Jing Yunzhao couldn't take care of so much, so he ran after the crowd.

She doesn't want to be nosy, but what's the reason why she has learned martial arts? Can't you watch this old lady's grandson be carried away under her nose and say nothing?

On the other hand, the husband and wife also crowded in the past, the couple cried frighteningly, but many people gave way.

However, they have already seen each other's figure, but in the next second, the other party turns and disappears in front of them. When they rush to have a look, where can we see the trace of that person?

Jing Yunzhao's face was grim and focused, and he never left the other side.

When the other side turns into another street, he immediately pays attention to all people who are similar in body shape.

Just looking at the man just now seems to have changed a coat, even the children's clothes have changed. His small head is wrapped up in a scarf, and he is also wearing a new hat. Outsiders do not seem to see the wrong place at all.

When Jing Yunzhao chased the man, he had been observing every feature of the man, from his appearance to his walking.

On the surface, this person is no different from ordinary people, but everyone's physical condition is different, especially under tension, the muscles are tight, and the strength of her legs will be different. Therefore, she can find the target in so many people at one glance.

The other side runs very fast. When Jing Yunzhao is more than ten meters away, he has already got on a van.

The license plate on the van is blocked. Even if it is exposed, it may not be true. Therefore, Jing Yunzhao has no choice but to catch up with him.

He squatted down and tied his shoelaces tightly. Jing Yunzhao took a deep breath and sped up to catch up. There were numerous obstacles in front of him. Everyone saw a figure easily crossing the roadblocks. It looked like he was making a movie.

"My God, this woman can't be wearing elastic shoes, how can she jump so far..."

"Don't you think it's handsome? I'm afraid she'll have to break the record if she takes part in the school 100 meter race? No, you can run for athletes directly! "

Several girls look at the figure of Jing Yunzhao and say in surprise.

"Is she after the car? It can't be true? Can you run well? How fast... "

It's got a lot of attention.

Although the speed is extremely fast, but inexplicable, no one feels her appearance is embarrassed.

The brown scarf she was wearing around her neck threw out a flying arc with a faint fragrance. As she was getting farther and farther away from the van, she almost ran into the road and jumped on the roof of others. It was just like the flying knight on TV. She was getting closer and closer to the target by the speed of the car When he saw Jing Yunzhao pull off the scarf on his neck and throw it directly at the co pilot's seat where no one is seated!

With a bang, the window was broken.

The other party's car had not stopped, but Jing Yunzhao's figure flashed, and the whole person went through the broken window!

"No Hit me, am I dreaming now?! Is there a camera around here? It's not a planned plot, is it? " The girl who has been watching from afar is puffing her mouth. She can't believe what she saw.

That's a fast-moving car, isn't it?

That girl looks as big as them, and she's not a muscle girl, right!

What's more, it's a scarf instead of a gravity weapon that smashes the window!

But since it's true So how did she do it?

Unconsciously swallow mouth saliva, although just clearly saw this girl all the way to chase the process, but now, some trance ah, as if what happened before is not very sure? Like an illusion

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