"But, little sister, is there anything particular about who to send this jade pendant to?" Then, without waiting for the excited counter lady to say anything, Ouyang Xiasha continued to smile and asked.

"If you go back to the little Lord, the people you send are different, so the things you choose are different. For example, this "pod" has four meanings. First, jadeite string beans are called "Fu Dou" in eastern culture, which can be homonymous as "Fu Shou", meaning happiness, health and longevity. They are the wishes and prayers of later generations for their elders. "Dou" and "Doukou Nianhua" coincide ingeniously. It means flourishing and vigorous. It is the hope of the society for young men and women and the expectation of parents for their children. Second, the four beans in the string beans symbolize the safety of the four seasons; the three beans are Lianzhong Sanyuan, where fortune, fortune and longevity come together; the two beans are the safety of the mother and the child. At that time, many women wore the jade ornaments with two beans during their pregnancy to ensure the safety of the mother and the child, which is full of auspiciousness and blessing. " As soon as I talked about my major, the service lady obviously calmed down and had less scruples. She explained to Ouyang Xiasha professionally.

"As for the third thing, the plumpness and mellowness of string beans means happiness, good fortune and rich fruits on the one hand, and on the other hand, plumpness means maturity, harvest, success in study and harvest from hard work, which means new hope and the beginning of a new life. The fourth point is that Si Jie Dou means many children. In the traditional Chinese thought of "many children, many blessings, and a full house of children and grandchildren", it means to carry on the family line, continue the incense, make the family prosperous, and make the whole family happy. Generally speaking, pods are suitable for relatives Looking at carefully listening to their own little master, the counter lady also continued to explain with a smile.

"And Ping'an buckle is also called nostalgia, Luohan eye, which can dispel evil and avoid disaster, and ensure safety in and out. It is a traditional Chinese jade ornament. From the appearance, it is smooth and flexible. It is in line with the "golden mean" in Chinese traditional culture. In ancient times, it was called "Bi" and has the effect of nourishing body and protecting body. In modern times, it is often a gift between lovers, which means peace. Therefore, it's better to send a safe clasp to a sweetheart. " Looking at the young master's serious thinking, the counter lady continued to explain, and the last sentence was obviously ironic.

"Well, sister, you can help me choose three simple, thinner, men's platinum necklaces! This jade pendant is really not suitable for me Ouyang Xiasha said with an embarrassed smile. When it comes to sex, even if she's not mature, she can't be ridiculed.

As for the fact that she didn't want these jade pendants, it's not that she was angry or that she didn't like them. It's that she suddenly had a better idea. Isn't there anything else in her "wrist Bi" space?

Although it's some scrap, it's not a problem to carve a few safety buttons. It's more meaningful to carve them by yourself and give them to them?

"Yes, young master! Young master, what do you think of these three The young lady at the counter didn't think so much. Looking at the shy appearance of her young master, she consciously stopped talking about the topic just now. She quickly took out three thin and simple men's platinum necklaces from the next counter and handed them to Ouyang Xiasha.

"Very good. Please wrap it for me, miss." Ouyang Xiasha said with an embarrassed smile, and took out a black card, ready to hand it to the counter lady.

"Don't worry, young master. The old master has already made an order. If the young master comes to his shop and doesn't reveal his identity, we don't know, but if he does, we'll get rid of all the bills. Otherwise, we'll be fed up. To the little Lord, take it. " The counter lady said to Ouyang Xiasha sincerely with a smile, and quickly handed the wrapped necklace to Ouyang Xiasha.