"Yunzhao, I can't get through to your phone. I can only come here to find you. Something happened to my grandfather and said that he was treating the dead..." Gan Jinchen will Jing Yunzhao pull to the door, this just urgent way.

Jing Yunzhao was startled: "what's going on?"

Although grandfather Gan is not a miracle doctor, most of his diseases can be cured. Even if he can't, he can relieve the other party's condition. How can he treat the dead?

"In fact, I'm not sure. It was the people in the clinic who informed me. I only knew that the other person was very old, and his health was not very good. My grandfather has been treating him for a long time. But this morning, after my grandfather prescribed the medicine, his family carried him to the door of the clinic in the evening, saying that his grandfather had cured him." Gan Jinchen said again.

On hearing this, Jing Yunzhao quickly turned his head and said to Mr. Xu.

Although old Xu seemed to be difficult to get along with, he never cared about her private affairs. He just snorted and waved her away.

This just immediately and Gan Jinchen go to the clinic of grandfather Gan.

Because of the constant phone calls from hejiasi, her mobile phone is often kept silent, which leads to no call from Gan Jinchen.

It wasn't long before they arrived.

At the door of the clinic, a lot of people were crying.

Jing Yunzhao hurriedly walked over and only looked at the stretcher on the ground. An old man was lying there, stiff, motionless and breathless. He was indeed dead.

But the grandfather Gan people in the clinic, obviously did not encounter such a situation, frowning tightly, checking the records of treatment, a dignified face.

"Are you the grandsons and granddaughters of gansongbai? Let him out As soon as they were about to enter the door, the man opened his mouth and yelled, "quack kills people! Even if I had cheated my old father for so much money, he was killed

Jing Yunzhao frowned and glanced at the man.

The man is about 40 years old, crying badly, but he only thunders and doesn't rain. He doesn't see a drop of tears.

There was a woman squatting on one side, who seemed to be really sad and full of tears. In addition, there was a helpless young man, a boy about 17 or 18 years old, with a silent and sad face.

Jing Yunzhao opened the door and went in and said, "what medicine did you prescribe for him today, grandfather?"

"Just like usual, the old brother is old and has no major health problems, but he has many minor problems. He doesn't dare to use too strong herbs, which are just warm tonic..." Mr. Gan sighed.

In fact, with the old brother's body, even if it is not taking medicine, but generally people of this age, even if they tell him that he is not ill, the other party may not believe it, maybe they will go to other places to find some messy to eat, in order to avoid such a thing, he will generally prescribe some harmless and even good for the health of tonic, not at all It can hurt the body.

Jing Yunzhao took the book that recorded the disease and looked at it. As the old man said, it was mild and harmless.

"Could it be the wrong drug?" Jing Yunzhao asked again.

When Zhong Qing helped in the clinic before, he almost hurt the doctor Chen who worked in another clinic. Fortunately, he found out in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Mr. Gan shook his head again: "from the prescription to the prescription, I personally did it. I confirmed it several times. Moreover, the medicine was cooked here. There are no other patients today, so I put my mind on his medicine. It is impossible to make mistakes."

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