From the dark forest, countless swarthy figures rushed out.

They are small, no more than one meter tall and no more than two meters long. They are swarthy and covered with scales. Their heads are terrifying and hairless. Their pupils are blue and their necks are covered with tentacles that look like octopus tentacles.

Four feet long claws, bloody mouth open fangs, action is extremely agile, they rush out of the forest like a gust of wind.

"Da! Dada

The mobilizers on the defense line were shooting wildly.

The muzzle of the black hole was ablaze with flames, and countless bullets formed a metal storm and swept away to the incoming polluting animals in the shrill sound.

"Ho! Hiss

Countless running animals fell down, but more came up.

The bullets couldn't stop them. They were fast approaching the front line of mobilization.

Too much, too much.

The disturbance in the forest never stopped, and the black shadow poured out from the forest.

Within a few breaths, outside the forest, there were no less than thousands of pollution animals.

The number is still growing.

Although mobilizers have powerful guns, there are too many polluting animals.

Kill one, there will be more polluting animals on the body of their companions poured up.


They were roaring and marching in the face of the hail of bullets.

Vigorous pace, extremely fast speed, let them gallop figure like a black awn flash

The roar of bullets came face to face, and some of them were hit by a "hiss". The power of speed and the power of bullets made their vigorous bodies, like a piece of paper, easily torn.

The rest of the speed force, let their body slide on the ground for a long distance to stop.

The death of their companions will only make them more angry. They will cross over the fallen corpses of their companions, and the black tide of beasts will rush to the defense line composed of mobilized soldiers.

"Attack! Keep on attacking, don't stop! "

In the roar, the gunfire became more intense.

Mobilizers holding guns, black muzzle, flashing flame never stopped.

The air pressure caused by the bullet out of the chamber is clearly visible, and countless bullets turn into streamers to attack the incoming polluting animals.

Closer, closer.

Although countless pollution animals fell, but more pollution animals came up.

It's very close to the line of mobilized soldiers.

There are no fortifications, no place to cover.

In a wide place, it's too hard to confront the animal tide.

No matter how dense the bullets are, they can't stop the polluting animals from approaching.

The situation of the defense line is in danger.

"Retreat! Retreat! Back out

Seeing that the situation was not good, the officer in charge of the defense gave an order to retreat.

At this time, the tide of beasts was very close to the defense line.

It's less than 50 meters away.

As soon as the order in the communication is given.

The mobilizers on the line of defense made a move in unison.

With a gun in one hand and a grenade from his waist in the other.

Gently knock on the hard thigh armor and throw it hard. The grenade is thrown to the incoming animal tide by the mobilized soldiers.

Hundreds of black things, in the air with a beautiful arc to the beast tide, fell in the air.

After all this, mobilize soldiers to turn around cleanly.

The line of defense collapsed and the soldiers were mobilized to evacuate towards the beach.

"Boom! Boom

The dark thing fell into the herd and exploded in less than two seconds.

Countless fireballs rose, sand mixed with shock waves, so that everything around was blown up.

Countless pollution animals take off, and there are also countless pollution animals directly torn by the power of explosion.

In two seconds, hundreds of grenades exploded almost at the same time. The explosion was deafening, and the shockwave was sweeping around, which also made the herd turn upside down.

Let the unstoppable attack of the herd release slightly.

When the aftereffects of the explosion subsided, the animal tide of the weak offensive resumed its previous offensive, and chased the evacueing mobilizers fiercely.

"Da! Dada

During the retreat, the mobilizers turned back from time to time to shoot at the herd.

With every bullet, one or two polluting animals will fall to the ground.

In this way, we can not only eliminate the living power of the polluting animals, but also hinder the pace of the herd.

And fight and retreat, mobilize troops to evacuate towards the beach.

The appearance of the polluting animals in the forest made the port, which was not a fierce war, become fierce.

The sound of gunfire and explosion make the port a real battlefield.

"Stop retreating, defend, attack!"

When the mobilizers retreated in the direction of countless oncoming dark green figures.

Support is here.

The evacuated mobilizers also turned around in the voice of the order, set up a defense line on the spot, and attacked the beast tide behind them.

When the support troops poured into the defense line, the gunfire became more intense and the strength of the mobilized soldiers was strengthened.

From more than 100 people to more than 300 people today, the firepower has been increased several times.

There is no place to cover around, so the mobilized soldiers can only build a defense line composed of steel bodies in the open field.

"Da! Dada

The guns were roaring and the flames were flashing.

The roar of bullets continued, one after another.

Dense rain of metal bullets poured bullets on the oncoming tide of animals.

"Ho! Hiss

Green blood splashed, in the front of the herd, a large area of contaminated animals fell one by one.

The blood was flowing, and the ground was dyed a dazzling green.

Countless comrades died, but the polluter was still fearless and launched a decisive charge to the front line of mobilizing soldiers.

In the forest behind the port, there are still many polluting animals rushing out, one after another, and there is no reduction in the number.

At this time, the number of pollution animals out of the forest has exceeded 10000.

Where do they come from?

When Romanov came to the front, he saw the figure in front of him who kept rushing to the front. This was the only doubt in Romanov's heart.