Qiao Weimin was the most afraid and resentful man in her previous life, so she didn't choose to let him suffer the disaster of imprisonment at that time.

Now he has become a disabled man. His daughter is missing and his son dislikes him. His life has become a problem. He even has no hope for his whole life. This kind of suffering is more torturous than going to prison.

"Zhao'er?" Xu yuanze looked at her heartily.

"Aunt, if you look at it yourself, you will know whether I will repay kindness by driving her away." Jing Yunzhao took out a wet paper towel from his bag and lifted his arm to wipe it. All of a sudden, he only looked at the flawless arm and saw several shocking scars on his head. At first, he saw the scald caused by cigarette end.

Shen Xi pupil shrinks, how did not see before?!

"Your foster father did it!" Xu Yuancheng suddenly rushed over, grabbed her arm and bit her teeth.

Jing Yunzhao's skin is very good, delicate and delicate, so it seems that she has not suffered much. However, it is all caused by eating fruits nourished by space all the year round. However, there are only two places that she has not specially improved. One is her hands and the other is the trace on her arm.

She did all kinds of work since childhood. Her hands were frostbitten, scalded and cocooned. Although the reasons for the space products gradually faded a lot, they still left some.

It's just because she can master martial arts and learn medicine, which makes people subconsciously think that the injury was caused by hard work, so there are few people who ask about it. If she doesn't wear long sleeves, most of the scars on her arm will be covered with ointment and will not be shown to others.

She can cure the wounds, but she doesn't want to. Every time she sees these, she will be extremely satisfied with her life now, and even dare not be tired.

This scar let everyone take a breath, looking at her suddenly turned into sympathy.

With this scar in, it can't be said that she bit back, in order to get rid of the poverty once wronged?

Shen Xi never thought that Jing Yunzhao still had such a hand hidden in her body. On weekdays, she looked calm to the past, but she didn't feel much wronged!

"Zhao'er, I didn't think of you Why don't you show us Shen Xi immediately a face distressed appearance, hastily make up a way.

If Jing Yunzhao doesn't show any scars, even if she breaks the sky, others will think that she is making excuses for herself and even wronging the adoptive parents. But now it is different. Even the adoptive parents should not give such heavy hand.

Beating a child is nothing. It can cause such a devastating wound, but it is abuse.

If you really treat her as your own, how can you leave these things?

"Auntie Shen, my uncle still knows to go and ask. Even if I don't know the scars on my body, I will also know that I did not have a good life. I should not treat people to expose my wounds at this time." At this time, Jing Yunzhao changed his mind.

Others will only think that she is disappointed, not that she is impolite.

"It's my aunt who was cheated. I think it's good for you to meet your former friends..."

"Aunt Shen, the more you say it, the more ridiculous it is. My grandfather and my friends have lived at home for several days. They and I have played very well since a few years ago. What do you mean when you say that I don't care about people I know before?" Jing Yunzhao continued to fight back mercilessly.

Take Qiao's relatives to deal with her? Qiao Weimin was abandoned by her, and he was afraid of a song Xiaoyu?

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