Jin Jiefeng

He gave her a bad smile, "I don't want to practice too."

Xu wanwan

Zhenzhen secretly smiles, "I didn't hear anything."

Jin juefeng went upstairs to take care of Fubao, but Xu was not at ease. Although Jin Jue Feng was careful enough, he was not as good at taking care of children as boys. Besides, before he had enough, Xu quickly finished his meal and went to replace Jin juefeng.

Fubo is still sleeping.

Xu wanwan sat beside him and picked up a fairy tale to read.

As the dusk fell, Jin juefeng came to the room, and they watched Fubao asleep.

At first, they looked at the baby and felt very happy. Later, Jin juefeng was a little bit of an ape. He hugged Xu Wanye and lingered in her ear: "you said that the baby will sleep next to us tonight?"

"Of course."

"Then I'm not without welfare."

Xu wanwan


"Wait until the baby falls asleep."

"Ah." Jin juefeng sighed and put his hand into Xu wanwan's clothes, "or we should..."

"I can think of it!" Let's stop drinking.

Jin Jue Feng turned his lips and had to hold her to quench his thirst.

He's just joking. Of course, it's impossible to make out with her now.

After a while, Fubao woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Xu wanwan and Jin juefeng, and she grinned, but then she cried as soon as she turned her mouth. She called: "Mom, mom..."

It's time for mom.

Xu wanwan quickly picked her up and coaxed her gently: "darling, I'm with my sister and brother today. Let's play games and toys with you, OK. Fubao is the most obedient little princess. She won't cry, will she

Xu wanwan, who spoke softly, comforted Fubao.

She just woke up. She felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted her mother.

Jin juefeng teased her with toys for a while, then forgot her mother and played with two people in the room.

Xu wanwan remembers that Fubao wants to eat complementary food, so she goes downstairs and asks Zhenzhen to do it. She learns from it.

Zhenzhen smashed all the food Fubao wanted to eat and cooked it in rice paste. It was very delicate.

After cooking, Jin juefeng took Fubao down and fed him one spoon at a time. But Fubao was just learning to eat by herself. Xu ate a few mouthfuls later, but she didn't want to. She wanted to eat by herself.

Xu had to let her eat by herself, but she couldn't get a spoon, and she was so clumsy that she could eat all over her body. Half eaten, half spilled, and finally had to give the little guy a bath.

"Fubao likes to soak in the bathtub," Zhenzhen said

They filled the bathtub with water. Fubao was a girl. Even if Jin juefeng was her brother, he was embarrassed to give her a bath. Xu was the only one to wash Fubao.

Baby a play with water on the non-stop, a bath for nearly an hour, Xu night constantly to the bathtub with warm water, thanks to the summer, or really cold.

It's nothing. If you wash for a long time, you can wash for a long time. The most important thing is that Fubao wants Xu to play with her.

As a result, the baby washed incense, Xu was all wet at night.

She changed Fubao's pajamas and gave her to Jin juefeng.

Jin juefeng looked at her wet appearance, distressed: "hurry to take a bath."

Xu went to take a bath and told Jin juefeng to take Fubao with him.

But just half washed, Xu heard Fubao's cry.