"Uncle Wenqi, aunt Xuehong, I'm going back to the mainland."

"How's it going? How's it going?"

"I don't know."

Chen Yu shook his head: "ASUS directly refused me, Acer neither refused nor promised."

"This should be good news."

Wang Xuehong said with a smile, "Shi Zhenrong's refusal means he's already considering it. You're great. I thought you didn't get any results this time. I didn't expect to deceive Shi Zhenrong."

"Awesome, what's awesome? You don't know that when I talked to boss ASUS that day, he stopped talking to me as soon as I said I wanted to build an operating system."

"Normally, you tell Wenqi not to engage in x86 chip architecture. It is estimated that Wenqi will not talk to you."

Although via chips are their own chips, their architecture is still x86 and Intel's.

Although they are authorized.

But in this regard, via is actually subject to Intel.

This is like previous Huawei chips. Although Huawei chips are very powerful, the architecture is still arm.

Similarly, in the PC field, Acer is also subject to Microsoft.

However, fortunately, as a PC manufacturer, it has more voice than a chip manufacturer. Obviously, Microsoft's influence on them is not so fatal.

Otherwise, Acer's Shi Zhenrong will not even consider it. He will directly talk about nothing like ASUS.

However, ASUS doesn't want to talk about it, and Chen Yu can understand it.

In addition to the PC business, ASUS also has the motherboard business.

Their motherboard business is too heavily affected by Intel, just as via is affected by Intel.

The relationship between Intel and Microsoft is an alliance in the alliance.

The two are inseparable.

Intel is inseparable from Microsoft, and Microsoft is inseparable from Intel.

ASUS is naturally more cautious about Microsoft because of Intel.

"Anyway, thank uncle Wenqi and aunt Xuehong for their hospitality. I'll go back to the mainland first."

"OK, go back and wait for the good news."

"Hehe, I hope so."

Separated from Chen Wenqi and Wang Xuehong, Chen Yu returned to Shencheng.

"Chen Yu, how's it going? Have you heard from the two cities in Taiwan?"

"Asus has nothing to talk about. Acer has to wait for their news."

"It's estimated that it's a little hanging, but I really didn't expect Acer to consider it."

Like Wang Xuehong, Wu Haijun was stunned to hear that Acer was even considering.

In his view, such operating system tasks should be rejected directly.

As for the reason, it's too simple.

Even if Chen Yu now asked Shenzhou to install the Huanyu system on all computers, Wu Haijun was unwilling.

This is not that Wu Haijun failed to change his identity. In fact, the traditional PC business replacement system will have a fatal blow to the whole PC sales.

Consumers will vote with their feet.

It's like buying a computer and choosing a CPU.

There is no doubt that everyone's first choice is Intel.

If you find that AMD is used on this computer, unless you know a lot about computers, or you just want to play games, you may choose AMD. Otherwise, if you buy a computer, you must buy an Intel processor.

Chen Yu also understands this.

This is why Chen Yu doesn't go to Lenovo.

Although Lenovo is a mainland enterprise, in the general direction, Huanyu technology is the same camp.

But if Chen Yu offered such cooperation, Lenovo would refuse.

It is impossible for them to ignore their own business for the business of Huanyu technology.

"Leave him alone. We're going to act on our side."

"Chen Yu, do you want to talk to Lenovo?"

"Lenovo should not talk about it for the time being."

Not to mention Chen Yu and Lenovo's gratitude and resentment, even if there is no gratitude and resentment, Chen Yu can't talk about it.

"What are you?"

"Find a chance to talk with Qixi and Haier?"

"Seven up, Haier... It's possible."

Qixi Haier is also one of the domestic computer brands.

However, their market is relatively small.

They don't have much influence on the overall market share.

"I know them well. I'll talk about it."

Wu Haijun proposed.

"OK, but Lao Wu, you don't talk about cooperation, but acquisition."


Wu Haijun was stunned.

"Yes, Qixi, Haier, although they have computer business, they don't have much share, and they haven't made much money. They also want to sell computer business. We didn't have too many problems when we bought it in the past."

"But after the acquisition, we may not be able to successfully operate these brands?"

Wu Haijun is very clear about the PC industry.

Although these are all computer brands, these companies do not take computers seriously.

Haier needless to say, they make washing machines and refrigerators.

As for why we should make computers, that is the strategy that Haier should enter all electronic categories.

It doesn't matter whether you do it well or not. You have to do it anyway.

As for Qixi, I used to take the agency route and didn't do a good job in computers.

Although both companies are interested in selling their computer business, not many companies are interested.

"We don't want these two brands to operate successfully."

"I'll go, Chen Yu. You don't just want to build an operating system."

"Or else."

Chen Yu nodded and said, "I have to do the operating system business. It's difficult to rely on our family alone. Although Haier and Qixi computers don't have much market, if we install our Huanyu system, we can change the current situation of Microsoft's dominance."

This is actually equivalent to advertising.

Even if the sales data of Qixi and Haier are very general or even very bad, it doesn't matter.

Chen Yu cares about the operating system.

Once users slowly accepted the Huanyu operating system, it also opened a head for other PC manufacturers.

"Tut Tut, Chen Yu, you are getting bigger and bigger. For the operating system, you directly bought two computer brand companies. No, shit, you even bought Shenzhou."

By this time, Wu Haijun was clear.

Chen Yu's acquisition of Shenzhou is not just to let Wu Haijun take charge of their computer business.

More importantly, Chen Yu's acquisition of Shenzhou is also for their operating system business.

Once the future conditions are ripe, Shenzhou will join the camp of the universal system, which will have a great impact on the market.


"Brother, you have been to ASUS for 10 years."

"Brother, if you add this year, it will be 11 years."

"Yes, in 11 years, when you left Acer and joined ASUS, I still couldn't figure it out. Unexpectedly, after you joined ASUS, you did ASUS better than Acer."

"Brother, my heart still belongs to Acer."

One is Shi Zhenrong and the other is Shi congtang.

Both are Acer founders.

But in 1994, Shi congtang left Acer and joined ASUS.

This time, 11 years have passed.

"Brother, it's all over. I've long forgotten what happened in those years. In fact, I admire you very much, especially when you took away Intel's motherboard business in the war between ASUS and Intel, and achieved the first place in the world. I admire you."

"Brother, you are my example. In fact, I have always learned from you."

"What to learn? If you had such courage, I wouldn't have been doing PC all the time."

"Brother, you?"

Shi congtang felt that Shi Zhenrong had something to say.

"From the hall, I heard that Chen Yu of huancong technology met you?"


Shi congtang hesitated for a moment, but nodded: "I did meet."

"What are you talking about?"

"About their Alipay business."

"Hehe, I'm not honest. Didn't he tell you about the operating system?"

Shi Zhenrong smiled and pointed to Shi congtang.

Shi congtang was surprised. He promised Chen Yu that he had never extracted this business from others.

But looking at Shi Zhenrong's expression, he understood: "brother, Chen Yu is looking for you, too?"

"When he came to Taiwan, he first came to you, and then to me."

"Chen Yu, this guy really doesn't give up."

Shi congtang shook his head helplessly: "I didn't talk to him about any conditions and directly refused him. Brother, what about you?"

"I'm thinking about it."


Shi congtang couldn't believe it.