Advertising is on fire!

The reason for the advertising boom is not that there are seven big stars in it. It's not because of the four heavenly kings appearing in the advertisement for the first time, but because of the conception of the advertisement. This "Qi Li" advertisement gives people a sense that they are reading a short story instead of an advertisement. In this story, they see the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, the end of a generation of superstars, and the re emergence of superstars. There is not a single line in it, but it makes everyone deeply remember the energy drink "Qili". No one thinks that the appearance of "Qili" is abrupt. This advertisement is like an art film, which makes people feel surging and full of thoughts.

This is the best advertisement that audiences have seen in China this year. At the end of the ad, they were eager to see it again. A lot of people are waiting to see it again. But let all the audience helpless is, no, the TV station did not play. Immediately, people rushed to the Internet, and there was no one on the Internet. It makes people dumbfounded.

This is really strange. You know, there will be advertisements on the Internet. But this one doesn't! But people want to see it! They want to see it again. But, no, no matter where. There is no forum or website on the Internet. There is this video. But on TV, it's not playing any more. This is really depressing.

The next day, everyone was talking about the sudden advertisement, the plot of the advertisement, the meaning of the advertisement, and what the inspiration was! After all, from the perspective of the advertisement itself, there has never been an advertisement line introducing the effect of "Qi Li". We can only infer from the picture that it is probably a refreshing drink. But what on earth? Why didn't the advertisement go on? It's not just not on the air, it's not on the market yet. This is so strange.

"Brother Lin, what do you mean? Why don't you sell? My goods have arrived at supermarkets all over the country. Why don't they be delivered? " Zong Qinghou is a little impatient.

Before yesterday, he had already used the channel of "Wahaha Group" to distribute goods in supermarkets all over the country, ready to start selling today. But Lin Feng's temporary ban on sales made Zong Qinghou have to bear the pain and let supermarkets across the country take him off the shelves again. This made Zong Qinghou extremely incomprehensible.

"Ha ha, brother Zong, have you ever heard of" hunger and thirst marketing " Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Zong Qinghou was stunned. He didn't know that.

"Ha ha, this thirsty marketing is to fully arouse the attention and attention of consumers through various limited strategies or limited time strategies, and stimulate consumers' desire to buy, so as to realize the rapid transfer of products from manufacturers to consumers. Now the audience is so interested in the advertisement of "Qili", which can't be seen anywhere in the country. I believe there will still be a lot of audience waiting to see it tonight. So let these consumers wait more. The longer they wait, the stronger their desire to buy. " Lin fengxiao said.

Zong Qinghou frowned. Although he hasn't heard of this hungry marketing, he doesn't feel mysterious after understanding it. This is just like the "limited edition" of luxury brands in the outside world, producing a global limited edition product, which makes consumers all over the world flock to it. It's not a mystery. But what he sells is drinks. The more he sells, the better.

"Ha ha, brother Zong, this hungry marketing is different from the limited edition. Limited edition, that is to enhance the brand value, this is some luxury brands will do. While they promote the brand value, the sales volume will not be improved. Limited edition must be limited edition. The global quantity is limited. But this thirsty marketing is a kind of strategy used to let consumers feel the hard work before they rush to buy our products. We'll advertise for three days. If we don't deliver the goods, we'll deliver the goods on the fourth day! " Lin fengxiao said.

On the fourth day? Zong Qinghou frowned. Is this really possible?

Lin Feng smiles.

That night, the audience sat in front of the TV again, looking at the watch, waiting for the arrival of all the TV advertisements at the same time yesterday. They believe that if this is really an advertisement and it doesn't play on this day, it will certainly play at this moment.

Sure enough! At the same time yesterday, all TV stations broadcast "Qili" advertisement at the same time again! This time, the prepared audience turned on the video recorder and recorded it. 30 seconds later, there was a recording and broadcasting version on the network. Immediately, the discussion of this advertisement began to be overwhelming. Although everyone was discussing it yesterday, we only watched it once. Even if it was impressive, our memory was limited. There is also a sense of "rootless water" in the discussion. There is no video. Sometimes, no one can convince anyone. But now, with video, that's different.

With the support of the video, the 30 second advertisement is clearly analyzed by all the audience, which naturally makes people look forward to "Qi Li". After all, from the advertising point of view, this inspiration has a very energetic and magical effect. But what happens in the end? You have to verify it yourself.

But let everybody helpless is, any supermarket of any place does not have goods. This surprised netizens. Out of stock? Why is this out of stock? Isn't it a drink? How can it be out of stock? This shouldn't be! It's not supposed to be! You sell drinks. How come you don't have them? Do you still sell drinks here?

But I have to say that the energy of netizens is huge. Soon, through some friends or relatives in the supermarket, some netizens knew that Qili would be on sale the day after tomorrow. However, it is reported that there are not enough goods. Of course, on, it's the day after tomorrow. Now we can only book!

It's incredible that drinks can only be ordered online. I think it's exaggerating! How can anyone sell drinks like this? Are you still here to sell drinks? However, I am more interested in "Qi Li" than in "Qi Li".

On the third night, although this advertisement can be seen everywhere on the Internet, it is still rare for many Chinese who don't surf the Internet. As a result, there are still many people watching advertisements in front of the TV. But this time, most of them are middle-aged people. These three days in a row, the advertisements broadcast by the national TV stations at the same time also aroused the curiosity of these people. What is this "power"? What on earth is it?

At the moment, the Internet continues to talk about "Qi Li". There is no way. Now the most sensational thing in the country is "Qi Li". But "Qi Li" only hears its voice, but does not see its shadow. No one knows what effect this "Qi Li" has? Naturally, this discussion is empty and meaningless. Therefore, it is the stars who are most discussed. But what everyone, including Zong Qinghou and Lin Feng, didn't expect was that what everyone discussed most was not the four heavenly kings or the three hottest stars, but Lin Feng.

