"Captain rolomanov! I saw this kind of pollution animal not long ago

Next to Romanov, an officer said.

Romanov was a little surprised and said, "where is it? I need all the information about this polluting animal! "

There are no large-scale groups of polluting animals on Nanlin Island, which is what the first army has always known about Nanlin island.

After the last Island exploration, this kind of cognition has been confirmed by the first Legion.

In Nanlin Island, there are no large-scale polluting animals.

Today, however, this perception has been broken.

Judging from the continuous flow of pollution animals out of the forest, the scale of the pollution animals entering the port this time is not small enough to be called "big".

Mobilizers said: "last time, when Colonel yevrich led the team to clean up the polluting animals around the quarry, this kind of polluting animal was the main target at that time. At that time, we followed the polluting animals all the way and found their nest. Because the entrance and exit of their nest were located in a crack in the ground and could not be destroyed, Colonel yevrich closed the entrance and exit, Send a company's troops to isolate them, and strictly prevent the polluting animals from leaving the nest! "

"Now it seems that the isolation of Colonel yevrich has failed. It's not close to the quarry. One is in the East and the other is in the West. It's in opposite directions. It's completely at both ends of the island. How did they get here?"

"Has isolation failed? It doesn't make sense. If we fail, we should have been informed about this for a long time! "

There are doubts. Some things are difficult to understand when the information is unclear.

After hearing the words of the mobilized soldiers, Romanov thought in secret.

"In this way, this group of polluting animals is very deep, otherwise, it will not be able to escape the exploration of the whole island by the first army last time!"

Romanov said in his heart.

But where are they hiding?

Nanlin island is so big that a large group of polluting animals can't hide.

Romanov thought of the entrance to the underground crack.

Is there an underground space under Nanlin island?

And the attack on the port. Why did they come here?

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Romanov thought of the terrible bodies of polluting animals in the bay.

For any polluting animal, the "corpses" of sea animals are very attractive.

Are they for the bodies of those sea animals in the Bay?

It's very possible.

It's been a day and a night. I'm afraid the smell of blood and odor of the corpse has spread far and far away.

Maybe it's the smell of the body that catches their attention.

You can't get the real answer just by guessing.

The fierce fighting is still going on, and the pressure on the defense is still increasing.

Although the number of polluting animals has already exceeded ten thousand, it is not so exaggerated.

However, the black herd still put a lot of pressure on the mobilized soldiers.

Although the gun in hand is pouring bullets, the pollution animal is still getting closer and closer.

Each time the herd advances one meter, the pressure on the defense line will multiply.

Fortunately, the intelligence of the polluters is limited, and they can only attack the nearest enemy, otherwise, the defense line of mobilized soldiers can not resist them.

As long as the polluter can separate certain forces to attack both sides of the defense line, even the mobilized soldiers will not be able to resist the enemy more than ten times of their own number under the attack of three sides.

This is the only thing to be thankful for.

After all, in terms of military strength, the port guard is still too weak.

There's something wrong with the situation.

If the line of defense composed of mobilized soldiers is the reef in the sea, then the dark herd is the rising tide, which will submerge the reef sooner or later.

If it goes on like this, the defense line is bound to collapse.

Looking at the dark area of a constant impact on the defense of the herd, Luo rumanfu frowned and thought about the solution.

"Warning! Warning! There are many large sea animals in the open sea. Please be ready to meet the enemy

Just as he was thinking hard about the solution in front of him, a bad news came out of the messenger.

This made Romanov's face change.

"Damn it

When he heard the warning coming from the messenger, he couldn't help saying something rude.

I can't help it. I didn't expect that there would be another incident in the Gulf. Now we are facing the enemy on both sides. It's not enough to rely on our present strength. We must seek help from Qingcheng.

Turning back, Romanov said to the mobilized soldiers in front of him: "return to Qingcheng as soon as possible and report the situation of the port to Colonel yevrich. We need support, enough troops to support, otherwise the first Legion can only give up the port and leave this place of right and wrong!"

Yes, the port is a place of right and wrong.

There must be a reason for the emergence of sea animals and forest pollution animals.

This reason must have something to do with the Gulf. Otherwise, what happened one after another in the past two days can not be explained.

In the previous period of time, the Bay was very calm, very calm.

Why did so many changes happen in such a short time?

There must be a reason.


Mobilize the soldiers to respond.

Then he turned and left.

The direction of departure is to the south of the port.

That direction is now the only safe area, only along the coastline, to avoid the forest where the pollution animals.

At the time of fierce gunfire in the battlefield behind the port, new changes have taken place in the open sea of the Gulf.

On the mountains on both sides of the Bay, the mobilized soldiers watched the sea outside the Bay nervously.

Today, the open sea is calm. There is neither wind nor wave.

Just now, however, the fighting behind the port was intense.

In the distance of the open sea, countless huge shadows appeared under the sea.

They swim close to the sea, very fast, and paddle underwater.

From a distance, you can only see a shadow in the sea spreading towards the Bay, very fast.