Chapter 107:Coming back.

Aditi finds out that she can go now anywhere she wants, she doesn't feel tired, hungry or thirsty, but unfortunately, all she can see is unhappiness, she realized that people even though have different height, different color, different country, different language they are still same, they are get happy when someone praises them, get angry when someone criticizes them, and importantly every person is suffering from different causes, she once read in a book that our DNA 99.9% same as the person next to us, that mean our DNA I just 0.01% different from other people and this different make us so different, how much work or efforts God do while making us. After traveling for two years Aditi again come to Pandhrpur, she is now tired by watching all the sadness in the world, she is tired of suffering, she just wanted to sleep for infinite time, but she can't do that. Now her soul also starts sinking, she is now just an enrgy ball, first, when she comes here, she can speak but now she can't even speak and her hearing capability is also reducing. now only thing can she do is thinking.

While she is wandering around, she sees people smiling on silly little things, she is also just like them, she starts remembering those days which she spends with her grandpa, those are happiest days in her life, she eats whatever she wants, she can sleep whenever she wants, and she doesn't even need to worry about anything, her grandpa is the person whom she loves so much, and even can't forget still now, she also remembers how her mother make her favorite food, and how she and Virat play, she remembers chinu's smile, Msihty's sweet words, and Mihir's naughty behavior, that kid is little mischievous, she also remembers after marriage how Raman treated her, truth to be told, Raman is also a good person, he has a child-like personality, just an ambitious child, Later they start fighting, but she knows that he is good person, she sometimes wonders if she gets rebirth before marriage will she again get married to him, she doesn't have to answer. That day seeing Adhira and Raman crying the knot in her heart is resolve, if Adhira is not her stepsister the things might be different, If Raman is only her friend then also, Life is too complicated. She thinks.

"Vithu Mauli I understand why I got to suffer because I am a bad person, I do some bad things, I also realize that Mahendra, Arjun, and Samira are guilty too, so we get suffering but what about Mishty and my chinu they never do anything wrong then why?" Aditi said.

"I will forgive you if you give them a happy life, and for me, I just want to end all this suffering, I don't know how you stand to this, everyone is demanding something from you, sometimes blame you, sometimes tried to request you, are you too tired watching our suffering so you let me see this, so I can undertstand how you feel, but I wanted to be a human again, life is full of misery but I wanted to suffer one more time, I wanted to feel all the emotions again if possible send me after the rebirth life, please" Aditi requested, but don't get required result.

6 years passed since she opens her eyes in this world, and now she can't even hear anything, she remembers once she read that, stop every instrument which is making voice and enjoy the silence of the world, listen the sound of the water and the sound of air, unfortunately, she now can't hear anything. But she still asks lots of questions to god, only to get them unanswered.

"My grandpa said, we must love God, but also has to remember that God loves us too but I don't think so, if you love me, why you let us suffer"

"There are 7.8 Billion people in the world, let's consider a round figure 7Bilion I wonder how you handle all of them, how you decide whom to kill, what happens when we died, If I consider that there are somewhat 6/7 religion still you have to handle at least 1 billion people, isn't it too troublesome, and you not only have us right, you have plants, and animals and insects and other issues too"

Aditi is vegetarian, she is somewhat against non vegetarian people, later she changed her thoughts, but now she thinks that plants are also living being, she once read that plants also have feeling not like us but they can feel pain and pleasure too, she remembers this discovered by a Bengali scientist, Jagadish Chandra Bose, from Bengal she remembers Mahendra and her heartache too much, she remembers everything, his every word, his every expression. But she can't able to see again. She decided that she will say sorry and thank you to every plant, she then spends her six months in that and again comes back.

"People call you mauli, but I think you are my father because he only ignores me just like you, he is the cause of my suffering, but I realize that I suffer so I must be a bad person because I know you are not bad. then it is me who is bad, everyone leaves me, mom, nanu, grandpa, chinu, mau, Raman, daddy, Virat and now when I got a second chance I also waste it, just send me for one day, I will see them and then kill me, I don't even want reincarnation, just one day is enough, please send me, I also wanted to listen to my system's voice" Aditi is too desperate now to go back, but still nothing happens.