"Will you bring it?" Jin juefeng wiped his forehead.

"Isn't it a girl's nature to take care of children?" Xu wanwan chuckled, "Auntie and uncle are not easy to get together, go out and relax, we can't hold them back. If Fubao is still a few months old baby, I may have no choice.

Now she's more than a year old. She's a baby who eats milk powder. She can handle it. "

Jin juefeng listened, smiling, hugged Xu and gave him a mouthful: "then you'll practice today."

"Good." Xu wanwan laughed a little secretively, "baby will sleep with us tonight."

Jin Jiefeng

Smile a close, "that doesn't work."

"Where does the baby sleep? Do you think it's possible for her to sleep in a room by herself? "

"She doesn't sleep in a crib?"

"Put the crib next to our bed, too."

Jin Jiefeng

Suddenly some regret, "otherwise, I still call Mom..."

"Shut up Xu wanwan stares at him, "the lower half of the body."

Jin Jiefeng

He can't do it with a joke?

What a murderer!

Little tiger!

Fubao ran for a while and began to eat.

Xu wanwan said, "she must be hungry. You wash her hands and I'll milk her."

"Good." Jin juefeng picked up Fubao.

Xu wanwan finds Fubao's milk bottle and gives Fubao milk according to Liu rongjiao's method. She squeezed a drop on the back of her hand, tried the temperature and took it to Fubao.

Jin juefeng is looking at her.

Xu wanwan hugged Fubao, fed her pacifier and looked at Jin juefeng: "what do you think I'm doing?"

"From now on, you must be the most gentle mother." Jin Jue wind cuddled Xu late, said sweetly.

"Every mother is gentle, because the baby is the most lovely angel in the world." Xu wanwan said with a smile, her face showing the unique maternal love of women.

Jin juefeng looked at the heart and secretly kissed Xu wanwan.

As a result, she was seen by Fubao. She took off the bottle, grinned at Jin juefeng with two small teeth: "brother, baby, I want to have a baby."

"Well, we want Fubao, too." Jin Jue Feng said, and gave Fubao a kiss on the face.

Fubao's giggling makes people's heart sprout.

In his last life, Xu didn't get married and had no children. He didn't have a good experience of being a mother. This life, although she is not a mother now, but looking at the lovely baby in her arms, the maternal love in her heart is ignited, and she wants to have a baby.

But think about it, reality does not allow ah!

I can only endure it for a few years until I graduate.

After feeding Fubao, it's time for dinner. Zhenzhen cooked the meal and asked them to eat.

Fubao was a little sleepy, so Xu put her back to her room to sleep.

When eating, she was always worried about Fubao and asked Zhenzhen, "don't you watch the baby sleep?"

"Usually, sister Liu and sister-in-law would look at her. But she has just fallen asleep, and should not wake up. " Zhenzhen said.

But she is a little girl, as old as Xu wanwan. She has never been a mother and doesn't know much about it.

"Well, since I want to watch, I'd better watch her." Xu wanwan said, with some vegetables in the bowl, ready to take to the room to eat.

Seeing this, Jin juefeng took her to sit down and said, "I'll watch. You can have a good meal."

How could he have the heart to let Xu run up and down.

"Can you do it?" But Xu wanwan expressed doubt.