Jing Yunzhao is stupefied. His eyes are full of surprise.

I've heard of people who don't want a daughter, but I've never heard of one who doesn't care about his son for the sake of his daughter. However, old man Xu is not a layman, and this kind of thing doesn't exist in him at all. No wonder he has lived in Huaning County for such a long time, and no one is looking for him.

She often comes to this small yard, but so far, the only "stranger" she meets here is Li Shaoyun.

"Uncle What's the matter with your younger sister, the father's daughter? " Jing Yunzhao thought about it and asked.

She has never been a gossip. However, she has been with old Xu for so long that she knows nothing about him. Sometimes she wants to care about him, but she doesn't know how to speak. It's really embarrassing.

Xu Xingyuan's hand action was stunned, a trace of memory flashed on his face, some sad.

"In fact, we don't know, because it was different at that time and it's hard to get in touch with her. She eloped with the man. Master's eldest son acquiesced and helped them settle down in Huaning County. However, no one knows where they live. She only wrote letters to her family every week, and then one day at home I didn't receive the letter, but the man who was with her returned to the capital. No matter how he asked, he couldn't find out the whereabouts of his younger martial sister. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive

"Master loves this daughter most. Since XianLan disappeared, she has been locked up. Every day she drinks or makes medicine. The two young masters in her family have no choice but to cooperate with others. She has been looking for someone for more than ten years, but there is still no news. She may feel that she is old and has no hope. She wants to settle down in the place where her daughter is missing If you're lucky, you'll meet it. "

Xu Xingyuan finished and looked at Jing Yunzhao: "the old man suspected that you might be his granddaughter, but unfortunately, you are not up to your age."

During her elopement with the man named Li Tianyi, she never heard of any children. Moreover, Li Tianyi, who returned to Kyoto, never mentioned that if she had been pregnant after her disappearance, she would not have been as big as Jing Yunzhao.

Jing Yunzhao listened and laughed.

"I wish I could have a grandfather like Xu, who has a strange temper and has an appetite for me." Zhaoyundao.

"I think you, a girl, should be sent by God to comfort the old man and relieve his pain of thinking about his daughter. Since you appeared, the old man has been more happy than before, and he has listened to you. Although the wine is good, it can be considered as enough. It is not the case before. It is common to get drunk." Xu Xingyuan said again.

Jing Yunzhao pursed her mouth and laughed. Seeing that the old man was so partial to her, he turned back to add a dish to him.

Jing Yunzhao's eyes are soft. When he looks at the setting sun, he moves the dried herbs back to the warehouse. Li Shaoyun has a good eye. He doesn't need old man Xu to drive him, so he goes to help, but he only gets Jing Yunzhao's white eyes.

Even if I follow her every day, she still says that she should be a teacher. She is obviously looking for an excuse to cheat on drinking!

The richer Jing Yunzhao's expression is, the more interesting Li Shaoyun is. His slender figure follows Jing Yunzhao's head and says a few words from time to time. The picture looks really warm, but Jing Yunzhao can't feel it.

When the chores were almost done, there was an anxious noise coming from the gate.

When Jing Yunzhao opens the door, he is actually a dignified Gan Jinchen.

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