Just then, in the middle of the Bay, below the surface of the water, there was a sudden disturbance.

Bubbles came out of the water, as if something was scurrying in the water.

The disturbance in the water made the calm sea ripple violently.

"Wow! WOW

At that moment, at the edge of the corpse sea, the intense spray aroused.

Dark shadows rushed out of the water.

It was a sea animal. Countless sea animals rushed out of the water, climbed up the bodies of their companions and rushed to the coast.

There are so many black figures, they are crawling towards the shore crazily.

It looked like something was chasing them behind.

They're scared, very scared.

The change of sea animals has greatly increased the pressure on the defense line on the beach.

Too many, they are like the tide, pressing the corpse sea to the shore.

The dense surging figure is like a huge wave coming towards the coast, unstoppable.

"Attack! Attack

At the roar of the order, the beach rang out a dense gunshot.

"Da! Dada

The muzzle of the black hole is frantically spitting out fire, and every mobilized soldier is pouring more bullets into the surging tide as much as possible.

Bullets whistling, with indomitable momentum to the blue tide swept away.

The current side encountered obstacles, the bullet mercilessly penetrated the shell of the sea animal, and remained in the body of the sea animal.

The carapace broke, green blood was flowing, a sea animal fell down, but more sea animals came up.

Where do they come from?

Before that, they were still landing slowly, but now all of a sudden, from the surging underwater.

At a glance, on the corpse, there were all the figures of sea animals.

The horror of quantity makes people numb just by looking at it.

Closer, closer.

The defense line on the beach is in danger. The heavy rain of bullets can't stop the tide of sea animals, or even delay their steps.

"The situation of the Gulf defense is serious, and the sea animals can't stop it, Captain rolomanov! The beach line needs support! "

The situation is obvious. The firepower on the beach can't stop the landing of sea animals.

Don't let the sea animals get close to the defense line. Once they get close, they will engage in close combat. Even if they have the protection of power combat clothes, they are not the opponents of many sea animals.

The only result is that the sea animals swarmed on it and ate it up.


At the back of the harbor, Romanov's face sank when he heard the call for help from the beach.

There's no more support.

The rear line of defense is also grim, and the pollution animals are coming closer to the line of defense, and the rear line is also in danger.

As long as the offensive of the pollution beast is a little stronger, the front will collapse completely.

Looking around, at last, Romanov fixed his eyes on the side of the Bay, standing on the dock by the sea.

The dock is big enough, the main body is made of concrete, strong enough, as long as you hold the steel gate, you can be safe.

Now the first Legion is under attack from both sides, from sea animals in the sea, and from pollution animals in the forest. The situation is in danger.

If we don't come up with a complete evacuation plan, the hundreds of mobilized troops in the port will be in danger of being destroyed.

There is no longer any hesitation.

Romanov's expression became firm and said: "no support! Get out, get out of the beach, get out of the dock, open the door and cover for us to get out! "

"Repeat! Get out of the dock now


When Romanov's orders reached the beach line through the messenger.

A company officer gave the order to evacuate.

"Evacuate! evacuate! Back to the dock, now! Come on! Let's get out of here! "

As soon as the evacuation order was given, the beach line collapsed.

The long line of defense broke up in a crowd, mobilized soldiers to step forward, and the auxiliary power system was running with all its strength. It was like the wind running on the beach and running to the huge dock.

As the soldiers were evacuated from the beach, a wave of sea animals was coming to the coast.

Due to the evacuation of the mobilized soldiers, the obstacles in front of the sea animals disappear, and the speed of the sea animals is faster.

"Come on! Open the door

The dock is on one side of the Bay, on one side of the beach line, closest to the mobilizers on the beach line.

The nearest mobilizers on the line of defense are less than 100 meters away.

"Bang! Bang

The mobilizers in the run hit the door directly.

Hold the door with both hands and push with all your strength.

The dark gate is seven meters high and more than half a meter thick. In order to ensure the top secret of the dock, it has been specially designed in terms of closure and firmness.

Originally, the gate was opened and closed by the power of the motor, but now the port power measures have not been established. It is not easy to open the gate of dozens of tons by manpower.

When all the places where people could stand in front of the gate were full of mobilized soldiers, more than 20 mobilized soldiers lined up, holding the gate in their hands.

Auxiliary power is booming.


At the command, the mobilized soldiers pushed the gate with all their strength.

Behind the mobilizers who push the door, there is a mobiliser. They use their body to stand behind the mobilizers who push the door, which can slightly increase the strength of the mobilizers who push the door.

"Creak! Creak

Under Qi Li, the heavy door finally moved slowly, opening a gap between the left and right doors.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

The size of one person, the size of two people, until two-thirds of the space was opened, the mobilization soldiers stopped.

"Come on! Build a line of defense in front of the gate and cover the comrades who withdraw from the rear line of defense! "

In the order, the soldiers were mobilized to take action.

A line of defense was formed in front of the gate.

On the one hand, it defends the Bay on the side, on the other hand, it defends the direction of forest sea on the front gate.