In his later life, whenever he recalled today's failure, he would shiver, as if he had a nightmare.

Flying in the jungle.

Leon's arm had stopped bleeding, but there were more than 20 Firebird knights, and no one spoke.

The atmosphere was as gloomy as death.

"If, like RACH, we run away when we first see them coming back..."

Said a knight in a trembling voice.

"What did you say?" The second commander, the deputy head of the order, said angrily, "say it again?"

The knight shrank his neck.

But another knight said angrily, "what's wrong with what he said? If we had run away from the beginning, our brother, we would never have come to the end now! Brothers are all dead, all dead! We all came out of a training camp. We are brothers and sisters. We have gone through many wars, big and small, and we have not died. We have mixed up to today.... "

"But in order to help a Lach, all the brothers died... Only us."

"If we had no business in the beginning, how could it have happened if we had run away earlier?"

The knight said angrily.

Leon is silent.

What else does the deputy chief want to say.

But all that remained was silence.

The deputy commander looked at Leon.

At first, Leon came to ridicule RACH, but he didn't agree. They should give priority to their own interests and end their mission. However, Leon insisted on coming. Later, he helped the White army, but they didn't say anything. After all, as long as they joined the Firebird knights, the battle would be over soon.

The truth is this.


When Leon made these decisions, no Knight raised any objection.

Now, is it too late?

Leon sighed.

"It's my problem."

"This failure, I will carry down by myself."


Leon waved his hand.

There's a lot of frustration in my eyes.

Until now, he didn't know what that group was. Why is it so powerful? And those strange buildings... I can't understand them!

Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that I don't know why I failed.

He can also find reasons for himself. After all, no one knows how powerful this group is.

But it's just the losers barking.

It doesn't make any sense.

All he's thinking about right now is that.

If this powerful ethnic group is not exterminated in one day and allowed to grow, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Those mobile fortresses... If you build more, once you launch a targeted attack on the Kingdom, it will be devastating. Even, it's no less than a war with another country.


Chu Chong returns to the nest.

The horde of insects will return soon.

The head of Shenchong was not angry. This time, the speed of the other side was too fast. Unlike the order of Firebirds, when they were found returning, another order had already begun to retreat. In addition, there are many magicians who are good at wind magic in the opponent's array. With the blessing of wind magic, the opponent runs fast and leaves Chu Chong's territory soon.

After leaving the territory, there are no monitoring stations for the Horde to track. Finally, let them escape successfully. The wormlin just left a few Knights alive.

Chu insect counts the loss of nest.

just so so.

Apart from the loss of some materials and the lives of locusts, there was no particularly big loss.

Lishui dolphin was seriously injured and 30 died.

Xiaoli, they are around the 30 dead Li porpoises, performing their rituals handed down by the Li porpoise family. There is hatred in their eyes. These 30 dead porpoises are caused by human beings.

"Human beings, hateful human beings!"

Xiao Li yelled.

Chu Chong looked at the bodies of the Knights and felt a little emotion.

If it was a previous life, he would be extremely resistant to killing people. But now, seeing human corpses, there is no feeling.

The position of beast and human is always equal.

Generation after generation of hatred has accumulated into a feud that can hardly be solved, just like the wild animals in the Tanda wetland and their hostility to outsiders.

"Is there anyone alive?"

Blue spirit flew to come over, way: "I extra attention, left a few live."

"Well, well done."

Get Chu insect's praise, Lan Ling's face showed a satisfied smile.

"Bring it up."

Across the village, a few bloody knights were dragged by locusts and flew over. They were all stripped and looked very embarrassed.

Chu Chong flies out of Si Lan's body and looks at these knights.

"Tell me, how did you find our nest?"

The Knights widened their eyes and opened their mouths, as if they were shocked by Chu Chong's real body.

There's only one thought in their heads right now.

The leader of this group.

Unexpectedly, it's really a bug!

How is that possible?

"I, we are members of the order of the Flamingos." Muttered one of the thin, white faced teenagers.

"What does this have to do with my question?"

Chu Chong frowns. He has no mind to talk with these knights.

Next to the locust, suddenly stretched out the forelimb, aimed at the young man's lower body.

