Bai impermanence saw them go and immediately followed them to the 18th floor of hell. He couldn't wait to earn more performance.

The ninth layer of oil pot hell felt the boundless heat as soon as they arrived at the door. The hot oil temperature is that they, who have rarely felt the warmth, feel the heat.

The huge oil pan was rolling with red oil, in which at least hundreds of ghosts were fried and roared in the oil pan.

They are lifeless and undergo such punishment, which makes you tortured again and again in a sober state. It's impossible to want to die.

Moreover, the frying is repeated. It will be fished up every two hours to slow down for an hour, and then, again and again, without stopping, until there is a new judgment, it will experience other punishment.

When Bai impermanence arrived, he just saw the woman said by his wife crying and yelling next to the oil pan. They see these things more and more every day. They don't feel strange at all. Compassion? What's more, those who can be sentenced to this hell and punished must have done evil things in others, especially the frying pan. They are not heinous people and will never suffer these.

"Lord Bai impermanence."

As soon as the imp saw Bai impermanence, he saluted respectfully. When Liu Yufei saw Bai impermanence coming, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed. "Please, my Lord, please go around me and spare me. I don't want to get off the oil pan, No."

"Liu Yufei?"

"Yes, yes, I'm Liu Yufei, my Lord. Please, please go around me."

"Do you know Shen Xiaoxiao?" White impermanence is not vague, and immediately asks.

As soon as Liu Yufei heard Bai impermanence ask the name, she thought it was Shen Xiaoxiao who wanted to accept these things. Shen Xiaoxiao is not a good person. She will be put into the oil pot after her death, right.

"She is my half sister. She has committed many evils and killed countless people. Will she also be fried? You let her come, she should blow up. Let me go, let me go. "

In a few words, Bai impermanence asked clearly. It seems that he is really unfamiliar. He is so unfamiliar that he can't wait to step on it.

"When you were alive, you not only sold organs, but also abducted children and women. Your crimes were heinous. You not only had to fry the oil pan, but also had to be driven into the infernal hell. You can't be reborn forever."

"You, execute and treat such a vicious person. The punishment cannot be reduced at all."

Bai impermanence orders the kid, and the kid naturally executes it immediately.

Liu Yufei has been scared to death. Aren't these punishments enough? Why? What about Shen Xiaoxiao? What about her?

"What about Shen Xiaoxiao? What will she be punished for? Is it the same as me? "

"Ignorant, Shen Xiaoxiao didn't die. How could she go to hell before her yangshou was exhausted? Moreover, she has deep blessings. Even if she died, she won't come here."

"What? How is this possible? How is this possible? Impossible, impossible, no, no, it's not fair, it's not fair, why, why... "

Next, no matter how noisy Liu Yufei is, no one asks more. She has only come to feel the feeling that her whole body has been covered with oil

"Mom, do you want to go shopping? Well, women just like shopping. "

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. She just looked more. Why did she want to go shopping? Besides, even if she wants to go shopping, she won't go to the mall of the underworld.

"I'm just curious. Who says I want to go shopping? Let's go and go back early so that your father won't wake up."

"Yes, we don't have money. We don't have money in the underworld. If you can't buy anything, I'm not filial."

"You -- little boy, you know filial piety. It's the greatest filial piety for me to grow up safely."

Sometimes it's really interesting for a boy like a little adult to say these words.

The two mother and son happily finished their night tour of hell. Just after returning to the room, before the light was turned on, they heard a voice clearly holding back their anger:

"Where did you two go in the middle of the night?"

The two looked at each other. After that, they were found.

The light in the room was turned on. Yan Kuan was sitting by Dabao's bed right now. His face was so heavy that it was going to drip water. I'm afraid he had been waiting all night?

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the time. It's already 5 a.m. they've been there for four hours? Time passes quickly.

"Then what? We went for a stroll."

"Little, are you teaching children to lie?" Yan Kuan doesn't eat Shen Xiaoxiao's suit. He doesn't sleep at three o'clock in the middle of the night and two or three o'clock in the morning. Why don't he take his children around to cheat ghosts? The key is still trying to hide it from him. What are they going to do?

"Stand in the corner. To be honest, where have you been?"

"Dad --"

"Especially you, Yan Lele. No, you'll be called Yan woe. Stand in the corner and clean up your mother. I'll clean up you again."

Xiaobao trembled with fear from his father. Good guy, it's terrible for his father to start a fire.

Mom, you'd better ask for your own blessing.

Xiaobao immediately stood in the corner of the wall and dared not move. Shen Xiaoxiao flattered Yan Kuan with a smile.

It's useless to pull clothes with small hands or laugh. If you don't tell the truth today, Yan Kuan will never easily surround them.

"You planned to go out alone all night. I don't believe you didn't do anything."

"Well, we were afraid you wouldn't agree, so we didn't tell you."

Shen Xiaoxiao also knew that if she didn't say something today, she might not be able. Didn't she agree to go because she wanted to see the daughter of the Milky way? After all, he's the one who caused it.

"To be honest, where have you been?"


"What? Shen Xiaoxiao, you are too brave. Do I agree with you? Where are you taking your children? Do you know where you can go? Have you thought about it? "

"I know. I'm just curious."

"Are you still young? What are you curious about? "

Speaking of this question, Shen Xiaoxiao stopped talking, but Xiaobao answered:

"I know, dad and mom are curious about the daughter of the Milky way, so they want to see it with me, because they all say that the daughter of the Milky way is the appointed wife of the black emperor, so mom wants to see it."

"What galactic daughter, what destined wife? Also, boy, don't give me a careless eye. If you don't say, will your mother know what the daughter of the Milky way? "

"And you, honestly, what daughter of the Milky way?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and said what he knew from beginning to end. After that, Yan Kuan didn't speak for a long time. Instead, he suddenly got up and returned to the room. He didn't talk to Shen Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bao again. Is this really angry?