-1 Text of Laws


֍═֍═֍═֍►New text relating to treating of men◄֍═֍═֍═֍

֍►From Keal 11 Sama 417◄֍


On behalf of the Dentelian people, Congress proclaims the law of the united nations of Dentelia, the following decree issued by the legislature on Keal 11 Sama of the year 417, in accordance with the proposal made by Congress on 2 Sama of the same month, communicated to the Tribunate on the same day.



ART. 1 ► From El 1 Tam 419 onwards, the slavery of men will no longer be tolerated throughout the entire territory of Dentelia and will be severely punished.

2 ► On the same date, the camps reserved for men for their slavery will be abolished and/or destroyed and their men released and handed over to Elees' army, which would take care of escorting them.

~ 2.1 ► The big camps will have two more months to prepare.

3 ► Verbal, physical and sexual violence against men will be punished more severely than before.

~ 3.1 ► Harassment, whether sexual or not, will first be punished with a fine, before becoming more severe depending on the frequency of the problems.

~ 3.2 ► Self-defense is allowed, however, if the cause of the violence is not legitimate the punishment will be the same.

4 ► Several professions reserved exclusively for men will be opened to facilitate their reintegration into society.

5 ► All women wishing to have sex must carry an identity card that they must present to the man in question. The woman will then write down the man's name to make it easier to monitor births.

6 ► Marriages will be reinstated, however, from that moment, the woman will no longer be allowed to meet other men for sexual intercourse.

~ 6.1 ► The man will have to take the woman's last name.

~ 6.2 ► Mixed marriages between two races are allowed, but only with the agreement of the families.

7 ► If a child born and he is a boy, he must be declared to the Town Hall within two weeks and must then be blessed by the water of the sacred river.

~ 7.1 ► If the couple is divorced and the child is a boy, custody of the child is vested in the father.

8 ► A boy born in the territory of Dentelia enjoys the same benefits as the women who live there, in addition to enjoys severe legal protection.

~ 8.1 ► However, all these laws do not apply to Jerico's men, nor to the men of the 8 great families.


╠═► Additional laws ► [Added following the referendum of the Al 5 Mibi 427]

╠═► 9 ► The inhabitants of the capital Elees and the metropolises: Jal and Usile voted to ensure that the flow of men moving and living in these cities is severely restricted.

╠═► 10 ► Men must now be over the age of majority, that is mean, at least 17 years old to have sex with a woman.


— Signed and approved by the city's local elected representatives.

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— Signed by the representatives of the Congress and the Tribunate. And sealed with the seal of the state.

— Seen by the representatives of the 8 great families.