Talent is the most scarce thing in this era.

If, after 2010, we go to the streets and find more people, there will always be a supervisor or manager.

Now go to the street to find, a great probability will pull to a junior high school did not finish reading people, even their own name can not write people.

In 1990, the main labor force was people in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Now, people born in 1980 are 10 years old.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, the average education level of people in our country was not enough. Many people did not complete the nine-year compulsory education, and even many people could not write their own names.

After finishing high school, they all have a high degree. Many factories and companies are eager to get it, but private companies can hardly get college students and college students, because college students and college students want to go to official work or state-owned units, and those who have a little money at home want to go abroad.

For these reasons, the capable people gathered in the official and state-owned enterprises, or went abroad.

If a person with a low degree wants to grow up, he must have enough training opportunities. He can't be an excellent manager even if he has no contact with management. Only when he has been managed by others or often sees how leaders manage, can he learn from it and know how to manage a lot of people.

That's why, after 2010, many junior high school graduates will be supervisors and senior high school graduates will be managers, because they have enough opportunities to exercise and learn. After more than ten years and decades of work, they have learned how to manage.

But now, people with low educational background have no chance to study at all, because there are not enough factories and enterprises to provide opportunities, so many people can only stay at home and farm.

No matter how smart a person is, he can't automatically learn management skills if he ploughs in three parts of an acre every day.

If you want to cultivate a qualified manager by yourself, it can be as short as a few years and as long as ten years. That kind of person with special intelligence may be just a few months.

Among ordinary people, it is very difficult to find those excellent talents.

In fact, the reading examination is a screening mechanism. Most of the excellent people are screened out. Only a small number of excellent people fall into the dust for various reasons, and some of them are not excellent, but they climb up for special spelling or other reasons.

An entrepreneur once said that when interviewing college students, three out of ten can do it, and the other seven can't; There are 100 interviewees with high school education or below. Only one of them can use it.

That's why many enterprises require academic qualifications for recruitment. It's not that they think that college students are capable, and those who don't go to college don't have the ability. They just want to increase their chances of selecting talents and reduce their recruitment costs. It's obviously easier to find talents among college students. Anyway, there is no shortage of college students after 2010, Why go to the low educated people?

It is precisely because of this that some people who have strong learning ability but have no educational background regret.

However, when a person has great ability, which is enough for him to go beyond the ordinary interview level and directly face the general manager or the boss for an interview, his educational background will no longer be his obstacle.

Zhang Qianxiu is going to talk about this piece of wasteland, the manager has become a big problem.

Let Zhang Qianxiu go to the countryside to find a person to take charge of. It is estimated that he will run to hundreds of villages. Zhang Qianxiu doesn't like one person, but he thinks that any one of Xu Lun, Tian Junhua and Pei Anping can come, because these three people are excellent enough after many levels of selection, various examinations, master's degree and doctor's degree.

Su Yuwei saw Zhang Qianxiu's worry and said, "it's hard to find talents now. In fact, we can still find them. Even if we contract that piece of wasteland, we can start construction next year. People can find them slowly."

Zhang Qianxiu said with a wry smile, "I have seen hundreds of thousands of people in Yihua printing, Dongtai and Wanhui factories, and interviewed hundreds of people, all of which have been screened."

"Of all the people, I think about it and can't think of anyone who can help me manage this farm."

"In fact, I'm in love with Xu Lun. He understands agriculture and has good ability, but I think he wants to engage in academic research rather than management."

Su Yuwei said: "you can talk to him. If you can't, try to find someone else, or let Professor Yuan help introduce an expert who understands agriculture."

"Besides, who is born with management? Are those big entrepreneurs born with management? It's not until I've learned slowly and suffered a lot. "

Zhang Qianxiu wry smile: "the problem is that I don't have time to train, I want to get the talents that I can use, or else I want to be able to learn and adjust quickly by myself, and he can grow up without anyone's management. Such people are too hard to find."

Zhang Qianxiu can't be in charge here for one or two years and leave after he has trained all the talents. He needs someone who can manage the whole situation.

Even if Huang enquan's head turns faster, he has to toss around in the shop for a while and toss everything through. Only when Zhang Qianxiu dares to give everything to him.

