After all, the doctor in front of her is too young. If something happens during the treatment, she will suffer.

However, if this eye goes on like this, she will be really crazy. Her marriage will have problems. Now, for the sake of this eye, even it will be completely finished.

"You must have had some big changes before your eyes went wrong, didn't you?" Seeing that she wasn't very resistant, Jing Yunzhao reached out and took the pulse first, and then said again.

She said it more like a prodigy.

"Yes Right... " The woman hesitated for a moment.

Her mother-in-law felt that she could not give birth to children, so she secretly asked her husband to go on a blind date. At that time, her mother-in-law had a quarrel with her. The more she thought, the more sad she was, the more angry she was.

But it's family business. It should have nothing to do with her illness, right?

"This is not a problem with your eyes. To be exact, it should be that other problems show up in your eyes. If I'm right, you should be in a bad mood before you get sick, and you will be very angry. Because of your bad mood, you will be hurt by anger. The liver injury will lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis. As a result, the heat will be turned into heat, and the liver fire will be exuberant. Therefore, you will rush to the head and lead to abnormal eyes Often. "

Jing Yunzhao said very carefully, but also followed a principle. The more half understood some things, the more magical they would feel.

The woman nodded: "you're right. I had a fight with my family at that time, and then there was a problem."

"There are two ways to treat the disease. The first is to use the prescription prescribed by the doctor before. However, the course of treatment is slow and soothes the liver and activate the collaterals. The other way is to use both methods. I will acupuncture and dredge blood gas for you. There is no danger and side effect. You can cure eye problems immediately. However, in order to avoid recurrence, you should take the medicine I prescribed separately to calm liver qi and latent Yang, but you don't need to drink it very much For a long time, three days in a row is enough. " Jingyunzhao road.

Before the doctor opened a flat house, is also a common method, and her acupuncture method is a secret skill.

The woman hesitated.

Because of her bad eyes, her husband sometimes needs to take her out to socialize, but if she can't, her mother-in-law says that she is all over the body. She thinks she's disgraced, and she puts her husband's side more and more ferociously.

Although the husband is not willing to, but the mother-in-law means high, go on like this, inevitable hit.

"In case What happened? You are still so young, I still think... " The woman's face was tangled.

Jing Yunzhao said with a smile: "I'm really young, but the crane hall is not young. If I don't have the skills, the crane hall won't invite me to be a sitting doctor. The acupuncture process takes about 20 minutes. If you don't feel at ease, you can let the people nearby accompany you. If you feel wrong, you can stop immediately."

As Jing Yunzhao said so, the balance in the woman's heart became more and more inclined.

"Well I'll try... " The woman is still the way.

The eyes can be restored in 20 minutes, although it is not long to take medicine for three days.

Jing Yunzhao nodded and invited the man to the inner room, but the woman was not at ease, so she asked a female patient to help watch. After simply lifting the clothes, Jing Yunzhao began acupuncture. People outside looked up one by one, for fear that there would suddenly be a shrill cry from inside.

Others started timing with their mobile phones.

Twenty minutes is not long. It will be here soon.

"Why don't you come out? It's 20 minutes. What's going on? " Immediately there was agitation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!