In the eyes of all the audience, Lin Feng's appearance is the most shocking, although from the beginning to the end, there are only five pictures. Among them, the one second picture handed to the four heavenly kings and the last moment of gazing at Andy Lau's hilarious performance at the concert add up to only six seconds. Compared to 30 seconds of advertising, Lin Feng occupies absolutely little time. But it's the most impressive. Thinking of the magic of Lin Feng's past, is Lin Feng's "inspiration" just as magical?

"I'll be the first in line to buy Qili tomorrow!" There are netizens roaring in the group.

Itch! It's itchy! It's itchy. I really want a drink. Must drink!

"I'll go too! It's all night tonight. I'll buy a can of it tomorrow morning, and then I'll come back to the Internet! See if it works In the Internet bar, the players who are "World War" all night yell. Isn't this advertisement refreshing? I'll stay up all night tonight and go to see it tomorrow.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to fight Korean Bonzi tonight. I'm flying. Who's the shooter(《 World War is at the level of science and technology during World War I. then tomorrow we will go to buy "Qili." The rising and falling voices in Internet cafes.

"Count me in!" Everyone responded. Of course, these people are not really interested in Qili, but surfing the Internet in Internet cafes is not as comfortable, quiet or convenient as home. But why do many people want to go to Internet cafes when they have computers? Because of the atmosphere. In particular, the emergence of "World War" has made cooperation a necessity. If you don't cooperate, even if you are really Rambo in modern war, you can only become a scum. Therefore, even if there are computers at home, many people will go to Internet cafes to cooperate with others. The picture is the atmosphere and feeling of common hatred and common combat.

And all night, it is often very tired. Many people have to go to work or study the next day. It's not so easy to show their courage all night. Now, they have a great reason to be online all night.

Support Lin Feng! That's their reason.

Of course, there are supporters as well as opponents. Red Bull has been paying close attention to the appearance of "Qi Li". Seeing that "Qili" has attracted the attention of the audience all over the country because of its advertisements gives the audience all over the country a kind of impulse to taste fast. How can they sit still! Especially because we all know that the unified sales will start tomorrow, leading to today's day, the sales volume of Red Bull is less than ten thousand irrigation, which is unheard of. Last year, the sales volume of Red Bull reached 4.5 billion yuan, which is about 818 million yuan nationwide. On average, at least 2.24 million Red Bulls are sold a day. As a result, all the audience are looking forward to the "power" of tomorrow's sales, leading to a sharp decline in their purchase volume.

One day's sales are not enough, this is the prelude to death! In this case, red bull can still sit!

That night, red bull's senior management bribed reporters, and some online water forces began to attack "Qili".

Qi Li, the advertisement exaggerates excessively! Energy drink, although it has the effect of refreshing, but it is absolutely impossible to have such a bright change! This is misleading consumers!

Qili is just an ordinary energy drink, which is not comparable with red bull. Red Bull is a worldwide energy drink, which has been recognized by more than 140 countries in the world, and is deeply loved and recognized by consumers. And Qili, it is said that tomorrow's sales are limited sales. What does that mean? It shows that the current technology of Qili is not mature at all and can not be mass produced. This shows that there is a problem in the formula, at least in the capacity. This kind of energy drink may not be useful to human body, but harmful!


All kinds of negative comments are overwhelming against Qi Li. Red Bull has asked people to do all these things. They do this with one purpose, to discredit Qi Li. To avoid the emergence of Qili, red bull's market position in China has been shaken. You know, when Red Bull first entered China, its annual sales volume was only tens of millions. By 2002, its sales volume was enough to reach hundreds of millions, and then it rose to a new level every year. In 2004, its sales volume was only over 2 billion, and in 2005, it reached 4.5 billion. Now, by November, its sales volume has exceeded 6 billion. It is estimated that by the end of the whole year, the sales volume should exceed 7 billion, and maybe 8 billion tomorrow. It is estimated that in 2008, it will exceed 10 billion yuan.

Although this sales volume is not as good as that of Wahaha Group, it is just a beverage sales volume. It can be said that in the energy drink market, this share is huge. Red Bull makes huge profits every year. Therefore, they absolutely do not want "Qili" to take a share. They want to drive Qili out. With years of market leadership, they want to drive Qili out.

But no matter how they discredit, one thing they can't change is Lin Feng's appeal. No matter how discredited they are, no matter how influential Red Bull is in the market, Lin Feng's appeal is even stronger. Before everyone has tasted "Qili", just relying on Lin Feng's amazing appearance in the advertisement is enough to make consumers pay the bill.

The so-called "not looking at monk's face, looking at Buddha's face", consumers may not buy the "Wahaha" account, but they will definitely buy Lin Feng's account. Just as Lin Feng is famous, they will buy it and have a taste. After all, it's only a few yuan. Even if it's as expensive as red bull, it's only 5.5 yuan! Is it expensive? It's not expensive! They can afford it.

So, the next day's sales are certain!

Red Bull's domestic general manager Wang Rui looks helpless. In this case, he is also helpless. Although he had tried everything, he could not stop Lin Feng's appeal.

"I hope this drink can't be compared with red bull! Otherwise Red Bull will be miserable Wang Rui is waiting for the dawn.

If "Qi Li" and "Red Bull" have the same effect, then "Red Bull" can't compete with "Qi Li". After all, this is Lin Feng's personal endorsement of the product! This is the endorsement of Lin Feng!

Although the advertisers, the four heavenly kings and the three superstars are the spokesmen, they are all ignored in everyone's heart. Lin Feng is the real spokesperson! What four heavenly kings, what three superstars, are foil, are green leaves!