Entrepreneurs are different, he made a mistake, no matter how much loss is his own responsibility.

If Zhang Qianxiu brings in a manager and makes a decision, resulting in a loss of one million yuan, the final loss will be borne by Zhang Qianxiu. At most, he scolds that person. It's impossible for that person to bear the loss of one million yuan, and that person can't afford it. If you peel his skin, you can't get one million yuan.

Even if this person finally grows up, it is still a question whether he can earn a million back for Zhang Qianxiu.

This is also the reason for Zhang Qianxiu's headache. To cultivate talents by himself, we must let them try and make mistakes and learn. All these costs.

Su Yuwei thought for a moment and said, "if you want to calculate like this, at present in China, you can't find any suitable talents except to dig in state-owned enterprises."

Zhang Qianxiu thinks about it carefully. What Su Yuwei said is actually very reasonable. There are few large private enterprises in China now, and many talents have not grown up. Unlike later, all kinds of general managers, presidents and CEOs are running all over the street. Most of the talents are still in state-owned enterprises or official institutions, and only a few are in private enterprises.

Zhang Qian sighed for a long time and said, "find a way to train some people as soon as possible."

Su Yuwei said: "management talents are not reading books. They can read a few books and do a few problems. They have to face all kinds of management problems and solve all kinds of problems by themselves. They have to face more problems and have stronger ability to solve problems."

"All of these need to be practiced. The talents you need are leaders who have higher ability requirements and can deal with emergencies. Even in practice, most of the situations are step-by-step work every day, and there are not so many emergencies. It's not so easy to cultivate them."

"What's more, even if you are training now, you have to have people and positions for them. How can you have positions now?"

Zhang Qianxiu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "daughter in law, are you comforting me or hitting me?"

"I'll tell you the truth!" Seeing Zhang Qianxiu's sad face, Su Yuwei couldn't help laughing: "it's no use worrying! It's still a problem. "

In spite of that, many people know this truth.

But when it comes to myself, I will still worry.

Zhang Qianxiu is like this now. He knows that worry is useless. He needs to think of a way. But when he thinks of a way, he feels that there are difficulties everywhere. It's troublesome to solve them!

It's good to have trouble solved, but now Zhang Qianxiu doesn't have so much time to solve it.

Zhang Qianxiu quite some helpless said: "can only take a step to see step by step, when the time comes to think of a way to see if you can recruit a group of students from the University, do middle-level management reserve."

"And then more from the grass-roots staff to explore potential people."

As for the senior management, they all require more comprehensive talents.

Su Yuwei said, "Well! You'd better go to Professor Yuan tomorrow and make a concrete transformation plan. You won't have much time to come here in the future. "

Zhang Qianxiu nodded slightly: "we need to talk about it in detail."

"Another thing is that we have to find someone to manage the financial problems here. Even if Xu Lun is willing to help manage the farm, he doesn't know much about his financial affairs. I still have to find someone."

"Chenzhuang also needs a reliable financial department."

Su Yuwei said: "there are no good solutions to these problems. The financial professional knowledge is very demanding. You have to go to the university to find it."

"Generally speaking, the old accountants who are looking outside have no problems as cashiers and accountants, but most of them will not declare taxes."

Tax returns need to have an understanding of the relevant tax law, to be clear about what needs to be taxed and what does not need to be taxed.

To be more realistic, it's better for this taxpayer to have a good understanding of the tax law and know where to evade taxes, how to evade taxes and what taxes must be paid.

Zhang Qianxiu just started to open a farm. He was just for tax evasion, and he was not a law-abiding man.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "when things here are over, we have to go to Beijing. We'll find a way to find out if we can dig out some college students."

In this era, college students are allocated by themselves.

Since there is a national distribution, many people are not interested in looking for jobs. They all think that the national distribution is more reliable and it is an iron rice bowl.

When you go to a private company, I don't know when your boss will fire you. It's hard to find a job in this era. After you are swept out of the house, you may not find a suitable job. If the state allocates it, there is no worry about this.

In addition, a slightly better university, many units are scrambling to give, the treatment is not bad.

As a result, it is more difficult for Zhang Qianxiu to recruit.