This scene is like a science fiction film. Even the driver of the van is stupid. There are many girls in the co driver's seat who are looking at her coldly, as if they will break his neck in the next second.

Suddenly, the van stopped at the side of the road.

The driver was about 30 years old. The woman holding the child was in the back seat. The other side was nervous, but he had no choice but to get off to negotiate.

Jing Yunzhao jumped into the air and smashed the window, attracting many people's attention. As soon as the man got out of the car, he immediately said to Jing Yunzhao, "what's wrong with you, little girl? How can you do such a dangerous thing? "

The other side's attitude is not bad, but he seems to care.

Jing Yunzhao stares at the child in the woman's hand and says coldly, "return this child to me."

The other party's heart "clutters" for a while, some are guilty and afraid.

This is not the first time that we have done this kind of thing. It's best to make a fool of it every new year's day. We can hide it by dressing up a little bit. We have never made any mistakes. But this time, we were chased by a little girl?

"What do you mean? What do you want my son for? " The other side's nervous way.

"Your son? Didn't you just snatch the child from the square street? " Jingyunzhao cold road.

All the people around him were startled and looked at the child. They saw that the child had red lips and white teeth, and his plump face was particularly lovely. However, there were some tears hanging on his face. He looked pathetic, with his mouth curled and a look of fear.

It's not really a snatch, is it?

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense! This is my son. How could it be stolen? You can't slander people if you want to do good deeds? You don't see what you've done to my son! " The man let out a roar.

This roar made the little boy shudder, even unable to speak.

"You wait. I'll call the police and ask their parents to come over. It'll be all right by then." Jing Yunzhao takes out his mobile phone directly.

The other side looked, his face changed greatly. The next second he quickly squatted down beside the child, holding the child and saying, "my dear son is not afraid. Dad will beat the bad guys away..."

"Big guy, look, the little girl just jumped out of the car roof. There's no mental problem, right? Or it's a human trafficker. Please do me a favor. My son is scared now. What can we do if she calls her accomplice to come back... " The woman next to me said in a loud voice: "now this peddler is thinking about how to abduct children. Little girl, it's better to surrender earlier than you are young..."

No one can compare the ability of turning black and white upside down.

"Since I am a human trafficker, well, I should wait for the police." Jingyunzhao road.

As soon as the other party saw it, she knew that the little girl would not die until she reached the Yellow River.

After all, the little girl was so evil that she chased her all the way. They didn't even use driving!

As soon as the woman looked at it, she thought about it. Suddenly, she knelt down and said to the people around, "please help us husband and wife! I'm really the mother of this child. This little girl is actually the illegitimate daughter of my ex husband. My dead ex husband had a lot of children outside. I finally divorced him. Who knows he took my child! I am the biological mother of the child. That animal is not a human being. I beat and scold the child and often don't eat it. I really can't see it anymore. So I want to take the child back. I beg you. Please help my poor mother... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!