, 80% of the users in the market don't know how to set it.

The Huanyu browser directly forces the binding of the home page without your setting.

Of course, this home page will certainly not be hao123. Naturally, it is also the website navigation of its own business 2345.

In addition, in the 2345 website navigation, it has added its own business easy search engine.

This also makes Baidu never think of it.

How did the war between Microsoft and Huanyu technology burn them?

Is this called the seedling of the fish pond?

You know, although Huanyu technology has always wanted to enter the search engine market, they did enter some. But after all, their search technology is not as good as Baidu. The market share of easy search is not high. They still have a strong advantage.

But now it's all right.

360 directly came to a binding download universal browser.

Huanyu browser is bound with 2345 website navigation.

2345 website navigation is bound with an easy search engine.

Easy search engine has bound a circle of business forcibly.

It's a set of rings.

In the above words, even if you don't want to use it, you can't.

"Chen Yu, can you be more shameless?"

In the conference room, Li Yanhong scolded Chen Yu in his heart.

Although we discussed for hours in the conference room, a few hours were of no use at all.

A shameless move like Huanyu technology is no solution.

Just like windows binding MSN, there is no solution.

These are their own software. They can bind as they want. Can you bite him?

"Immediately hype the monopoly of Huanyu technology in the media."

"In addition, complain to the relevant departments."

Li Yanhong finally made these two strategies.

It's not Li Yanhong making a mountain out of a molehill.

Because it's about Baidu's life and death.

You know, before they mastered Baidu search engine, he once thought they mastered the traffic entrance.

More than 30% of the traffic of all websites in the market has to go through their search engines.

This also makes them Baidu earn a lot.

But now Li Yanhong found out.

What flow inlet.

It's good for you to master the flow entrance, but the problem is that others have choked you.

In other words, Baidu's traffic entrance is a fake entrance, or a fake entrance.

It seems so, but now you find out.

The real traffic entrance is not their Baidu, but the browser that no one can think of.


The browser is not a real traffic portal, but a free 360 security guard.

When you find this, you may wake up.

The original 360 security guard's real role is not anti-virus.