Chapter 189 - We Created You

Wang Li ran his fingers through his lover's hair as Ying Yue sat before him. He combed it before parting it into large strands. Braiding his wife's hair, each fingernail dragging lightly across scalp, earning a low moan.

"Hm, maybe I should do this more often," he chuckled and kissed his lover's temple.

"Please spoil me," Ying Yue sighed and he tugged the strands to have his wife's head bent to face the ceiling, giving him a perfect space to kiss his lover.

"Am I not keeping you from your duty, my love?" He whispered to the platinum blonde.

"You are a terrible distraction, my husband."

He laughed against his beautiful wife and sighed, rubbing their noses, then placed a kiss to the tip. Moving back to his task, he hummed a tune they both recognized while he finished tucking and pulling on the light strands.

Ying Yue joined in the hum and ran his thumbs over his king's knees. Closing his eyes, he could still remember him playing for Wang Li, which ended with them having sex. Then he remembered when he returned from a different world, fell in love with his king, and was very nervous to play it for his husband. That led to some of his memories unblocking and their separation once more.

"Ah Yue," Wang Li kissed his pulse point at his neck with arms wrapped around him, "I have finished."

"Thank you, my love."

Ying Yue did not move from his spot and Wang Li did not speak after that. They sat on the floor staring at nothing, just enjoying one another's scent. No one interrupted them as they spent 3 full moons in their room wrapped around one another.

Ying Yue was not stupid. He knew something was going to happen, something always does when his husband was with him for more than one moon. Letting out a sigh, he spoke up with his eyes closed and heart squeezing.

"You are leaving again. You always have to leave…"

The arms around him tightened and he clutched them like an anchor in the rolling sea. Always, always, always leaving him. He could never keep his husband with him. It must be him. There were no curse left holding them back.

"Is it Ye Wu?"

Wang Li planted kisses on the back of his head and his temples. His body was turned to face his husband and kisses tried to distract him, but Ying Yue needed to know. If Wang Li were to leave him again, he really would not be able to heal his heart, or wrap it in bandages any longer.

"Ah Li, please. For how long? For whom?"


"Ah Li…"

His handsome husband parted his lips and before words escaped, blood wrecked out of his throat. Ying Yue's eyes widened watching his lover turn away to cough blood once more. His mind was shouting at him and he clutched his lover tighter to him.

"No. No. No, No, NO, NO, NO!"

The platinum blonde shouted as tears pricked his eyes. Quickly reaching for the handkerchief he was working on, he pressed the light blue silk against his lover's lips. Sweat dripped from the raven man's temples and dripped down his prominent chin. All Ying Yue saw was a repeat of the past. One he thought they long passed.

Wang Li turned to him and pulled away from the hand on his mouth, offering a smile, but it did nothing to ease anything from Ying Yue. His wife, beautiful, kind, perfect Ying Yue looked terrified. Wang Li sighed and grabbed his hands, rubbing them gently.

"You're making me a handkerchief..."


"A beautiful color, my love."

"Ah Li..."



"Jade Emperor," the Ghost King spoke quietly and closed his silver eyes.

Ying Yue furrowed his brows before he was graced with the golden light from Heavens.

"Chosen Ones."

"Jade Emperor," he bowed with his hands still in his lover's.

"While you were wasting your time with your husband, you've forgotten your path."

"My path is to bring balance, balance is here. I do not see an issue with me spending my time with Ah Li. Whatever is wrong with him, tell me how to fix it, please."

He heard the Jade Emperor scoffed and he glanced at Wang Li who was staring at their hands.

"You do not understand how entwined we made of you both."

"Please explain. No more lies or misinformation, Jade Emperor. Speak the truth, please," Ying Yue said sternly and tightened his hold on his husband's hands.

"Very well," the Jade Emperor spoke in a regal tone as always, but there was a somber tint within his words.

"When we blessed the Ghost King with his gifts, we were certain he would complete what we wish of him, but we soon realized the boy, birthed from a mortal, would have evil thoughts, corrupting the good we gifted him. So, we created you."


Ying Yue furrowed his brows with a frown.

"You have no parents in this life, your past life, not even in the new world."

"That… that doesn't make sense. I must be birthed from a woman. How else could I-"

"You were created, Chosen One. Birthed from the ground, solidified through fire, and bathed in the water of the Heavens. You were pure, no evil touched you… at the time. You, the one we gifted far more powerful than the man beside you, to bring forth balance when the boy becomes evil. You know this."

"I did not know I was… created by the Heavens, but… yes. I know of my mission, but that was completed. Wang Li should be able to stay with me freely. He is not stuck anymore, Jade Emperor. He died!"

He could not believe the Heavens were going to separate them once more!

His husband leaned forward, pressing soft kisses on his temple and cheek.

"Why aren't you upset, Ah Li?" He sent his furrowed brows to his lover and his king sighed.

"Did you not realize it, my love? When I am with you, the demons are stronger, appears more… it costs Ah Hien's life and your students to leave," Wang Li cupped his shaking face, "And your need to be please by me when I am here… It is the truth, my love."

"No!" Ying Yue pushed his lover and removed the touch on his face, "It cannot be the truth. There must be another reason, Ah Li. I am tired of you being away from me because of them! I only wish for you not only to please me. You are my husband, we should stand beside one another, not apart! The… the increase of demons can be taken care of and I know… I know Ah Hien would wish for us to be together, not apart."

"My wife-"

"Don't, Ah Li. Don't tell me otherwise. I am tired of this. You belong to me as I belong to you. They cannot stop us anymore. You told me! You told me we will create our own fate!"

He was huffing and panting from his speech. Wang Li's eyes tightened and lips thinned. It was a look that Ying Yue recognized, one that said he should stop speaking nonsense. Ready to force his husband to listen and believe him, the Jade Emperor spoke up.

"Chosen One. Your purity is corrupted and the world is unbalanced. In order to fix this, the Ghost King must return."

"How is it unbalanced? It IS balanced! I have students who are strong and prepared to face any enemy. I have my brothers and nephews who can lead and send ghosts and demons back. The sectors are all on good terms with one another. There is harmony. The world is balanced!"

"The world will never be in balance."

"What?! It is! You just don't want us together! You keep taking him away from me! I won't let you do it again, Jade Emperor."

"Child! Do you not understand?! This anger, this incessant need to be with the Ghost King, these are all increased the more he is here. Listen to me," the golden light said sternly like a father reprimanding their child, "In order for you to stay pure in mind and soul, you have no need for anger or hate. Only love, compassion, hope.

We knew you could be tainted by the human realm, so we connected you to the Ghost King. Any impure thoughts, feelings, will all go to the Ghost King. Do you understand now, Chosen One, this anger you are feeling will be released to your husband ten folds."

Ying Yue's eye widened and he glanced at Wang Li in question. His husband stared at him with sadness but offered a smile to him.

"That… that can't be true," he whispered.

"Let me remind you," the Jade Emperor spoke in a strong tone, "When you met the Ghost King as a child, you were starting to develop thoughts, feelings that led to your obsession. This only strengthened the Ghost King's obsession for you."

Ying Yue felt his eyes widened and he stared at his lover who reached for his trembling hand.

"Your shameless thoughts, your unending need for him, only pushed his mark to release."

"No," he shook his head.

"Yes. You were his curse, but we did not factor in how strong your feelings would become."