Shen Xi felt a little flustered and apologetic. Feeling the inquiring eyes, Shen Xi apologized and said, "I'm sorry, zhao'er. My aunt saw someone pulling her out just now. She asked her curiously. She knew she was your cousin. After thinking about it, she left her. She ate a meal in a humble place beside her. She was kind enough to repay the kindness of your adoptive parents When she came running I will take her back now... "

It's like Jing Yunzhao treating guests harshly.

"No more." Jing Yunzhao laughed: "thanks to my aunt, I let the dog come out and bite me crazy. If I don't explain clearly, I'm afraid everyone will think that I'm a heartless villain. Who dares to get along with me in the future?"

Under the big guy's nose, the face project that should be done still needs to be done.

"Zhao'er, did your aunt do anything wrong?" Shen Xilian busy way, some in a hurry, that gentle and kind appearance let people can't help worrying for her.

"My aunt is an elder. I don't blame you if I'm wrong. It's just My uncle knows everything about me before. Why don't you know, aunt? " Jing Yunzhao pauses and says, "after I have adopted my relatives, my uncles have also checked them. Many things have happened to me before. For example, I was abused by my adoptive father when I was a child, and was ignored by my adoptive mother. These aunts ignored all of them?"

Shen Xi then even busy way: "these things I know is not very clear, and this person you know after all, so it is not good to rush out."

"What's wrong with it?" Jing Yunzhao denied it directly, and then said, "my aunt doesn't know what kind of pain I suffered when I was a child? Do you know or don't want to know? Every day you hang around in front of me, asking questions and asking questions. I wish you would know everything about me. I said it. Even if my uncle didn't tell you what he found out, you should remember what I said. Can't you forget it? "

Shen Xi's face changed and she knew that Jing Yunzhao was lying now.

It is true that the two of them have met almost every day recently, but every time, she has unilaterally sent some food to Jing Yunzhao. Jing Yunzhao also said very little, mostly in some vague and exploratory language.

"You are the longevity male, say what you say, I will let someone take her down." Shen Xi retreated to advance.

"Cousin..." Song Xiaoyu called again, still struggling, as if not to Shen Xi face.

"Don't you call my cousin guilty? Which of Qiao's relatives didn't give me a cold word? Is it to ruin my reputation that I suddenly come to recognize a relative? "

"It's ironic that you asked me to take care of my adoptive father! Two or three years ago, someone pretended to be my biological parents. My adoptive father not only didn't help me, but also beat me up. He sold all the things I did when I was a child, so that I almost believed that those people were true. Moreover, they even went to countless reporters to say that I was ungrateful, which made everyone know However, I have been judged for what happened at that time. I don't have a conscience to know if you are criticizing me here. You know it in your heart

"I didn't want to talk about the past, so I asked you to leave. If I really investigate, don't let me support my adoptive father, or even take him to prison directly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!