"What's going on? Tell me about it The other ladies asked curiously.

"It was like this last night..."


Where there are people, there are right and wrong, and where there are women, there are gossip. Especially these idle and idle ladies, they really have nothing to do except talk about other people's right and wrong, so it's natural to be curious about the banquet last night

Ouyang Xiasha doesn't know what the ladies are talking about. At this time, she is strolling around the jewelry store leisurely. It's estimated that even if she knows, she will only smile a little and won't really take it seriously. After all, her mouth is on someone else's body. They have freedom of speech, don't they?

What's more, if you let others say something, you won't lose a piece of meat. Moreover, with her own means and reputation, those ladies dare not speak ill of themselves. What else can she worry about?

"Miss, do you have any good introduction to these jade pendants?" Ouyang Xiasha looked at the jade pendants with different colors and shapes in the counter. For a moment, she was dazzled and had no choice. In addition, because of her sister next door, she had a good impression of the service staff in her shopping center, so she asked with a smile.

"One less, one less master!" Originally, a guest came to the door, and when the service girl was preparing to introduce the guest warmly, she saw the familiar face in front of her. For a moment, she was nervous and incoherent.

"Ha ha, don't be nervous, just introduce as you should." Looking at the sunglasses hanging on her chest and forgetting to bring them, Ouyang Xiasha smiles helplessly, and then says gently.

"Yes, young master! So, young master, what's the implication of the pendant you want to buy? " Miss service, trying to calm herself down, but with her red face and honorific words like "you", you can see that she is very nervous, really nervous at the moment.

"Little sister, just treat me as an ordinary guest. Don't use honorifics so politely. Hehe, as for the meaning of jade pendant, I hope it is peaceful. However, I really want to ask, "am I really that scary?" Ouyang Xiasha looks at the little girl in front of her. Her face is red. She says with a helpless smile and touches her face. She can't help thinking: is she so scary? What I thought in my heart came out in this way.

"No, young master, you misunderstood me. I'm nervous not because you are frightening, but because of other reasons. How can it be frightening for the young Lord to be so beautiful? But since entering the Xiahou family, you have always been the idol respected by our employees. Our long-term wish is to be able to see you. Now that our wish has come true, we will be nervous when we finally meet our idol. Is that inevitable, young master? As for the little master's allegory of peace, such as the peace button, or the emerald string bean, also known as the "pod", is OK. The peace button obviously means peace, while the string bean means peace, health and happiness in all seasons! But the main thing is to see who the young master is giving away. " The service girl took a deep breath and finally settled her nervous heart. She explained awkwardly and calmly. It's even calmer to ignore her shaking hands.

"Well, it's normal to be nervous when you see your idol, but what I didn't expect was that I was your idol? It's really incredible, but I'm honored to be your idol. " Ouyang Xiasha was flattered and replied with a smile.