"Ah The boy was shocked and turned green. Looking at the charred body beside him, he immediately retched.

"You're still called a knight? When you see the body, you retch here. " Chu Chong narrowed his eyes, "it seems that you are quite insincere."

"No, no!"

The young man forced himself to resist retching and said: "I just graduated from training camp and joined the Firebird order not long ago. This is my first mission

Chu Chong looked up and down, the boy... Very white, well, it should be delicious. Wait a minute. What am I thinking? I began to become abnormal, Chu Chong can see that the youth is not old.

"What's your name?"


"How old is it?"

"16 years old!"

Chu Chong looks at him with new eyes. At the age of 16, he entered the order of Firebird knights. This boy is a genius.

Not bad.

"Sign this."

Chu Chong floats past a contract.

It's the slave contract.

Corell looked at the contract, although he did not know the font, but it can clearly understand the above meaning. To make him a slave? How can he sign such a power losing and humiliating treaty

"OK, I'll sign it right away!"

Corell happily pressed his fingerprints on it.

Dignity is precious, but face is more valuable.

But for the sake of life, both can be thrown away.

Young man has a future!

Chu Chong nodded, satisfied with Corell's current affairs.

"Lord, I'll rub your legs..." Corell said. He was about to come.

"Go away."

Chu Chong thinks that he should forget his body shape.

Chuchong looks at Corell's panel.

At level 23, the four dimensions are average, but there are quite a lot of combat skills. Such as copper, iron, lightning and so on.

The human body is not strong, and the strongest human is not strong enough. The most powerful thing for human beings is their ability to learn. As long as you have enough savvy, you can understand one skill after another. Whether you are active or passive, you can steadily enhance your strength.

Corell's level is not high.

But it's more difficult for humans to upgrade than beasts. Perhaps it is the price of human beings' super savvy that makes them lose the ability to upgrade at a high speed. Say, and some race level super high race have a fight, under the same level, some human genius, is qualified to fight with those old monsters.

Human beings only have differences in talent and understanding, but there is no such blood difference as race level.

There are also extremely subtle differences. At most, it's just the level of "whose children are stronger.".

Corell has many skills, not only direct attack skills, but also passive and long-range attack skills. There are very few auxiliary skills. There is only one "weakness puncture" and the level is very low.

Loyalty... Poor.

There are only 20 points, which is the degree to which rebellion is possible if one does not agree.

But Chu Chong didn't care. Anyway, it's a slave contract. It doesn't matter if you rebel or not.

"Lord, what do you want the little one to do?" Corell squatted on the ground. Dignity was thrown quickly by the boy, as if he had been eaten by a dog. "As long as I can do it, I will do it even if it's cooking oil!"

Chu Chong's stomach Fei, the boy said so on the surface, but he wanted to kill me in his heart

"What I want you to do is simple." As for the use of Corell, Chu Chong already had an idea, "go back to the fortress and continue to be your Firebird knight."

"OK, even if I eat yours... What? I'd like to hear it wrong. Can you say it again? " Corell was in a trance.

"What would you like to eat?" Chu insect angry way, "can you have a little ambition?"

Corell quickly bowed his head: "Lord, what you taught me is!"

Chu Chong sighs. He doesn't know whether it's good or bad to accept this unruly boy

"Listen, there's only one thing I want you to do."

"Go back to the fort and give me useful information."

Humans don't know when they will attack Chu insect's nest again.

Next time, it's not just a White army this time. And that RAH, according to the tyrant's report, seems to have a strange hatred for the beast... That bastard has escaped, and will not give up. And Leon. Chu Chong doesn't have any advantage in news, so Chu Chong wants Corell to go back to the fort and be a Wuzai. In this way, Chu Chong will have more time to prepare.

What's more, Chu Chong is also very curious about the human civilization in this world.

If there is one more channel of information about animal chaos, we will have more assurance.

Chu Chong likes to have everything in his own hands. We can see it from the monitoring stations all over our territory.

Corell was very happy. As long as he could return to the fortress, he could say anything. You don't have to live a life here... As for delivering news, just deliver it! When the time comes, the sea will be wide and the sky will be high and the fish will leap

"By the way, you don't want to betray me." Chu Chong said with a smile, "one of the functions of the slave contract is that I know all your thoughts as long as I want to. For example, you just wanted to be a fish Leaper... "

Corell's face changed and he said with a flattering smile: "how can I be loyal to the Lord? That's a lesson from heaven and earth. Loyalty is not the same..."

"Stop talking." Chu Chong scolded, "remember, as long as I have an idea, your spirit will be completely destroyed by me. Your life and death are in my hands. Don't make me smart! "

"I see." Corell now realized how unreasonable the contract he signed was.

"Well, I'll give you a dress."

During this period of time, Chu Chong also produced tailor locusts.

Soon, it was transported out of the nest. It had the same inner lining as before. The difference was that there was no armor.

After wearing it, Corell gritted his teeth, picked up pieces of armor from the side, and cut out many wounds on his body. Several pieces of armor were stuck in his body.

The blood ran out and wet the clothes. At the same time, his clothes were also in tatters. It seemed that he had just experienced a big war.

Corell's face was a little pale, and beany sweat came down. Chu Chong looks at him with new eyes. I didn't expect that he has such courage.

"In this case, the credibility will be higher!" Corell laughed weakly.

"Well done." Chu Chong patted Corell on the shoulder with his slender forelimb, "don't worry, I won't treat you badly after you follow the worm master."

"I'll let the locust take you a long way, and you need to walk the next way. But I'll have a legion around to escort you. "

"If you ask, you can say that your Firebird didn't die at the first time, but still had a breath to take you out of our encirclement. But after rushing out of the encirclement, you fly as hard as you can, and the Firebird has no breath of life at all, so you trudge all the way back to the fortress. "

This can add some rationality.

After all, it is almost impossible for a young knight who is seriously injured and may be hunted to return to human territory alone.

"I see!" Corell nodded.
