-2 Old Grimoire on the Breed of this World

— Human:

► Dentelian: Not a race strictly speaking, but like Jerico, they consider themselves as humans different from the others.

~Woman: Women are in the majority, so they have the right to more than men, despite previous laws. Most of them are in favor of men being more important in society, but they are afraid of the consequences that this could have.

~Men: Minority, men generally find themselves thinking like the women of this country, however, some may try, as in the past, to rebel. Most do as they are asked and simply work in the army, butchery or logging.

► Jerician: Not a race strictly speaking, but like Dentelia, they consider themselves as humans different from others.

~Man: Men are in the majority and lead the country with an iron fist, they have no desire to \"enslave\" women, but they think that women are more at ease in the \"professions\" they have been doing for hundreds of years: \"You can't change human nature in such a short time. \"is their sentences. They do not oppress women in any way, but restrict them on certain things (sometimes for their own good).

~Woman: A minority, they most often work in luxury jobs, take care of children, or for the less fortunate, in brothels. They have a protective device and they have the right to kill to defend themselves (which is sometimes misused).

► Amazons: A large tribe of women who live with the support of the Goddess Sama, they live from everything and nothing and reap the divine energy through all possible forms. Once in their lives (minimum), these women must have sex with a man to harvest sexual energy and give life. If the woman does not get pregnant, she becomes a pariah and joins another subclan of the Amazons, use either as seamstresses or as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

► Demiozes: A large tribe of men who live with the support of the God Tam, they live by drawing energy from the mountains, forests, and animals that inhabit them. They are comparable to monks, they should not touch the sexual energy once in their lives, however, this is allowed if ever the man is suffering or has a heavy sexual need.

► Javean: This is the only mixed tribe of Pangea, their only resemblance is a seal on their bodies that seems to belong to an ancient deity, it would have appeared without reason and each person with this seal would have headed towards Jave, a small self-proclaimed state between the sacred lands and Jerico.

~Woman: Women usually become witches or summoners. They have a big place in this small society because they are the ones who conduct the ceremonies for the transition to adulthood, etc.

~Man: Men generally become magicians or scholars. Their places are a little less important than that of women, but they still do everything else, and they are the ones who do the most research on mutant species and elders.

— Elf:

► Elf Sylvain:

► Elf Neifil:

► Dark Elf:

— Dwarf:

► Dwarf Rochefort:

► Dwarf Benin :

— Demon families:

► Common:



► Succubus/Incubus :




► Nightmare:



— Undead:

► Lich:

► Vampire



► Banshee:

— Families of Beast Men:

► Werecat:

► Werewolf:

► Wererabbit:

► Weresheep :

► Werecow:

► Werebird:

► Werefish:

— Exotic breed:

► Orc :

— Semi-liquid:

► Slime :

► Mixed flesh:

— Plant :

► Alraune :

► Dryade :

— Magic material:

► Automaton:

► Golem :



Precious stone:
