Yan Kuan didn't dare to tell Shen Xiaoxiao that after he had a small white crystal in his stomach, he began to dream. In his dream, there was always something like a red ribbon around him. He couldn't touch it and drive him away.

Now hearing Xiaoxiao say so, he began to wonder if this was really the daughter of the Milky way?

But his feeling can't deceive people. The ribbon has no life. They don't know what the so-called galactic daughter is at all.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and left angrily. This was the first time she saw Yan Kuan so angry. She turned her head and told her son twice and hurried back to the room.

Xiaobao looked at his mother's back and reluctantly shook his head and said to himself, "my father is not angry at all. My mother is so smart that she didn't see it. Ah, sure enough, a woman is a fool when she meets a man."

After saying this, he nestled at Dabao's feet and fell asleep sweetly.

When Shen Xiaoxiao slipped back to the room, she saw Yan Kuan sitting at the head of the bed touching the crystal stone in her hand in silence. She twisted her hands and feet and walked over. First she leaned carefully against him. Well, she didn't refuse, then she carefully pulled his clothes and didn't answer, and then she just rubbed around. The boy pretended very well today and hasn't turned into a wolf. Shen Xiaoxiao continued to work hard, Just lean behind someone's ear and spit out the heat. Well, if you don't respond, I'll praise you.

Sure enough, Yan Kuan was waiting for someone to take the initiative to deliver it to the door from beginning to end. Didn't he say something? No matter how big a problem between men and women can be solved by going to bed, it is not a problem. If it can't be solved at one time, do it more times and do it. Any problem will become a problem.

Bone and flesh, Shen Xiaoxiao knew that if this man could really hold back from being seduced by her, he would even turn over and decide. As a result, hehe, he still couldn't escape her palm.

"Little thing, you asked for it. Don't blame me for not knowing how to pity fragrance and jade. I wanted you to stay up all night and let you go. You sent it to the door. I don't want to be sorry for you."

"Husband --"

Shen Xiaoxiao blinked at Yan Kuan, who glanced at him obliquely and said:

"What? Beg for mercy? It's late! "

"Husband, do you want to abuse?"

"You little beast, beg for abuse, right? Well, I will help you!"

After a cloud and rain, Shen Xiaojiao came for more than two hours and didn't finish. Shen Xiaojiao was panting. From the bedroom to the bathroom, the man didn't miss such an opportunity. He just tossed until it was clear.

Shen Xiaoxiao was already tired to death, but even if he didn't dare to sleep, they had a big meal. All 18 kinds of martial arts went to battle. The couple came here before the child was born. How long has it been? The meat is delicious!


"Huh? Yes? Want more? "

"Go, aren't you angry?"

"Hum, who said that? Look at sb.'s performance. "


Seeing that Shen Xiaoxiao was ready to go to bed with a smile, Yan Kuan said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"I seem to know the daughter of the Milky way you said."


There was no drowsiness. Shen Xiaoxiao coaxed him to sit up from the bed. His eyes looked at Yan Kuan and knew him. He said he knew him.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah - don't get me wrong. I'm afraid you misunderstood just now, so I didn't say it. The key is that you don't mention tonight. I don't know what the daughter of the Milky way is."

"Make it clear."

"Hey, this should start when I found the crystal stone..."

Yan Kuan made a statement. Shen Xiaoxiao was more and more confused, but it was certain that the so-called daughter of the Milky way really had no form, just like the red veil of donating water?

"What the hell is she?"

"I guess I haven't changed the human form, or it's just a title. You also said that what they said is just a legend, a legend."

"This --"

"I'll go with you again in three days. This time, we'll go to boundless hell in person. I want to see what's sneaking. My Yan Kuan's wife will only be you Shen in the past, this life and the future."

"Hum, you dare others to try, sleep, hate."

Shen Xiaoxiao doesn't want to entangle. They'll wait until they go to hell three days later and then go to Huihui, the daughter of the Milky way.

The contradiction between them was too much. They slept together.

When Xiao Bao woke up, he consciously didn't bother his parents who were not so reliable.

I personally asked people to take Dabao for a walk in the garden. They are still in city a, so the weather here is much warmer than Kyoto.

"I want to go in and see President Yan. You let me go in and see President Yan."

At noon, Xiaobao looked at the noisy woman at the door in the distance, frowned, patted Dabao on the shoulder and Dabao said:“

Dad's fly came to the door again. I'll go and have a look. You're here. "

With that, Xiao Bao explained to the general and marshal around Da Bao, and then turned and walked to the door.

Wu Xueying sneaked out on the way to the airport today. She really couldn't figure out why her father wanted her to go abroad immediately. Her mother couldn't stand her noise before she told her which general manager Yan ordered her.

Why, why does this man do this? She didn't affect his life. Couldn't she look at him silently? Why is he so cruel? Why?

"What are you arguing about?"

"Little Lord"

When the dark guard saw Xiaobao coming, he immediately said respectfully to Xiaobao.

"You are Yan Kuan's child. I want to find your father and let him come out to see me."

Wu Xueying was so angry that it seemed that his father was really a heartless man. Xiaobao only felt very annoying.

"Why should I send you a message? Who are you? What do you do when you see my father? "

"I'm Wu Xueying. I'm looking for your father. Why did he let my father send me abroad for no reason? Why did he do that? "

"You're so stupid. Your father asked you to go abroad. What do you want my father to do? Also, haven't you been out now? "

"What do you know, kid? Let your father out. "

"My father and mother are sleeping. They are not free."

When Wu Xueying heard this, her face turned white. She was still sleeping at noon. Shameless women only knew that they were pestering men.

"If you don't have a face, you know you're pestering men."

Wu Xueying whispered. Xiaobao's eyes narrowed. This action was almost the same as Yan Kuan. The boy was going to get angry.

"Who do you say is shameless?"

"I -- I -- I, you child, you don't care what I say. What do you know when you're so young? Let your father out. Your mother is really not a thing. She must have encouraged your father to drive me away. Mean, shameless."

"You dare to scold my mother and die..."