The foot is soft sand, every step up, when moved away, will leave a deep footprint.

On the beach behind the line of defense, Romano walked slowly.

Looking at the mobilized soldiers on the defense line, we also looked at the tragic Gulf.

The bodies have poured up to the coast, and at the junction of the sea and the land, the dead sea animal bodies have landed.

Under the pressure of surging sea water behind him, the dead sea animal body is moving towards the beach bit by bit.

With a turn of his body, the walking roromanov crossed the line of defense composed of mobilized soldiers and came to the water side.

The sea water is no longer visible, only slightly floating bodies of polluted animals can be seen.

In the crevice, occasionally you can see a little rippling, has been dyed green water.

Seeing that rolomanov was close to the dangerous water, several mobilizers on the defense line followed him closely to protect him.

Less than ten meters from the beach, Romanov stopped.

Looking at the ferocious corpses by the sea not far away, rolomanov said: "go! Pull up a body

The voice falls, and two mobilizers behind Romanov respond.

From the side of Romanov to a dead sea animal by the sea, two mobilizers, one by one, reached out and grasped the two huge forceps on the forehead of the sea animal.

The auxiliary power engine of the power combat suit is roaring.

The huge sea animal corpse was dragged by the mobilizers, and the corpse moved.

The heavy body dragged on the beach, leaving a deep furrow behind.

Drag the sea animal corpse in front of Romanov, and mobilize the soldiers to put down the sea animal corpse in their hands.

Looking at the corpse of the sea beast at his feet, Romanov walked around and circled the corpse.

Romanov is watching the sea animals.

On the side of the sea beast, Romanov stopped.

Eyes inadvertently, in the belly of the sea beast body, rolomanov found something strange.

Slightly bent body, Romanov squatted down, to reduce the line of sight, to better observe their own discovery.

There is something!

With the decrease of vision, roromanov could clearly see the abdomen of the sea beast corpse.

In the abdomen as like as two peas, one of them is seen in the egg, and one is identical to the shape of the sea animal. It is just a transparent sea animal.

Looking at the crystal clear egg ball, Romanov's heart is slightly clear.

In order to confirm what he thought in his heart, Luo rumanfu, who stood up from the sand, said to the mobilizers on one side: "pull another dead sea animal!"

Although I don't know what captain Romanov is going to do, the mobilizers don't ask. They turn around cleanly and choose a sea animal body at random by the sea. As before, they push and drag it in front of Romanov.

As before, Romanov came to the side of the carcass and squatted down.

He looked at the belly of the carcass.

Not surprisingly, in the abdomen of this sea animal, Romanov also saw the hatchlings that had not yet hatched.

There are many egg balls, densely hanging in the groove of the sea beast's abdomen.

Rose from the sand, and amid the sparse gunfire in her ears, Romanov looked at the miserable Bay.

If you're right, there's only one thing they have in common.

That's the female, and the female in the incubation period.

In the egg ball under the belly of the carcass, the shape of the young is obvious, which indicates that the hatching period is not far away.

The only thing he doesn't understand is why these females keep pouring into the bay?

For food?

This possibility is very big, any living creature needs enough nutrition to ensure the growth of new life in the gestation period.

The popularity of the port has attracted the attention of sea animals. For food, it invades the port, which seems reasonable.

But there is one thing that Romanov can't understand.

If these female sea animals invade the harbor for food, their threat level is too low.

It's not a hunt, it's a death row.

Is it because in the incubation period that their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced?

There are too many doubts.

"Da! Da! Dada

Fierce gunfire suddenly rang out, echoing over the bay!

It was also introduced into the ears of Romanov.

The gunfire did not ring on the beach, but farther behind the harbor.

When Romanov was attracted by the fierce gunfire, there was a rapid sound from the communicator.

"There are a lot of polluting animals in the forest. The rear defense needs support!"

of large number?

Where are a lot of pollution animals on Nanlin island?

Because of the words coming from the communicator, Romanov was obviously stunned.

But then, Romanov stepped through the beach line and walked to the back of the harbor.

And in the communicator to convey the command.

"Except for the soldiers on the beach, so the soldiers support the rear line!"

Mobilizers don't lie, and there's no need to.

Since a lot has been said, there must be a large-scale pollution animal in the forest behind.

Otherwise, mobilizing soldiers will not carry the word "a large number".

And dense, intense gunfire, but also to remind roromanov, the rear line is under great pressure.

At the command of Romanov, the harbor was boiling.

The two companies that had been resting in the dock, due to the order of roromanov, quickly moved out of the dock and ran to the defense line behind the port.

While the support forces were coming at full speed.

At the back of the port, outside the forest, the line of 100 mobilized soldiers was in a precarious situation.

The sound of gunfire, the roar of polluting animals, and the "rustling" noise in the forest, when all the sounds interweave, form a fierce battlefield.