"Mr. Li, it's awesome. Your money grabbing activities not only made the registered members of wechat exceed 1 billion, but also launched wechat payment, which directly robbed our e-commerce business."

"Huang Zheng, don't do this. You can't pick up a bargain in vain."

"This is not for nothing. Mr. Li, when you cooperated, you blackmailed me a lot."

"What is blackmail? Think about it. It's easy for us to engage in this activity. It's $2 billion. You can smash $2 billion?"

"OK, you cattle. Next, it's up to us."

After the launch of Huanyu technology in overseas instant messaging wechat, the e-commerce business also began to be on the right track.

Pinduoduo is an e-commerce platform launched by Huanyu technology.

Through wechat money grabbing activities, pinduoduo instantly opened its popularity.

In particular, a series of crazy coupons, in the spirit of no need for nothing, pinduoduo just went online, and the transaction volume of the whole e-commerce platform exceeded US $2 billion. With such efforts, it can be said that how many wechat users snatch money, then how to spend it.

Although later, many users woke up and found that they were given the routine by Huanyu technology.

But what about the routine?

This is their willingness.

And although they spent their money, they have to say that the things in pinduoduo are really cheap.

For example, they usually buy clothes for about $50 and $40 on Amazon.

But in pinduoduo, it is $20 directly. Some are only $10, or even less than $10.

As for household goods, it's cheaper. Orange juice is $3, and more than $2 is enough.

Eggs are $2.12, in pinduoduo, 2.24.

Apple is one dollar and one catty, pinduoduo, one dollar and two catties.

Potatoes are 2 dollars a catty, pinduoduo, 1 dollar a catty.

Basically, as long as you buy, the price of pinduoduo is half of the actual price, and some are even lower.

Relying on such advantages and wechat drainage, pinduoduo started in one shot.

This also made Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, directly end his vacation and return to the company's headquarters at the first time.

"Give me a detailed information."

Bezos is the founder of Amazon.

Amazon here is not Amazon China.

Amazon's e-commerce business in China is naturally impossible to compete with Huanyu technology.

However, Amazon's position in global e-commerce has always been the first in the world.

Even though Huanyu mall and Huanyu department store are developing well in China, Amazon is still the global leader in e-commerce.

Take the previous life, Amazon founder Bezos's wealth surpassed bill, surpassed Warren Buffett, and ranked first in the world.

Even if he divorced his wife and separated more than $66 billion, Bezos is still the richest man in the world.

This has to say how much impact Amazon stock should have on Bezos's wealth.

Amazon's market value once exceeded $150 million in the previous life, while Apple's highest market value in the same period was only about $2 trillion.

From this, we can see how terrible the volume of Amazon should be.

Although in 2006, Amazon was not the Amazon of later generations, it was not so terrible. But when Yahoo and AOL e-commerce business gradually declined, China's e-commerce business did not enter overseas, and recently left their main competitor eBay behind. It can almost be said that Amazon has no rivals. Because of this, Bezos had leisure to prepare for his vacation.

But he didn't expect that the holiday was only half over, and an e-commerce platform called pinduoduo suddenly rose.

In fact, Bezos already knew that Huanyu technology had plans to launch e-commerce business overseas.

This is predictable.

Huanyu technology has developed video websites, portal websites and instant messaging in North America.

Then, the next step is e-commerce.

But planning is one thing, and whether it can be done is another.

In addition, even if Huanyu technology wants to layout its e-commerce business overseas, it will take at least several years.

But reality gave Bezos a vivid lesson.

Their pinduoduo just went online less than a month, and the number of visits has exceeded 100 million.

Although a considerable number of users are transformed through wechat.

Some may not be shopping, others just go in carelessly.

But it doesn't matter.

With such a large traffic entrance of wechat, pinduoduo has the opportunity to forcibly enter the market.

"Mr. Bezos, this is pinduoduo's information. We studied pinduoduo. This e-commerce platform mainly uses wechat as the traffic entrance for diversion, and is positioned as medium and low-end consumers. The products on their platform are generally cheaper, even half the price of real goods, and there are often many popular goods, and some prices are even 10% off of real goods."

"Well, they want to keep consumers at low prices."

Bezos said disdainfully.

It's just that, although this strategy is not very clever, consumers still buy it.

In particular, some prices are ridiculously low and can attract the interest of many consumers.

Then again, in fact, Bezos had to admire the accuracy of Huanyu technology's positioning.

Take the United States as an example. Although the United States is a developed country, its per capita consumption is very high. However, no matter how high the per capita consumption is, it is also relative. Many users usually spend a lot, and even many families who are not loose in their hands. Moreover, there are not a few of these people. Huanyu technology directly connected their business to them, which directly hit the whole market into the sinking market and immediately won the support of a large number of middle and low-end consumers.

"Yes, Mr. Bezos, we also analyze it like this. However, there is a disadvantage of this positioning, that is, the commodity prices are generally low. Basically, sellers can't make money, and some even lose money. From now on, sellers continue to sell goods. It should be a lot of official subsidies for these sellers."

This is very common in the early stage of marketing, as Amazon did that year.

They have also used low prices to attract consumers.

But after they set up the market, the price returned to the original.

"How long can they subsidize?"

"This is unpredictable."

The assistant shook his head, then analyzed and said, "but judging from the $2 billion spent on one activity of huanwechat, pinduoduo should be prepared."

"Hehe, it seems that we are going to eat."

Bezos smiled coldly.

He naturally knows the scale of Huanyu technology. Generally, he doesn't want to fight with Huanyu technology.

Fortunately, Huanyu technology did not have much business competition with Amazon.

But now that we have met today, Bezos is not a counsellor. After thinking about it, Bezos immediately said, "for a series of low prices of pinduoduo, we set up a special price zone. I want to see how much their subsidies can be made up?"