Chapter 502

Three days later, Ben Ali, who had been tortured, finally gave in. According to the questioner's request, he answered his name, age and other simple personal information. He even got an apple as a reward for his honesty. On the fourth day, the questioner turned the topic to a new direction.

"What did you do in Colombia?" The voice that scared Ben Ali sounded again. Ben Ali had a good rest these days, that is, last night. At the moment, his heart has been completely desperate, because he seems to be told by someone in his heart, don't hold on any longer, such a day will only continue endlessly, say what you know, and end this kind of life is not good.

Maybe Ben Ali's thinking time is too long, and the questioner is obviously tired. So someone grabs Ben Ali's hair and presses his head into the pool.

"Woo Ben Ali was not prepared for this punishment at all. He thought he would continue to suffer from electric shock, but this time it was waterboarding. He is not ready to breathe, one minute is his limit. But soon another helper hit him in the belly with a stick. Now Ben Ali could not hold his last breath. He opened his mouth in pain, and water poured into his trachea and lungs. Just as Ben Ali began to see Venus in his eyes, the man who held him in the water lifted him up again.

"Ah, drink Ben Ali grew up, and his mouth was panting desperately. Just now, he choked on water and his lungs and trachea were burning. He kept coughing and vomiting.

"Well, sometimes being able to breathe makes people feel happy! In fact, why are you so stubborn? As long as you know, we can provide protection for you. You and your family can have a new identity. We can hide you in a place where no one knows, so that you can spend the rest of your life quietly. No one knows it was you who told the secret... "Taoist priest nagged and planned for Ben Ali's future life. He did so to let Ben Ali's will continue to collapse. This is actually a process in which quantitative change leads to qualitative change. As long as Ben Ali gives a little bit of valuable information, he will say more. Because the bottom line has been in the heart of a little bit lower, and finally inadvertently let a person completely confess everything.


After another two days of waterboarding, Ben Ali was put in a worse place, a water prison with no depth above his head. If he wants to breathe, he has to jump out of the water. But this is not easy, because his feet tied to a heavy thing, he simply can't long time will head out of the water.

Four days later, Ben Ali was sitting on the chair in the torture room, trying to hit the wall with his head, but even death was a luxury. Ben Ali can no longer support, he completely surrendered to the torture personnel here.

Ben Ali was immediately treated differently. His handcuffs were opened and he had a hot meal. He even got a cigarette, and the torturers didn't urge him to confess quickly. Because most people will abandon the painful way of life after enjoying it.

"I was introduced to Colombia. Originally, my client was not Escobar, but an American!" Ben Ali said intermittently.

"Americans? Do you know this man? " A polite middle-aged man sitting opposite Ben Ali asked without expression.

"I don't know his name, but his English has a strong accent. By the way, maybe it's Russian?" Ben Ali went on.

"If it's a Russian accent, why do you say he's American?" The questioner's tone is still very calm. Now that the opponent has begun to speak, don't make threatening or guiding behavior. This will make the questioner feel afraid. They may fabricate their own testimony. The wise way is to let the questioner speak calmly and patiently without pressure.

Ben Ali grabbed his hair, and then said in embarrassment, "I was once commissioned by this man in Cleveland to help him kill a person protected by the police. He gave us about a million dollars! So we are very impressed with him Ben Ali explained to the questioner.

"And escoval? Did he mention the identity of this man? " The questioner continued.

"I think his name might be Nikolay or something! I didn't work under Escobar for long. But I know that Nikolay got these weapons for Escobar. By the way, one more thing. Mr. Escobar once said that it's hard to imagine a lawbreaker willing to be someone else's man, but Nicholas's man is just a lawbreaker! I still don't understand what this lawbreaker means

"Lawyer, are you sure Escobar is talking about lawyer?" The questioner's mood fluctuated and he asked eagerly, which was not in line with today's interrogation strategy.

"Yes, I'm sure it's the pronunciation!" Ben Ali imitated the pronunciation again. He thought it was very similar to Russian, but he didn't know what it meant.

On the opposite side of the room is a single mirror, behind which is the commander behind the trial. These people have truthfully recorded Ben Ali's every move these days, and then they are studied by psychologists bit by bit. Psychologists will analyze Ben Ali's mental state according to these things, and adjust the interrogation strategy in time.

The word "lawbreaker" was quickly interpreted by the language experts on board. He said to his colleagues, "this is the code language of Slavic gangs, which is popular among gangs in Poland, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and other countries. The meaning of this word is the criminal who will never be punished by law. It is a kind of honorific name for a person with status in Slavic gangs, which is equivalent to the godfather in Italian gangs. To be a lawbreaker, you need to stand a strict test. There is a set of lawbreaker's code circulating among Slavic gangs. As a lawbreaker, he is required to never betray his accomplices, never cooperate with the government, and even take the prison as his home to commit crimes for his companions. "

"Never cooperate with the government, which is very interesting. That is to say, there should be no intervention of the Soviet government behind this incident? " Some people boldly speculated that if the Soviet government intervened in the back, things would be more complicated.

The intelligence was quickly sent back to Langley, the CIA headquarters. The intelligence director of Columbia anti drug program excitedly said: "well, we have a new clue now. We don't know much about him now. We know that he should live or once lived in the United States, and he is a great Slavic" lawbreaker "!"