Chapter 501

During the operation at Barranquilla wharf, Ben Ali still knocked the trigger at the moment when he was under control, and the bullet penetrated the head of a special agent who was pressing on him, causing the death of a CIA special agent on the spot.

Fearing that the Medellin group would come to the rescue after learning the news, they succeeded in subduing Ben Ali. A helicopter immediately landed near the Barranquilla dock and quickly escorted Ben Ali to a ship moored off Colombia.

Along the way, Ben Ali's mouth was blocked to prevent him from committing suicide. His head was covered with a black hood. His hands and feet were chained together in cold fetters. Two people's secret service personnel were holding him up.

I don't know how long later, Ben Ali felt that the helicopter began to descend, and the sound of the sea could be heard in his ears. After the plane landed, Ben Ali was helped out of the helicopter. The headgear on his head was never taken off, but he was forced to get off the plane. I don't know how far he went. He was thrown on a cold chair, and then someone took off his hood. Ben Ali suddenly felt that there was a dazzling light source in front of him, making him blind.

"Who are you? Why did you arrest me? I'm just an ordinary tourist Ben Ali's subconscious defense.

"Tourists, do tourists carry guns? You also killed one of our men A sound comes from the back of the light source. The sound is processed by the instrument. The sound is very low. It sounds stuffy to the chest.

"Are you policemen? At that time, I thought that someone wanted to hurt me, so I fought back. I... "

"Well, don't quibble. We know who you are very well. You'd better be honest when you come here and say your name now!"

Ben Ali sat there without saying a word, holding his hand in front of his eyes to make his eyes more comfortable. At this moment, someone standing behind him supported his back with something, and then the strong electric current made the muscles on Ben Ali's back shrink together. He howled in pain, and the electric current almost made the muscles break.


About five minutes later, the man behind stopped. These people who extort confessions are torture experts who have worked together for many years. They know how to ask questions. Know what method can make people have how much pain, and how much harm this pain does to the human body, and whether it will endanger their lives.

The residual current kept Ben Ali's back muscles twitching. The pain was not enough to make him give in. But it angered him.

"You dog..." Ben Ali was shocked again before he finished speaking. As soon as the shock stopped, Ben Ali went on cursing. After more than ten times of this, Ben Ali had no strength to make a sound. His voice could not make a sound because of howling and cursing. His breathing became irregular, and even his consciousness was a little blurred.

The guy who had been standing behind Ben Ali and tormenting him went out. After a while, he called in a doctor in a white coat. The doctor opened Ben Ali's eyelids, examined the pupil's response to the light source, touched his carotid artery, and then shook his head at his companions.

"It doesn't matter. Today is just a gift. We have plenty of time to knock this guy's mouth open!"

The torturer, who had been standing behind the strong light source, turned off the light and asked his men to take Ben Ali out. Although Ben Ali had been tortured with some confusion, he still heard the last sentence. Ben Ali, the other person who just came in, is also clear. The guy obviously came to see if he could continue to suffer. Ben Ali vaguely felt himself lifted from the ground.

Ben Ali was dragged by two strong men. He thought he would be taken to a cell. But to his surprise, he was locked in a very low room with iron shackles hanging on his head. However, this space could not stand straight at all, because the height of the room was only a little more than one meter. Ben Ali was either bending over or squatting. There's no right to lie down.

This painful posture made Ben Ali's body extremely tired. He has now realized that these people are not police officers, nor are they members of the Colombian government army. These people should be intelligence organizations of the United States. The police and the military do not have such professional means of torture. They were tortured in a way that Ben Ali had never experienced.

Ben Ali had a good guess. The ship is a secret CIA base for extorting confessions by torture. The staff here are all torture experts within the CIA, and the reason why they want to work on a ship is because it is located on the high seas and will not be concerned by the media in the United States. Even the ship is not registered in the United States. This is another great advantage, because the maximum term of illegal detention is less than three years, and criminal acts under three years' criminal law overseas can be exempted from investigation by the judicial organs of the United States (that's why Guantanamo is so dark). Even if something happens in the future, no one here will be punished.

The staff who can work on this ship are strictly selected CIA torture experts. Some of them are doctors, some are psychologists, and of course, there are technical personnel and intelligence analysts specially transferred from the mainland. There are also some special talents engaged in the research of human physiology. If you think extorting a confession is just hanging the prisoner and beating him, you are too simple. Experts here can tell you that extorting confessions is actually a systematic science. And simple acts of violence don't make specially trained enemy intelligence officers give in.

CIA's research on extorting confessions by torture is absolutely the top in the world, because they have precious experimental data from Japan - experimental data from 731 troops. After the end of World War II, in order to obtain these data, the CIA even exempted the Far East military court from the war responsibility of Unit 731, and even appointed them as the CIA's senior advisers. These data have accurate data about various human experiments of Slavic and East Asian Mongols. And these three countries were the great troubles of the United States during the cold war.

It is impossible for a determined KGB or Cuban agent to betray his faith by the means of extorting confessions adopted by the police and the army, because these intelligence personnel have long been tested more strictly than this, and even some female intelligence personnel have to be tested sexually. In order for such a person to tell the secret hidden in his heart, a more scientific method must be used. On this ship, the most expert torture team in the CIA gathered.