Zhou Hongwei stagnated for a long time and finally found that what Xiao Shan said was probably true.

Ignoring the user experience is a huge mistake.

But he retorted: "you say that security software is a new field? Not to mention the international leading Kaspersky, even China is also a giant everywhere, such as rising and Jinshan. Which is not the security field?"

Xiaoshan looked at Zhou Hongwei seriously and said seriously, "a continent occupied by dinosaurs is called dinosaur continent. But if dinosaurs are extinct, is this continent still dinosaur continent? Is it a new continent?"

Zhou Hongwei almost stared: "do you want to subvert the whole field of security software?"

"That's right. There's no need for anti-virus software now. This is a cancer industry. Am I right?" Xiao Shan asked.

Xiao Shan's statement was a bit extreme, but Zhou Hongwei was also an extreme person. He immediately nodded and said:

"Yes. If there were no anti-virus software companies, no one would write viruses, and the world's networks would be clean."

What he said is basically a fact, but he must not say it publicly, otherwise he will definitely be seized by the anti-virus software company and sue him for bankruptcy.

Because there is no evidence that the virus comes from the secret processing of anti-virus software companies.

"Then, our product is clear. It is a permanent free security software. By the way, it is called '361 security guard'." Xiao Shan set a permanent free tone first.

Zhou Hongwei asked in surprise: "permanently free?"

"That's right. Our business model is permanent free. Only permanent free can occupy the desktop of Internet users. Like 360 chat, it takes root on the user's desktop, and then there are too many things we can do."

Zhou Hongwei suddenly opened up and was very excited. This is the real new field.

Seize the user's desktop and destroy other anti-virus software, then the security guard will become a platform that can release new products at will, not only for itself, but also for other companies.

Of course, if other companies want to promote software, take the money.

Even further, I'll unload the software that doesn't take the money. Do you take the money?

"Ha ha ha." Zhou Hongwei laughed up to the sky, showing the style of a generation of owls.

Xiao Shan laughed to himself. Zhou Hongwei certainly didn't know. This is his own creativity.

"At the beginning of this software, don't engage in free anti-virus. It's too wide a blow and easy to be boycotted by the whole industry. Therefore, we first aim at rogue software. Now rogue software is rampant, computers are getting slower and slower, and netizens are in great pain. We'll start with uninstalling 3721 and save your reputation first."

Xiaoshan looked solemn.

Zhou Hongwei said, "isn't this a pit tooth tiger?"

Xiao Shan scolds secretly. What are you pretending to be? Do you still have moral constraints in your heart?

But what he said was: "this is not a pit tooth tiger. They bought 3721 and won't use this name again. Doesn't that mean carrying the black pot for you? Therefore, they are likely to change their name, such as tooth tiger assistant. What we want to unload is tooth tiger assistant."

Zhou Hongwei was happy, but he was embarrassed: "but I can't hide it from people in the industry. My reputation is really ruined."

Xiaoshan nearly vomited blood and blurted out, "you didn't break the law again. How did you ruin your reputation?"

Zhou Hongwei sounded familiar. He suddenly remembered that this was his own retort against Xiao Shan. He immediately stopped pretending and simply said:

"That's right. Compared with the great significance of relieving the pain of Internet users and eliminating rogue software, my personal sacrifice is worth it."

the second day.

361 Internet Security Center was officially established.

The total investment is 250 million US dollars, with Xiaoshan holding 51% and Zhou Hongwei and his team accounting for 49% of the shares.

The media exclaimed. It turns out that Xiaoshan 360 has no special significance. Can it be expanded to 361? Isn't the 362 behind also valuable?

Wait for those who are quick to register 362 domain names. As a result, it was found that all the ten digital domain names starting from 36 are under the name of Teana technology.

"People are not stupid."

"This seems to be a series of websites."

"What does this security center mean?"

There was much discussion on the Internet.

Zhou Hongwei has begun to organize manpower and develop 361 safety guards.

He kept Xiaoshan's strategy in mind. The first step was not to expose too many fangs. He first killed the rogue software, saved his image, won the support and love of the majority of Internet users, and laid a foundation for free anti-virus and subverting the whole anti-virus software industry in the future.

Unloading 3721 is as difficult for others as Qingtian, but for Zhou Hongwei, it is too simple to take snail with three fingers.

This is the software he made. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if he couldn't uninstall it himself?

At the same time——

The horse boss in Hangzhou is elated.

Since Xiaoshan occupied the e-commerce market, he has been haunted and looking for an opportunity to defeat Xiaoshan.

When Yang Zhiyuan proposed that he be the CEO of Yahu China, he thought it was an opportunity to cut into the search engine.

Therefore, he directly acquired Yahu China!

