Although Zhang Qianxiu didn't like this feeling very much, he didn't have a better way because he couldn't find a more suitable person.

When Kong Zhiwen came back, he just said, "it has been arranged."

Zhang Qianxiu was very curious. What kind of person did Kong Zhiwen find to stare at Liu Qiying, killer or mercenary? Or his former colleague?

"Let's go!" Zhang Qianxiu got up and said.

Kong Zhiwen didn't ask where he was going, so he followed.

After getting on the train, Zhang Qianxiu asked Kong Zhiwen to go to the railway station. Kong Zhiwen immediately understood that Zhang Qianxiu was going to buy a train ticket.

Nowadays, train tickets are sold for money, and there is no need to register in real name. Therefore, every Spring Festival, scalpers will buy a lot of train tickets and sell them to those who can't buy them at a high price.

Fortunately, it's not the Spring Festival, and there are not many people waiting in line.

Kong Zhiwen went to buy tickets, while Zhang Qianxiu was waiting in the square. Some scalpers and lodgers came to sell tickets from time to time, and some even wanted to sell them.

While waiting for Kong Zhiwen, Zhang Qianxiu also saw a motorcycle speeding by. He snatched a middle-aged man's bag and stomped his feet. He turned to the police and registered. It was estimated that there would be no follow-up.

Around the railway station, it really shows the human world and some ugliness of human nature incisively and vividly.

Zhang Qianxiu suddenly felt that in this world, most people are ugly, or there is ugliness hidden in their hearts. Few people are truly pure in heart.

Even Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei are not so kind-hearted. For Zhang Qianxiu's safety, Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei have worked out so many ways and arranged many people to act as shields.

Some of these people know the specific situation, such as Kong Zhiming; Some people know vaguely, such as an Baoyang; There are also those who are completely fooled, such as Chen Fei.

While Zhang Qianxiu was pondering, Kong Zhiwen came out with three train tickets to heijiang province.

"Boss Zhang, buy it!" Kong Zhiwen said.

Zhang Qianxiu took a look at Kong Zhiwen. Perhaps Kong Zhiwen should be the purest. At least among the people Zhang Qianxiu knew, Kong Zhiwen was relatively simple.

To say that he is simple is not to say that his mind and experience are simple, but that his mind is simple and his pursuit is pure.

On this thought, Zhang Qianxiu suddenly felt that if Kong Zhiwen's affairs were all solved, it would be good for him to be his right hand.

Of course, there is a premise. Zhang Qianxiu has enough knowledge of Kong Zhiwen.

"Let's go!" Zhang Qianxiu stood up and walked towards the parking lot: "Kong Zhiwen, what's your wish?"

"Live the life of ordinary people." What Kong Zhiwen said is very plain.

"And then?" Zhang Qianxiu asked again.

Kong Zhiwen said: "there is an ordinary job, factory work, or security, drivers can, these I should be able to do, other I may not be able to do."

"If I could live with my mother or go back to see him often and marry a daughter-in-law, it would be better to have a child."

Zhang Qianxiu summed it up and said, "to put it bluntly, if you want to have a family and a stable job, you don't need a high salary, just enough to live."

Kong Zhiwen thought for a moment and nodded: "that's about it!"

For Kong Zhiwen, this kind of life is extravagant. He doesn't have friends or family, and he doesn't dare to have them.

If he gets married and has children, and his enemies come to him, it's over.

But he himself had no way to solve the problems in the south.

"What if you have a chance to continue working for the government?" Zhang Qianxiu asked, "will you go?"

Kong Zhiwen said, "no! I'm over 30 years old, and now my country is stable, and I won't fight. I still want to live a good life. If I'm needed in the war, I'll go back. "

"Then why are you helping me this time?" Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Kong Zhiwen hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't think you are the kind of person who is particularly disciplined, boss Zhang. Besides, I thank you very much, so I came."

Zhang Qianxiu thought about it in his heart and said, "to sum up, there are two reasons why you will come to help me this time. First, you think that I am not a man of self-discipline. If you cooperate with Valerie, you will certainly do something."

"If I want to do something, you may be able to solve your own problems with my help."

"Second, you believe and appreciate me. Although I feel that you appreciate me somehow, that's what you think."

Kong Zhiwen nodded: "almost that's what he meant."

"As for the first point, I don't really hope very much, but I can't find a way to break the situation, so I want to try it with boss Zhang. After all, waleri has a lot of things, and the buyer won't be a nobody. If I can find a way to reach some cooperation with the other party and the other party is willing to help me, it is very likely that my problem will be solved."

"Second, I'm a little selfish. I can't go back to take care of my mother until the problems in the south are solved."

"If I help boss Zhang, you should remember me better and take care of my mother for me in the future. My mother will live better when she is old."

"I know boss Zhang has taken in a brother who is not very smart in the village. You treat him as your own brother."

"There is also an old scholar. Boss Zhang and Miss Su also invited a little girl to take care of them."

"Under the comprehensive reasons, I think that if I died because of boss Zhang, you will certainly help me take care of my mother. Even if I didn't die, I took such a big risk for you, you will also help me."

Zhang Qianxiu looked at Kong Zhiwen and said, "since you know me so well, you can do something for me."

"What?" Kong Zhiwen asked.

"I'm going to heijiang province to buy a coal mine. Help me!" Zhang Qianxiu said.

