Chapter 111 - There Were Two Paintings

[Time had passed since the last chapter to now]

Ying Yue sat up rubbing his eyes and sighed when he saw he was alone. Looking out of the opened window, he hummed with his eyes closed.

After the defeat of the Face Stealing Ghost, things had calmed down. The sect leaders had assigned the North Sector chancellor to lead the sector, since Sect Leader Bo did not have kin. All the sectors were decorated with warding charms that would send a signal if a strong demon or ghost were to enter the sectors, alerting everyone. Similar to his master's.

His brothers and he had returned and they were currently at the cabin. Lady Nuying and her child had been staying with his elder brother in his room. His kind brother was busy writing letters and when the blonde asked who, the brunette would just grin and push him out of the room.

Things were quiet and calming, almost like when they were younger.

Ying Yue got up and picked up Snow, who was still too small to be a warrior like he was.

"Do you miss being big, Snow?"

The kitten blinked big blue eyes at him and he sighed out a smile. Petting the snow leopard, he hummed the tune of his song for his lover. Once he was finished, he picked up his pet and headed out of the room.

Lady Nuying was sitting at the table with her sleeping child in her arm, drinking tea peacefully.

"Lady Nuyung, how did you sleep?"

"Very well," the female said softly with her ears reddening, "And yourself, Heaven's Chosen?"

"Please, call me Ying Yue. I slept well enough," he smiled.

The female offered him a teacup and he thanked her.

"What is your child's name?"

"Ah," she looked down at the sleeping child in her arm, "… I want to name him after the Ghost King, but your brother was not fond of it."

He let out a laugh and nodded.

"My brother isn't fond of the Ghost King."

"He said as much," the female smiled at him and he returned it. Petting a purring kitten on his lap, he stared at the child, once with one eye, now had two and bouncy pink curls on the head.

"Could you tell me more, about when the Ghost King helped you?"

Lady Nuying blinked at him with her dark eyes and nodded.

"I told Ah Ling that I was to return to the Netherworld because I knew what we did was against the heavens. I did not wish punishment on him and left him in such a cold manner," she sighed, "When I stood before the portal, I hesitated. I… care deeply for him in such a short amount of time, but love to my kind was unheard of, Ying Yue. Your brother is righteous and strong, a warrior of the heavens. How can I dirty him?"

She ran her fingers across her child's face, earning a pleased sound from her son.

"The Ghost King came to me and I was fearful of what he would do. He is a just king, but a hard one to please. I feared he would kill me if I do not return, so I hurried and stepped forward, but he held my arm back. I froze because I had no idea what he was going to do. Punishment from my king was said to be death. He… he placed his hand on my stomach and searched my face. Then he told me I was with child."

She laughed suddenly and caught herself.

"What is so funny?"

"When he told me this… I threw up on him."


"Hmm," the female smiled, "I was appalled at myself. Was I that scared that I had to ruin whatever reputation I had? My king just stared at me and took out a cloth to clean my face. I wondered what I did to be treated so kindly by him. The Ghost King offered his palace to stay and when I entered, the place was not well kempt."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Lady Nuying looked at him before looking down at the tea steaming from her cup.

"You look like the portraits."


"There was a shrine that looked cleaner than the entire palace. There were two images, both of pretty young men."

"There were… two paintings?"

The pink haired demon drank her tea and side eyed him as she continued.

"The Ghost King said they died young because of him, a regret he will carry for the rest of his life."

Ying Yue felt his heart was hurting for his lover. Twiddling his thumbs on his lap, he swallowed down the lump in his throat. He imagined how long his husband waited for them, how he would stand outside in the cold praying for their return.

Placing a hand on his heart, he could feel the other soul that belonged to Sheng Shui pulse in sadness.

"He cared for me very well. Made food for me, cleaned my skin, dress me, everything… he is a kind king."

"He was… he was alone?"

"Yes. He also was there when I gave birth to my son," she paused to let out a quiet laugh, "My king was more scared than I was."

Ying Yue smiled, but there were too many questions running through his mind. What did Lady Nuying mean Wang Li was the only one in the palace? What did she mean when the place was desolated?

It didn't make sense to him. There were his family there and the palace was beautiful when he returned from the other world.

"I stayed at the palace until I felt I stayed too long. I was taking advantage of the kindness my king was giving me, a lowly demon. When I told him I was to leave, he offered the temple dedicated to him. I was surprised someone was worshipping my king."

"You… you don't know who?"

"No, but I am thankful for whoever it was."

'Could it be Sect Leader Zhi and his brother? He didn't say they made more…'