Chapter 226 - Alt. Epilogue: 10 Of 10- Will You Marry Me?

["Y… yes…" he stuttered out with his face warmed.

"Friends do not kiss, not in the way you told your father and I."


"Do you wish for more than that, honey?" His mother placed her hand on his head, "Are you afraid he would not feel the same?"


"My sweet boy," His mother sighed and held his head against her shoulder, "He cares deeply for you too."]

Ying Yue blinked in the touches against his face and the warmth of the body over him. He took in the smell of plum blossom and wood. He observed the soft silver eyes and the light smile on a handsome face.

"I love you," he whispered without thought and his eyes widened. Panic started to set in as his mind blanked and his heart hammered. He tried to struggle out from under Wang Li, but the man held him in place. Large hands cupped his face, making him look into the beauty above him.

"I love you too, Ah Yue."

Wang Li breathed out a sigh of relief as his entire body relaxed. He saw the flush cover freckled cheeks and cute ears. Leaning down, he paused over the blonde's lips and watched as golden eyes closed. Ying Yue leaned up and their lips touched. Fingers danced across arms and waists, as they continued to smile and laugh into the kisses.

Placing his forehead to the platinum blonde's, he took a breath of Ying Yue's honey rose scent. He stayed there for a moment, living in his lover's space.

Forcing himself, he pulled away. Wang Li stood, bringing his sweet lover with him, and stared at the blonde for another moment. His muse was smiling with lightly flushed cheeks and bright golden eyes. Kissing the hand he was holding, they returned to the living room.

Ying Yue felt as if his heart was going to burst. Wang Li said he loved him too. His heart was swooning and his mind danced with memories of their time together. Turning the corner to the living area, his eyes widened.

There stood his parents, grinning and bouncing where they stood. At the end of the couch was Snow, the large plush snow leopard he had won at the carnival. Why were his parents here and why didn't they tell him?

"Mother? Father?"

"Congratulations!" His mother cried happily and hugged him, before hugging Wang Li, "I am so happy for you two!"

"Thank… thank you," Ying Yue flushed and Wang Li bowed.

"No, the thanks are to you both for raising a kind and beautiful son. I am truly blessed to stand beside him."

"Ah Li…" he breathed out and felt a light kiss to his lips.

"I love you."

Giggling and stuffing his face into his lover's shoulder, he couldn't stop grinning. His parents ushered them to go sit down at the couch in front of the table. He smiled realizing his parents had made them a cake. He looked to see the writing and he found his face so hot, he could fry eggs with his heat. He glanced over at Wang Li, holding a ring and was smiling at him.

"Ah Yue, a promise ring that you will always have my heart."

"That doesn't say promise ring," he mumbled with big golden eyes as the ring slips down his ring finger.

"Mm," Wang Li chuckled softly as a redness dusted over his cheeks, "Will you marry me, Ah Yue?"

Wang Li whispered near him and his heart soared with joy. He looked over at his mother who was in the kitchen grabbing them plates and silverwares. He glanced at his father who was setting up his camcorder to video them. Then, he looked back into silver eyes that wavered and he grabbed his lover's face.

"Yes," he laughed and kissed Wang Li. When they parted, he couldn't help kissing him again and again.

"Kiss me anymore and I will have to tell your parents to leave," Wang Li whispered against his hot ear.

"They're your parents now too," he said back and Wang Li looked at him so lovingly, he could taste the sugar in the back of his throat.

They just stared at each other, hands in one another imagining their future together.

Ying Yue never thought the switch in guest would led him here. He would have to thank his classmate for switching, although without his permission, because he met Wang Li. Wang Li, the one who made his heart ache for him, soared for him, and burst into fireworks for him.

He knew in his heart that his lover, his future husband, would take care of him for all of his life. He internally promised to do the same.

Wang Li was glad he decided to be hosted one last time. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have met this beautiful blonde, his future husband- though he will call Ying Yue his wife because of his beauty.

He always thought Ying Yue was different, special, perfect. He was welcoming and so opened, that Wang Li could not take advantage of him. Ying Yue was his muse. A beautiful heavenly being that could do no wrong, while he did many wrongs.

So, he loved from afar, tried to put distance, but his heart always returned to Ying Yue. It belonged to his lover. It belonged to his wife.

They stayed that way, swimming in each other's eyes and heartbeats in synced with the other.

Leaning in, they kissed softly with matching smiles. They pulled apart, only to kiss once more.

At least, until his mother cooed and cried watching them, while his father struggled to operate the camcorder. They pulled apart to help their parents, but their eyes continued to catch the other.

'I love you.'

No matter how many distance they had, Ying Yue and Wang Li knew where their heart lied, who it belonged to, and who held it for eternity. They would always find one another in the end.

'No amount of distance would make me forget who my heart belongs to.'

Their life was in harmony. Their life was balanced.
