Chapter 225 - Alt. Epilogue: 9 Of 10- I Really Like You

They celebrated with a big meal and Ying Yue sent a picture to Wang Li. He laughed when he received a picture of Wang Li's meal: a bowl of instant ramen with the caption: 'Miss your mother's cooking.'

"Mother, Ah Li said he misses your food."

"When will he come visit? I miss that boy."

"He said he wants to make a name for himself first. To prove his worth or something."

His father smirked and cleared his throat, sitting tall.

"Son, is there something you wish to tell us?"

"Hm? I haven't hidden anything from you, father."

"So, your relationship with Wang Li had not changed since your mother and I saw him last?"


"Ying Yue."

"I… I don't know."

"Yue-er, we are fine with you providing Wang Li with a phone and money, but we are concerned that he… We don't want you to get hurt."

"Mother, father, Ah Li and I are planning to live together and if he gets in too, then we will go to school together. He said he found a job that paid him well, so I wouldn't need to help pay for bills. I trust him."

"My sweet boy," his mother cupped his cheek and proudness shined in her eyes.

"Alright. Yue-er, then let me tell you about sex and-"

"Ah! I don't want to know," Ying Yue covered his ears with his face flushed.

"I'm just saying. I don't have any experience with another man, but make sure you use protect-"

A potsticker was shoved into his mouth and he turned to see his wife covering her lips, hushing her laughter. His eyes caught his son's burning face and he shook his head fondly. This child was too innocent.


He stood at the campus and waited. Wang Li had called him and said he wanted to meet him. He found out his friend had gotten accepted as well and it made his heart soared knowing they could be together again. He ran his fingers down his platinum blonde hair, now down to his waist. Tucking his strands behind his ear, he wondered where his friend could be and if he should call him.

"Ah Yue."

Ying Yue turned quickly and he ran, jumping into his friend's arm. He felt kisses to his cheek and temple. Laughing, the blonde leaned back so their lips could reunite.

"How I missed you," Wang Li breathed him in and nuzzled his temple.

"You look well fed, Ah Li," Ying Yue smiled looking him over, "No more ramen?"

"No," Wang Li laughed, "My employer pays well."

"For paintings, right?"

"Mm. Ah Yue, let me show you a place I found. I think you would like it."

"Eh? When did you come here?"

Wang Li smiled slyly and took his hand. He was taken to a nice-looking car and he blinked his golden eyes. His friend pulled the door opened for him and he got it. He reached for the seatbelt, but Wang Li grabbed it first, kissing him in the process. He smiled into the kiss and heard the click of the buckle.

The silver eyed man sat in the driver seat and they took off.

The music was not on. Only the sound of the car and wind from the opened window was enough for him. His golden eyes just stared at Wang Li and wondered how he was doing, show him some paintings, who were his clients, so many questions and yet…

All he did was stare at his friend.

"Ah Yue, stare at me longer and I will eat you."

Ying Yue felt his entire face burning and he quickly turned away to face the opened window. Taking deep breaths from the wind pressed against his face, he bit his lips. Wang Li and his words were too deadly for him, but his heart yearned for them.

Golden eyes widened when they pulled up to a house, not an apartment.

The house reminded him of the one he grew up in and it made his heart soften. He exited the car with the raven-haired male and his hand was grasped once more. Walking up to the steps, Wang Li paused at the door and held both of his hands. His silver eyes were searching his face and his lips curled up, before flattening, then back up. Raven brows furrowed slightly and Ying Yue watched his friend's Adam's apple bobbed.

"Ah Yue. I really like you," he whispered and the blonde's ears reddened.

"I really like you too," Ying Yue whispered back with a shy smile.

Wang Li leaned forward and kissed his forehead, making him sighed content.

His friend opened the door and he walked in, seeing it was already furnished. Furniture, appliances, and mattresses were already placed. There were some paintings on the walls, but that was all the decoration in the home. He felt Wang Li's hand steered him to their room and he noticed two picture, blown up large to hang above the bedframe.

The ones they took before Wang Li left.

He smiled and looked at the end tables to see a picture of him tired, the one he had sent his friend. On the other side-

"Ah Li!" Ying Yue flushed and quickly laid the photo frame so the image was not showing, "Of all the pictures!"

Wang Li laughed and tackled him to the bed. He yelped and turned them over, causing Wang Li to do it as well. They rolled around the mattress, laughing as they tried to pin the other. Unfortunately, there was only so much space a mattress had, before they fell onto the floor.

Hands cushioned him from the fall and he blinked up at his friend. His heart raced with adrenaline and something else, something he did not feel when he was around other people. His mother had spoken to him about his relationship with Wang Li before he came. He wondered…

["My sweet boy," his mother sighed tugging his hair lightly, "You keep calling Wang Li your friend."

"He is my friend, mother," he frowned with furrowed brows, "Do you… do you not want me to be friends to Ah Li?"

His mother tapped his nose and smiled at him.

"You told me you've kissed."]