The young man was shocked and turned green. He even said: "we are different from the White army. The White army is to pursue the lost quenching wand, but our Firebird Knights have other tasks. We just passed by here and happened to find that RAH led them to fight here. So our commander said that he would come down to humiliate lah. Unexpectedly, the white chess army got into a bitter battle here, so we helped the white chess army and tried to wipe out the big bug, your group. "

The youth's expression is very clear.

Chu Chong nodded.


He thought of the wand he had collected from the trees in the milk hole.

But I never had a chance to use it.

The reserves of the flame clan are too small. Even if you want to use them, you can use some of the most basic ones.

That's what it's called, three hours of charging, two minutes of talking?

"Do you have the means to trace the wand?"

The boy shook his head: "I don't know, but the White army can find here, there should be some positioning means."

"What mission did you Firebird Knights come to Binhai forest for?"

The boy opened his mouth and decided to tell the truth.

"We're here for the chaos in the forest by the sea."

"The city master is worried about the animal chaos in Binhai forest, which may lead to the hidden danger of animal tide. So send us the Firebird knights, if you find the culprit of the animal chaos, you will destroy each other. If you don't find it, try to collect as much information as possible. "

Animal chaos

Chu insect ponders.

The boy began to tell the whole story of the animal chaos.

"Sure enough. It's the tigers. "

Chu Chong takes a deep breath.

The story of the red stone belt is still fresh in Chu Chong's memory.

It's not just around here, but the mysterious tigers behind it have launched animal riots in most areas outside Binhai forest. Clean up the ethnic groups and occupy the territory.

But the human side, also do not know what the purpose is behind. The fire bird order was the first attempt of the fortress, but the first attempt was destroyed by Chu Chong, which was very miserable.

Chu Chong wrinkled his forehead.

The chaos of animals has spread to human beings.

It seems that the real situation is more serious than he imagined.

Take the red stone belt for example. The red stone belt is very close to Chu Chong's nest. Maybe soon, the war will burn to Chu Chong's side.

The mysterious tiger clan has been hidden in the dark.

Chu Chong doesn't even know what his opponent's body is now.

How to deal with it?

And the human side.

After this time, he did not annihilate the other side. The two heads of the knight order were all shot.

It's a big problem.

It means that human beings have known the location of Chu insect's nest.

The main body of animal chaos, the threat of human beings, and the turmoil of Tanda wetland

Chu insect some house leak, slant to meet even the feeling of night rain.

"Come on, let's go and see."

The Legion devoured the bodies of the knight and the Firebird.

The breeding points provided by the knights for Chu Chong are too few, don't mention it.

How come there are so few? It's disrespectful... Chu Chong is quite satisfied with the breeding point provided by flamingo.

Chu insect distance 40, also very close, it is estimated that soon will be able to upgrade.

Flamingo is the top race in level 7.

More than 200 flamingos have provided a breeding site of 100 million and a half for Chu insects.

We still need to devour some high-level beasts.

Seeing that Chu Chong didn't speak, he fell into meditation. The knights were even more nervous. Their legs were trembling, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

Their fate is now completely in the hands of Chu Chong.

As long as Chu Chong wants, he can kill them at any time.

The Knights thought that this insect seemed to be the object of communication, but in fact, it was still a beast... The beast was a beast, and it could not communicate. This idea ran through their minds. In case the insect's brain pulled out, they would be killed... The fear that they would die at any time made their bodies tense.

Chu Chong retreated from his thinking and saw these trembling knights.

"What do you want me to do with you?"

Put aside the worry temporarily, Chu insect also raised to amuse their mood.

The Knights looked at each other.

"Let us go?" he said tentatively

Chu Chong sneered: "are you dreaming?"

After blinking, suddenly, Putong got down on his knees and said, "I'd like to be an ox and a horse for an insect adult!"

Chu Chong looks at the other knights.

Several other knights also said, "I'm willing to be an ox and a horse for the insect Lord!"

Chu insect complexion a change, scold a way: "have no any sincerity! Kill

The flames flew out and engulfed the Knights. The flame of Shenhuo team roasted them into coke.