He doesn't think the portal has a future, but it's an excellent entry point.

He is ambitious to use tooth tiger China to enter the search engine and reacquire this huge market with Xiaoshan.

Three days later.

360 chat software, a formal promotion project, 361 security guard.

The main selling point of this software is permanent free.

The main function is to protect computer security. You can uninstall any rogue software at will.

On 361's home page, Zhou Hongwei made a big comment, attacking the troubles caused by rogue software to Internet users. 361 security guards will uninstall all kinds of rogue software for free to prevent the automatic installation of all kinds of rogue software and protect computer security.

This positioning was so clear that countless netizens immediately praised Zhou Hongwei for doing a good thing.

After installing the security guard, netizens immediately jumped out of the prompt dialog box: "your computer found malware 3721, do you want to uninstall it?"

These netizens just installed security guards for this. Click uninstall immediately.

As a result, in almost three seconds, the whole 3721 was completely deleted from the computer. Moreover, it is impossible to install it automatically in the future. There are security guards watching here and directly blacklisted 3721.

All the rogue software that bothered netizens were unloaded by 361.

The running speed of the computer has been greatly improved, and the netizens are very happy. They don't scold Zhou Hongwei any more.

His reputation was really restored.

But boss Ma was stunned when he heard the news. Does Zhou Hongwei have a bottom line?

Not to mention the bottom line as an Internet boss, is the bottom line of people. Is there any?

You sell your own software and then destroy it yourself?

Boss Ma was so angry that he called Zhou Hongwei directly and scolded: "Zhou Hongwei, do you want to be shameless?"

Zhou Hongwei was furious: "your grandmother's, you're a fake seller, and I didn't rob your broken shoes. What qualifications do you have to talk to me about face?"

"Grass! I bought Yahu China. Now I'm the CEO. Why do you sell Yahu software and uninstall it later? Is this what people do?"

"Oh, so you changed to rogue software. Then I have to remind you that getting off the ship as soon as possible will not work. I can tell you a message for free. Chidu wants to develop a browser that supports Chinese search in the address bar. Even if I don't uninstall, your rogue software will soon be worthless."

Zhou Hongwei was energetic and energetic, and his tone was filled with incomparable regret.

He is really sorry for boss ma. He was just going to pit the tooth tiger, but boss Ma is going to jump in. What can I do?

Boss Ma was gnashing his teeth: "Zhou Hongwei, is this the Bureau set up by Xiaoshan?"

"Tut Tut, you're old enough. How can you speak so childish?" Zhou Hongwei joked: "it's such a bright day. Where's the bureau? Is it wrong for me to benefit netizens, relieve netizens' pain and uninstall rogue software for free?"

Boss Ma was furious: "but you made the software! If you want to say that the hooligan is also you!"

"Hey! You can be careful. 3721 is yours and the security guard is mine. I can sue you if you talk nonsense."

Zhou Hongwei has Gladiator genes all over his body. What he likes most is to pinch people:

"And look carefully, I didn't forcibly uninstall 3721. All the Internet users are clicking to uninstall. If someone doesn't want to uninstall, they can keep it. Even if the Internet users want to uninstall the security guards, there's no problem. Where's my hooligan?"

Boss Ma was so angry that he dropped the phone directly.

Li Yanhong ran the security guard once, and the QianDu soba installed on his computer was uninstalled immediately.

Only then did he understand that Xiaoshan said that driving away the tooth tiger did not rely on the Millennium browser, but a security guard.

But Li Yanhong also knows that only Zhou Hongwei can do it. Another big man can't break through the moral shackles at all.

But the loss of tooth tiger China is too great.

In just a few days, 3721 was almost unloaded by Internet users and could no longer be reinstalled.

That's 120 million dollars. It's completely out of water.

As a result, boss Ma was badly weakened and spit blood for three liters, but he had to sell his shares at a low price and admit his losses.

The website is back in Yang Zhiyuan's hands.

Yang Zhiyuan also hates to gnash his teeth, but Zhou Hongwei doesn't care about reputation and is not afraid of revenge.

Xiao Shan cares about his reputation, but he can't find evidence to prove that Xiao Shan planned it, and he can't retaliate.

A week later, Yahu announced its withdrawal from the Chinese market.

Tooth tiger China website is closed.

Thousand degrees valuation immediately soared.

Without the competition of tooth tiger, QianDu is a dominant company and monopolizes China.

Zhou Hongwei started the second step plan to build anti-virus software.

It's too difficult to start from scratch.

If you buy an anti-virus software company, it's not worth it. After all, it's free.

But Zhou Hongwei had his own way. He personally went to Moscow Kaspersky company to cooperate in free anti-virus.