Chapter 224 - Alt. Epilogue: 8 Of 10- I Miss You

"Ah Yue," Wang Li whispered lying beside him. He turned so he was facing his friend, "I will be leaving."

"You're going home now? I thought you were sleeping over?"

"I meant leaving my home. I am old enough. I do not wish to be bound to another I do not care for."

"But… can't you just tell you mother?"

"She will not listen. We argued before I came to you. She thinks I am useless."

"You are not!"

"Ah Yue…"

"Where, where will you go?"

Ying Yue pressed his face against his friend's chest and held him tightly.

"Will we be able to stay in communication?"

"I don't know. My mother is cutting off my allowance and trust. I have no money, Ah Yue."

Ying Yue could not believe Wang Li's mother would do that. To cut off financial stability of her own child… that made him sad for his friend. Pulling his head back, he searched his friend's face and held it in between his hands.

"Live with me."

"I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"I do not want to be a burden, Ah Yue."

"You aren't."

"Ah Yue," Wang Li sighed and held his wrists, "You will graduate soon, go to college, find someone to love, make a family. Don't let me weigh you down. I will find a place without my mother's money."

"When I get my own place, Ah Li, you will come stay with me."

"Hm? Not asking?"


Wang Li saw determination in those golden eyes and he closed his eyes. To be taken care of by a sweet man like Ying Yue, he was truly blessed. Placing a tender kiss on soft lips, he nodded.


Ying Yue gave Wang Li his phone, before he left. He would just get another phone and work a part-time job. From what he knew, Wang Li had sold off some of the items he had in his suitcase to pay for food and a place to stay. Some places were not in the nicest areas and that scared Ying Yue to know Wang Li was there, but it pushed him to work harder.

He was able to work as a cashier at a local convenient store.

The money he earned, he would save so he could travel to meet Wang Li. He tried to convince his friend to come with him, but Wang Li refused. The silver eyed man said he needed to prove his worth, whatever that meant.

Graduation came and he called Wang Li, asking if he would see him walk, but he remembered his friend was also graduating.

His parents smiled and cheered, they took pictures, ate a nice meal, and slept in a good home. Ying Yue knew it wasn't the same for Wang Li. A burning fire ignited brighter in him. He was going to succeed and Wang Li would not struggle any longer.

He applied to the local college to complete his undergraduate degree and applied for more jobs, hoping to earn better pay so he could afford an apartment. Then, he would not have to worry about Wang Li any longer because the raven haired man would be living with him.

"Ah Li! How are you today? Please be honest."

"Ah Yue," he could hear the smile, "I am fine. I am looking for a job right now. You?"

"Oh! I just got hired to be a clerk! I would be able to earn more, Ah Li! Then you can come stay with me."

"I would love to."

Ying Yue bit his lips and he tugged the hem of his shirt.

"Have you applied to college, Ah Li? We should apply together."

"Mm. Where have you applied?"

Ying Yue listed the schools and Wang Li agreed to apply to them.

"Really?! Ah, I hope we get in together, Ah Li!"

"As do I, Ah Yue."

There was a silence between them and Ying Yue felt his smile drop.

"I miss you."

Wang Li didn't reply and he tightened his hold on his phone. Did his friend not miss him too? He heard a ding, notifying him that he received a message. Staring at the name of the sender, he blinked for a moment. Opening up the attachment, he felt his face burn as a squeak escaped his lips. He heard the laughter from his friend and it only made him flush harder.

"Ah Li! This- This! Shameless!"

"When you miss me, you can stare at that picture."

Ying Yue covered his eyes but peeked through his fingers at the image.

"Now send me yours."

"Wh.. What?! I won't- Not like-"

"Any picture will do, Ah Yue. I miss you too."

Ying Yue thought for a moment before taking a picture of himself the way he was: hair astray and a tired face. He sent it and awaited the verdict from his friend. He gnawed his bottom lip and stared at the screen, as if he could see Wang Li's face.

"Beautiful, Ah Yue," Wang Li breathed out and Ying Yue flushed.

"Goodnight, Ah Yue. Be safe and I will see you soon."

"Goodnight Ah Li. Sleep well."

When they hung up, he was still staring at the blank screen. Getting ready for bed, he finished his nightly routine and slipped under the covers. He reached for his phone to make sure his alarms were on, only to be face to face with the image Wang Li sent.

Fresh out of the shower and bare chest damp with a sheen. Silver eyes sharp and dangerous stared at him and he…

Ying Yue covered his eyes again.

'Why did Wang Li send this to me?!' He cried inwardly, but he still peeked at the image sucking his bottom lip.


For the next year, Wang Li had been too busy to speak on the phone. They only had a few exchanges of texts before one of them were busy. Sighing, he looked at the clock to see it was time for him to return to work.

When he got home, he was exhausted and tired, but his parents were up, eyes bright with smiles on their faces.

"Honey! You got in!"


"You got accepted! I am so proud of you!" His mother cried hugging him and he found his lips stretched into a grin.