Kong Zhiwen was stunned: "isn't there an air gun factory to cover it?"

Zhang Qianxiu said, "do you know how the freight cars in the railway station are counted?"

Kong Zhiwen shook his head: "I don't know."

Zhang Qianxiu said: "look at a lot of things, such as the weight. Do you have return goods to price? If you have more goods, you can drive a train for you."

"If we only have one carriage, we have to share a train with others. We may stop at many stations in the middle."

"If we have a special train, all the stations in the middle can go directly to southern Yunnan without stopping."

"It's too eye-catching for air guns to be transported to the south. Although no one is idle to check these, just in case, it's normal for coal to be transported and sold in the past, because the coal consumption in the south is also very large, and the south does not produce coal."

"If I drive a coal train, the air gun will follow the coal."

Kong Zhiwen thought for a moment and said, "in this case, the air gun is still there. It may cause people's doubt. Why not put it directly into the coal?"

Zhang Qianxiu said: "it's my intention. When the thing is found, I will first suspect the manufacturer of the air gun. As long as you and Liu Qiying don't say a word, no one can find me."

"If you're doing coal, even if you find it, there's nothing for me in the coal mine."

Kong Zhiwen realized in an instant that coal and air guns were all disguises. He deliberately made them attractive. It made people feel that the people behind the scenes were so well arranged that there could be no one behind them.

By then, Zhang Qianxiu will be completely safe.

The unstable factors are people, namely Liu Qiying and Kong Zhiwen.

Liu Qiying will be marked to death at that time, and there is no chance to return to the water.

But Kong Zhiwen is a time bomb, which may kill Zhang Qianxiu at any time.

Kong Zhiwen was a little surprised and said: "boss Zhang, you... If you do this, you won't be afraid that I will do something sorry for you?"

Zhang Qianxiu said calmly: "I believe you. I might have had some tangles before, but I just figured it out. "

Although Zhang Qianxiu said so, he still had some worries in his heart.

Zhang Qianxiu really figured it out when he chose to believe Kong Zhiwen completely. He thought that Kong Zhiwen should not return to the water, and he had no reason to do so.

But there are also some reasons for helplessness. Even if Zhang Qianxiu figured it out, he still didn't want Kong Zhiwen to have his own handle in his heart. In the final analysis, he was also helpless.

Sometimes, Zhang Qianxiu even regretted that he agreed to ge Qingshan.

Kong Zhiwen saw that what Zhang Qianxiu said seemed to be true. For a moment, he had mixed feelings. He knew from the beginning that Zhang Qianxiu didn't believe in himself, but he didn't really have the heart to harm him.

Zhang Qianxiu saved him. He didn't ask for a cent of the money he left. He even went to see his mother.

What Kong Zhiwen cares about most is his mother. Zhang Qianxiu is not familiar with him. He is willing to drive for a few hours to see his mother. He is really very grateful. This kind of gratitude is beyond the understanding of ordinary people, because ordinary people are not in his situation.

Kong Zhiwen is very happy to be trusted by Zhang Qianxiu.

"Boss Zhang, don't go to heijiang province. I'll do it for you." Kong Zhiwen said.

Zhang Qianxiu asked, "can you?"

"You can learn!" Kong Zhiwen then said: "my adaptability is not bad."

"All right, you go!" Zhang Qianxiu said, "tell me how much money you want. I can't remit money to you. I'll give you gold at that time. You can cash it yourself."

"OK, no problem!" Kong Zhiwen should write.

"Write your name all the shares." Zhang Qianxiu then asked, "how many shares do you want?"

"No! No matter how much money I have, I can't spend it. I wish I had enough. " Kong Zhiwen said indifferently: "pay me salary!"

"Yes! How much do you want? " Zhang Qianxiu asked again.

"Two hundred!" Kong Zhiwen said, "just enough for my living expenses. If I want to use any equipment, I'll take it from the company. "

Zhang Qianxiu gently smile: "you and my daughter-in-law are very similar, do not care about money. Here's a thousand! Take the two hundred by yourself, and I'll buy insurance for your mother for the remaining eight hundred. When she gets old and sick, she can be reimbursed, and the rest will be kept for her old age. It's your son's filial piety to her. She won't know, but you know it yourself. It's just that I sent it to you. As for me taking care of your mother for you in the future, that's another matter. "

Kong Zhiwen felt that his eyes were moist. He felt sorry for his mother all the time. Even if he had a pile of gold in his hand, he could not be filial.

If Zhang Qianxiu said that, he would be filial.

"Thank you, boss Zhang!" Kong Zhiwen did not refuse.

Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile: "go to the bank!"

When Zhang Qianxiu said that he would give Kong Zhiwen a thousand, it seems to be unnecessary. In fact, he is playing the emotional card, because giving two hundred and one thousand are the same for Zhang Qianxiu.

If Kong Zhiwen can't solve the problems in the South and can't go back, the 800 yuan a month that Zhang Qianxiu saved for him will not be given to Kong Zhiwen's mother until at least 15 years later.

Even if you give it, it's just a matter of one sentence. You can still earn Kong Zhiwen's gratitude.

Zhang Qianxiu really wanted Kong Zhiwen to appreciate himself. Since there was no way to use force to control Kong Zhiwen, there was another way to use emotion.

No matter what Kong Zhiwen thinks now, he can't be wrong if he uses emotional means.