Ying Yue nodded in agreement and took a sip of his tea. The sound of a waking child caught their attention. Black eyes blinked opened, before his face scrunched into a cry. Lady Nuying shushed as she placed the child's head against her shoulder, rubbing his back.

A door slammed opened and the adults turned to see the redhead, hair strayed and out of place, looking alert. The tension eased and he sighed sitting beside the female. He held out his arms for the child and the woman placed the crying baby in his arms.

"Why must you cry, little one?" Gruff voice questioned as his big brother stared at the child's face.


"Mm," the man nodded and the child patted his face, before sticking baby hand in his little mouth no longer crying.

"He's gotten too used to you already," the pink haired female frowned.

"He is my son," Xu Ling smiled softly at his son, who babbled contently.

"That he is," she sighed and saw Xu Ling turned to her, mouth close to touch. Her cheeks flushed and she leaned back, coughing behind her sleeve.

Ying Yue found himself grinning behind the cup as he watched the couple before him. Was he like this with his husband?

"Here, Ah Ling," Lady Nuying handed a cloth to his brother and he leaned in interested.

The redhead held the cloth in his hand and glanced up at her. She avoided his eyes by looking at their son petting the kitten.

"Thank you, my peach."

Lady Nuying flushed red and received a soft smile from her lover. She pushed his shoulder softly embarrassed but there was a smile on her lips.

"No! No!" The child clapped his hands and watched as the snow leopard hop onto his hind legs twisting.

Ying Yue watched and found himself feeling happy, yet…

["Ah Li," he laughed watched Snow jumping and twisting around his lover, "What is happening?"

"Just watch, Ah Yue."

Wang Li bent and clapped, making Snow jumped onto his back hopping on his hind legs, before jumping back down. Ying Yue found himself laughing for a while and he rushed to his little family when they both turned to him smiling.]

"No! No!" The child laughed and Ying Yue pulled away from his memories. Smiling, he looked over at his brother's little family.

'I am happy for you, big brother. I pray for your happiness.'


Two Autumn Festivals had passed since he saw Wang Li. Snow was still a kitten and had not recovered from the pill. Speaking of the magic pill, his brother had asked if he had taken the container for them.

"I have not brother, did you lose them?"

"The only time I left my bag was in my rooms. Do you suppose someone looked through it?" The brunette questioned rummaging through his bag, pulling out items until the sack was empty.

"I hope not, Ah Mo. Should we ask the sect leaders?"

Ying Yue had knelt to look through the items that were covering the floor. His brother threw the empty bag and sighed, running fingers through his brown hair. Frowning, the medicine man crossed his arms.

"No, whoever took it would be in for a surprise when they turn into a child."

"But… wouldn't that be wrong of us to let it be?"

"Was it not wrong to steal something that isn't yours?"


"Then this is the consequence, little brother."

Ying Yue nodded slowly, still not happy with what had happened.

"Brother… they could remain as a child for years… Snow still have not returned to normal."


"Were there… a lot?"



"A bottle full."



"I will send out letters for them."

"Ah Yue… what I made is not sold… it is considered to be… uh… unacceptable."

"… Ah Mo…"

"Just… I will go and search for it. Do not tell anyone, Ah Yue, not even big brother."


"Ah Yue, please. It will not be a lie if no one asks, okay? Please?"

Golden eyes stared at him as his brother pleaded with him. He found he sweat dropped seeing such a strange look on Han Mo. He figured the brunette was right… it wouldn't be a lie if no one knew or asked about it.

"If someone asks me, then I will tell."


Han Mo hugged him and he let out a laugh. Helping his brother packed, he watched as his brother spoke with the elder. He wasn't sure what the brunette told the redhead, but there was an agreement that led to his kind brother waving goodbye. Waving back, he smiled and prayed for his brother's safety and hasty search for the items.

"Are you not packed as well?"

Ying Yue turned to his eldest brother with furrowed brows. Tilting his head, he sent questioning eyes to the redhead.

"Are you not traveling to the West Sector?"


"Was our brother lying?"

Xu Ling stared at him with a straight face, but the child hanging off his back laughed and called out 'Uncle, uncle!' did not send the intimidation his brother was looking for. Clearing his throat, he nodded slowly and offered an apologetic smile.

"I must have forgotten why I was needed at the West Sector."

"Sect Leader Yang had stated his painter had returned. He would like to paint you bare once more."

"What?! Wasn't…. wasn't once enough?"

"Seems he wished for more," the redhead grabbed the child to move before him, pecking the forehead of white skin. Placing the child down, he looked over at the blonde and sighed.

"Are you going?"

'I have to now…'


So packing up and heading out, he waved goodbye to everyone at the cabin and took Snow with him. As they were about to enter the West Sector vicinity, he felt his spine froze and his hairs stand. The energy… Ye Wu must be somewhere nearby. He searched around him, looking up and down and everywhere he could look to not find a thing. Frowning, he pulled out a defense charm before him.

If Ye Wu, the strongest demon he had ever faced were to show up… he took a deep breath and centered his qi. Then the demonic energy disappeared, like it was never there. He did not ease up his tension until he knew for sure the energy was gone. Snow looked at him with tilted head, watching him with big blue eyes.

'If Snow didn't feel anything… was I just imagining it?'

Letting out a breath, he put the talisman back into his sleeves and headed through the warding charmed barrier. He held onto Snow as people bowed to him and he bowed back. Heading to the palace, he was brought to where Sect Leader Yang was currently sitting. He could hear hushed voices and he waited outside, as the guard knocked on the wooden door.

"Sect Leader Yang, Heaven's Chosen has arrived."

He heard shuffling to the door and it opened to reveal an excited brunette.

"Come, Heaven's Chosen! Come meet my wonderful painter."

He was dragged inside and he stumbled forward, but felt hands holding onto his shoulders steadying him. Glancing up, he found his jaw dropped open with his golden eyes staring at the man. He heard the leader in green speaking, but he couldn't comprehend what was being said.

"Heaven's Chosen, are you alright?"
