All of them were suspicious. They were afraid that something might happen. Even the five old doctors were worried. After thinking about it, they sent a medicine boy. But before they got in, Jing Yunzhao had already brought people out.

The time of acupuncture and moxibustion is indeed about 20 minutes, but after all, the clothes on your body have to be removed, which is only a few minutes longer than expected.

The woman followed Jing Yunzhao, her face improved a lot, and she was even happy.

When people looked at her eyes again, they were all shocked. Because when she went in just now, her pupil was obviously tilted, but now it is no different from that of ordinary people. Has it really been cured in such a short time?

"Thank you very much, doctor. I just The woman was a little embarrassed.

When she went in, she was very nervous, but the girl's voice had a soothing feeling. The fragrance in the girl's voice made her feel more comfortable. She thought it would be very painful, but she didn't expect that the silver needle touched the skin, and there was no pain.

"You don't have to thank you. What's cured now is just superficial symptoms. I'll write you a prescription. You can take the medicine on time and try to relax and not be angry." Jing Yunzhao opened his mouth slowly. After that, he sat down at the desk and wrote with a pen.

This prescription is not a secret, so there is no need to avoid it. Several other doctors have a look, and they are curious about what acupoints Jing Yunzhao has pierced. However, due to face saving and the fact that there are many people at this time, it is not easy to go forward and ask directly.

The handwriting surprised the woman again, and some patients came forward to look at it, showing some shocked eyes.

This word is not written by ordinary students. It looks like a great style. Of course, they don't know Chinese culture, but they still have some beauty.

In my heart, I couldn't help believing.

The woman took the prescription and went to fill it. When everyone was hesitating whether to go forward, the woman who had watched Jing Yunzhao's acupuncture first opened her mouth: "little doctor, would you please help me first?"

"Well, sit down." Jing Yunzhao looks like an old doctor.

"I've just had a baby, and I've always been fidgety recently. I feel very sad and want to shed tears, and I feel like yawning..." The woman said.

A sad face, seemingly sad, trance, there is no better than the child's sense of joy.

Her pulse is weak and weak. She sits there with impatience and moves back and forth several times.

"Visceral irritability is not a big problem." Jing Yunzhao comforted himself and began to write a prescription.

"Yes, that's what the doctor said before, saying that I had just had a baby, and I didn't have enough effort..." The woman nodded quickly.

"There are also several kinds of visceral irritability. Although you have just given birth to a child, it is not the kind of lack of painstaking effort, but Yin deficiency and fire is flourishing. Are you dreaming so much recently that you can easily wake up in the middle of the night and have some constipation?" Jing Yunzhao asked kindly.

The woman nodded.

"That's right. If it's a lack of hard work, your tongue coating should be thin and light, but Yin deficiency and fire are different. It's yellow with red tongue. The prescription I gave you can nourish yin and reduce fire. However, I suggest that you supplement your sleep and relax at ordinary times. Don't be too nervous." Jing Yunzhao is well-organized, and everyone who listens is calm.

This woman has just given birth to a child. I'm afraid that she is too nervous for her child, so she can't sleep, eat or smell, and often have nightmares. In addition, the appearance of the child will affect the law of life, so there are problems. , the fastest update of the webnovel!